Education Undergraduate

Interactive lesson

Med 6 (final year) Very BASIC Acute Medicine course (2-weeks) (Lead teachers: Prof Wai-Tat WONG)

Brief outline and description

The format of the course is a blended learning (flipped classroom) course consisting of a course manual, e-learning material, skill stations and a smartphone application. The key part of the course is the skill station/simulation contact, and much of the course manual and the e-learning material is preparatory material to ensure that students get the greatest possible learning experience from the skill stations.

Course structure

  • The entire final year class is allocated to take the course over a two-week period. Students are required to read the Very BASIC (focused on the clinical aspects of acute medicine) and BASIC Patient Safety (focused on patient safety and communication aspects) course manuals prior to the course in June and to have completed the relevant e-learning material before attending each set of skill stations.
  • The skill stations/simulations are divided into three sets: basic, intermediate and advanced, with each set building on the knowledge and skills practiced in the previous one. The aim of the course is to teach the immediate management of severely ill patients on the wards, to a level that would be expected from an intern. We do not teach advanced organ support that is only provided in ICU.
  • The course comprises two manuals (Very BASIC and BASIC Patient Safety), numerous e-lectures, videos, interactive exercises, educational games, external links, formative assessments, 13 skill stations/simulations, and attachments to learn phlebotomy.
  • Assessment

    Summative assessment is by assessing the record of online activity, two testing skill stations, and a 1-hour MCQ paper. Students identified to be underperforming in skill stations may be referred for remedial instruction. All students must pass the course. Remedial instruction is provided and repeated examination attempts are permitted.


      I. Med 6 (final year) Anaesthesia Module (2-weeks) (Lead teacher: Prof. Wai-Tat WONG)

    Brief outline and description

    The anaesthesiology rotation is in the surgery module and groups of 18-19 students rotate through every 2 weeks.

    The course consists of

    • attachments to the operating theatre and related clinical areas such as acute pain service rounds, intensive care unit and pre-anaesthetic clinic;
    • tutorials on various topics likepre-operative assessment, intravenous fluid therapy blood component therapy, perioperative medicine, oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and pain management; and
    •   simulator sessions on assessment and management of various post-operative complications.
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    At the end of the rotation, students are expected to pass a summative assessment consisting of 30 MCQs.
    Final professional examination in surgery
    Our department sets and marks one Modified Essay Question (MEQ) and 10 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in the written examination. We also design, set up and mark one practical hand-on station in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE). The Hong Kong Oxygen Company offers a prize of $8000 for the final-year student who perform the best in the Very BASIC acute medicine course and anaesthesia module.

      Elective attachment

    We also have an active elective program with students visiting from as far as Australia & New Zealand, Europe and North America. A significant proportion of these students are Hong Kong residents studying medicine overseas. More information can be obtained at the website of the Faculty of Medicine (