《新生晚報》於1945年12月22日創刊,至1975年10月以後方告停刊, 出版時間長達三十年,廣受當時本土讀者歡迎。其主要副刊包括〈新趣〉及〈生趣〉, 前者主要刊登作家專欄及連載小說,後者則為綜合性副刊。初期由陳君葆出任社長, 高雄、梁寬、方龍驤、石人等著名報人均曾任該報編輯,三蘇、十三妹、董千里、平可、 西西、陸離、戴天、李英豪均曾在該報副刊撰寫專欄或連載小說。 《新生晚報》副刊蘊藏豐富的香港文學及文化原始材料,有待全面而深入的研究。 本計劃以《新生晚報》副刊為研究對象,從宏觀角度考察該報副刊如何影響香港文學 及文化地圖的繪製,分析該報副刊在香港文學發展歷程中的位置,從而追蹤香港文學 主體性的建立過程。另外,本計劃以《新生晚報》副刊為資料庫, 從微觀角度開展對個別作家、文人集團、文類、都市文化等專題的研究。 具體成果將以「口述歷史檔案」、「研究論文」及「作品及資料集」等方式展示。
The present project aims at examining the linguistic relationship between the Northern Min and its surrounding dialects. Known for several peculiarities, Northern Min has attracted attention from the academia for years. Most of the debates fall on the origins of one or two individual linguistic features. A systematical study on the whole linguistic body from historical perspective, however, has never been carried out. It is thus necessary to conduct a thorough study on this subject.
Northern Fujian encompasses a great variety of Chinese dialects, including Min, Gan, Hakka and Wu. Language contact is a natural result. Our project will make use of the modern theories of “language contact” and “language stratification”, in the attempt to achieve a better understanding of (1) the history of the Northern Min, (2) the mode of interactions between dialects, especially Min and Gan, and (3) the corresponding strata of different dialects.
Special concern will be placed on the historical documents written in Northern Min compiled / translated by the early missionaries. They provided invaluable information on a language of more 100 years ago. The language systems they reflected will be served as the basis of our discussions. In addition, a detailed dialectual survey will be conducted in the Northern Fujian region. The materials we gather will enable us to build a large-scale comparative work on language stratification.
All areas of the Northern Min will be studied: phonology, lexicon and grammar. The results of our investigations will be submitted to renowned journals in the field.
王念孫、王引之清代傑出的訓詁學家,他們晚年之作《經義述聞》、 《讀書雜志》是以札記形式記錄他們的讀書心得,前書解群經疑義,後書釋史、 子、集故訓,這些資料散見書中,查檢不便。本計劃擬將上述資料按字條、 詞條方式輯錄,編成《〈經義述聞〉、〈讀書雜志〉訓詁資料彙編》。 (以下簡稱《彙編》) 《經義述聞》、《讀書雜志》最大的成就,是因聲求義, 藉聲音以通假借,求語源。本計劃擬利用《彙編》輯錄的假借字、同源字等材料, 以察漢字假借、同源之理,並探二書聲訓的成就。
二書所舉經子諸書韻語,或析古音某與某韻部通。這些材料, 對理解王氏古音分部及合韻等問題,裨補甚多。本計劃擬從二書輯出上述資料, 據以考察王氏古音系統,並論其得失。
又二書釋義,每引《廣雅》以證成其說,二書闡釋《廣雅》訓詁, 除與王氏中歲之作《廣雅疏證》相互發明外,尚有新的體會。 本計劃亦擬輯錄二書所見《廣雅》資料及有關考釋,比對《廣雅疏證》, 以見王氏晚年治《廣雅》之進境。