
Project ID Project Title Project Leader
Department Amount Granted
1 Interactive Learning of basic Hebrew, Greek, Latin Online Prof. Wong Kun Chun Eric,
Prof. Tan Nam Hoon Nancy

Prof. HA Keloon Louis
Divinity School of Chung Chi College

Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Centre of Catholic Studies
2 Interactive online self-assessment game: French “Jeu de l’Oie” Miss Nathalie ISELI Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages $82,000
3 Blended Learning and E-Portfolio in the Humanities (History) Dr. Ian Morley Department of History $55,000
4 eLearning upgrade for Health and PE and Exercise Physiology students Prof. Wong Heung-sang Stephen Department of Sports Science and Physical Education $50,000
5 Using Technology to aid Engineering Mathematics teaching Prof. Sidharth Jaggi Department of Information Engineering $60,000
6 Interactive Multimedia Clinical Cases System (IMCCS) for medical teaching and studies Prof. Hung Leung Kim,
Mr. Tsang Pak Leung
Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology $72,000
7 Development of WebCT and Moodel-supported animated Courseware in Cardiovascular Physiology for Medical Physiology Courses Dr. Isabel Hwang Department of Physiology $70,000
8 E-Toolkit in Public Health Dr. Fowie Ng School of Public Health $50,000
9 Improving web-based learning and teaching experience – the use of interactive tutorials with virtual clinical cases and the management of quiz-bank Prof. Mamie HUI Department of Microbiology & the Netheresole School of Nursing $64,000
10 Developing Pattern Recognition Skills: Training Medical Students to read Spinal and Chest Radiographs in a Systematic Manner Prof. Shekhar M Kumta Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology $80,000
11 Mobile Learning e-Device for Chinese Medicine students on Clinical Setting Prof. LIN Zhi Xiu School of Chinese Medicine $50,000
12 Establishment of an e-platform for teaching biochemistry courses and biochemical techniques demonstration Prof. Shaw Pang Chui Department of Biochemistry $82,000
13 Interactive learning of the Methods in Molecular Biotechnology Mr. Wong Chi Sun Molecular Biotechnology Programme $70,000
14 Digital Courseware for Self-learning and Practical Skill Acquisition in Biological Research Mr. LIU Man Fai Andrew Cell and Molecular Biology Programme $90,000
15 Techniques in Microbiology and Genetics: Fundamentals and Applications Dr. CHOW Cheung Ming Department of Biology $50,000
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