News >> 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
Bohan's work entitled “Intrapulmonary cellular-level distribution of inhaled nanoparticles with defined functional groups and its correlations with protein corona and inflammatory response” was published in ACS Nano! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]
Yolanda Lau, a Year 2 intern in the Choi group, received a Best Project Award 2019 from the CUHK Faculty of Engineering as part of its Undergraduate Research Summer Internship Program. Congratulations to Yolanda and her research mentor, Cola!

Reese XIAO and Shaorui LIU are starting their 1st year PhD studies in BME here in Bionanotachnology Lab. Welcome! Find out more about them here.

Cecilia passed her PhD thesis defense. Congratulations!

Dr Chen and Huize's work entitled “Specific delivery of oligonucleotides to the cell nucleus via gentle compression and attachment of polythymidine” was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces! Congratulations!!! [Abstract & Full Text]
Kit received the top prize for the Student Research Awards 2018/19 administered by the Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association. He also won the Best Paper on Materials 2019 administered by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Materials Division. Congratulations Kit!!
Kit passed his PhD thesis defense. Congratulations!

Cola's invited Accounts entitled “Nano-cell interactions of non-cationic bionanomaterials” was published in Accounts of Chemical Research! This new article provides a glimpse into our intellectual journey over the past 5 years and some points of reflection upon how our discoveries relate to the greater nanomedicine community. Prof Choi is indebted to the generous mentorship from his senior colleagues and unwavering support from his PhD students and postdocs, both past and present. Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]
Kit, Elaine, and Xiaolu's work entitled “Dopamine-mediated assembly of citrate-capped plasmonic nanoparticles into stable core-shell nanoworms for intracellular applications” was published in ACS Nano! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]
Elaine and Huize's invited review article entitled “Progress towards understanding the interactions between DNA nanostructures and the cell” was published in Small! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]