To facilitate teaching and research of general education, Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education has been hosting regular GE Seminars. These gatherings provide GE teachers with a platform to get together to share pedagogies, insights, and difficulties, to help them come up with ways of improving their teaching. Apart from exchanges within the University, the Research Centre and the Office of University General Education use these gatherings as an occasion to report the latest developments in the GE Programme and research trends in different regions around the world, in order to broaden the faculty's horizons and encourage them to think about the development of general education in the University.

(Chinese version only)

A wide range of new initiatives is being introduced into the undergraduate curriculum as Hong Kong moves towards the "3-3-4" new academic structure. Tremendous impacts on the teaching and learning in university are anticipated. Initiatives of particular relevance are:

  • the change in the curriculum in senior secondary school, especially the introduction of Liberal Studies as a mandatory subject into the curriculum
  • a call for ever greater accountability and more intentional curriculum design which is manifested in the UGC’s advocacy for the outcomes-based approach
  • a renewed attention on the first year (or foundation year) of study and transition issues

This retreat aims at providing a platform on which, basing on information and data OUGE has gathered over the years as well as the participants’ first hand teaching experience, fellow GE teachers can reflect on and discuss the learning experiences of the current and prospective CUHK students and how we can assist them to be independent learners under the 3-3-4 curriculum.

Presentation materials:

With new initiatives being implemented every year, the Office of University General Education would like to update teachers with its latest developments while at the same time provide an opportunity for UGE teachers to network with each other.

Presentation PowerPointpdf logo