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CUHK Announces the Minimum University Requirements for JUPAS Application (2024 Entry)
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Requirements (2023 Entry)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) admits local students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination results via the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS).

Minimum University requirements for JUPAS applicants

Applicants shall have obtained in HKDSE

  1. Level 3 in Chinese Language^ and English Language; and
  2. Level 2 in Mathematics (Compulsory Part) and Liberal Studies; and
  3. a level as stipulated by the programme(s) applied for in two New Senior Secondary (NSS) subjects# as approved by the University from time to time.

^ Subject to fulfilling the following conditions, JUPAS applicants with very special circumstances may, at the discretion of the faculty deans concerned and on a case-by-case basis, be granted waivers of this requirement:

The applicants concerned

  1. should NOT have taken the Chinese Language subject in HKDSE; and
  2. should have obtained a pass grade or above in a Chinese subject or in another language subject (other than English and Chinese) in other recognised public examinations as approved by the University from time to time.

# The two subjects may include

  1. 2 NSS elective subjects; or
  2. 1 NSS elective subject and Mathematics (Extended Part) Module I or Module II.

Programme Requirements

In addition to satisfying the minimum University requirements, applicants shall satisfy the additional requirements of the programme concerned.

Check Out the Programme-specific Requirements in 2023