Obstetrics Anaesthesia 
Training Objectives
- Physiological change during pregnancy and its anaesthetic implication
- Anatomy, techniques and complications in neuro-axial block in obstetric patients
- Management of failed epidural/spinal blockade
- Pathogenesis, prevention and management of post-dural puncture headache
- Management and assessment of parturient with neurological deficit
- Systemic analgesia for labour
- Principle of intra-uterine fetal monitoring
- Informed consent for obstetric patient in labour
- Airway management in obstetric patient
- Prophylaxis and management of Mendelson’s syndrome
- Anaesthetic management of patient with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
- Management of massive haemorrhage, included antepartum and post-partum haemorrhage
- Management of other obstetric complications – aminotic fluid embolism, dystocia and uterine atonia
- Anaesthetic implication of placental previa and placental abruptia
- Anaesthetic implication of multiple pregnancy, per-term and abnormal fetal lying – occipital posterior, breech and transverse lie
- Anaesthetic management of obstetric patient for non-obstetric procedure
- Management of obstetric patients with co-existing disease – valvular heart disease, asthma
- Resuscitation of newborn