For each project, student should submit a report in a journal paper format (The APS Physics Review (A,B,C,D) format is suggested). See, for example,
Light storage via coherent population oscillation in a thermal cesium vapor PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90, 043803 (2014)
For guidelines, see, e.g., "How to write a journal article?" (MIT)
This is a template for Physics Review A article in Latex and in PDF.
It is usually much easier to prepare a journal style report with Latex.
This is the offical website for Latex. You can find everything you want to know about it.
Here is A beginer's guide to LatexLatexguide.pdf from NYU.
This website https://www.sharelatex.com/ provides a full on-line solution for writing papers with Latex.
You may write and compile you lab report and export the PDF file with it..
You already learned data processing and
error analysis from previous labs.
In case you need a quick reference, here is a brief summary of error analysis, also from NYU.