Prizes and Awards

The Department has an active research program and has dedicated laboratory facilities. Some of the main areas of research are applied clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia, cardiovascular and respiratory physiology, neuro-anaesthesia, post-operative analgesia, quality improvement and anaesthetic procedures for managing the airway. There is a diversity of research interests producing some 50 publications per year and consistent research awards from the ANZCA.

Year :2019

Prizes of award The Best Original Research by Trainee Award (BORT) from Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Name of Awardee Dr. LING, Lowell

Prizes of award ANZICS Datathon Highly Commended Prize
Name of Awardee Dr. LING, Lowell

Year :2016

Prizes of award Second-class State Natural Science Award (2016) People’s Republic of China
Name of Awardee Prof. William WU


Prizes of award The Harry Daly Research Award from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
Name of Awardee Prof. Matthew Chan


Year :2015

Prizes of award Young Researcher Award (2015) by The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Name of Awardee Prof. William Wu

Prizes of award College Medal Winners College From Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand
Name of Awardee Prof. Charles Gomersall


Conference Prizes

Year :2018

Prizes of award Best Abstract ESICM EURO ASIA | HK
Name of Awardee TSE Ho Wai Andrew, LEE, Anna, LING, Lowell, JOYNT, Gavin


Prizes of award Top 3 poster prize award in the 5th SG-ANZICS Asia Pacific Intensive Care Forum, Singapore
Name of Awardee Miss Lai Ka Wai Veronica ,Prof. Lee Anna, Miss Leung Pui Nga, Prof. Wong Wai Tat, Dr. Ho KM, Prof. Charles Gomersall ,Prof. Joynt Gavin Matthew

Prizes of award Best trainee presentation prize in Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology, Hong Kong
Name of Awardee Lau LLN,Dr. Li Cheuk Yin Ara ,Prof. Anna Lee,Dr. CHAN Simon Kin Cheong

Year :2017

Prizes of award Food and Health Bureau Excellent Research Award for project
Title Anaesthesia-related complications in adult passive smokers
Name of Awardee Prof. Anna LEE,Prof. Tony GIN

Prizes of award 1st prize at World Congress in Anaesthesiologists 2016 under Research and Publications Track
Title Title: “The quality of reporting in pharmacokinetic studies of analgesics and sedatives delivered for more than 24 hours in adult intensive care patients: a systematic review
Name of Awardee Prof. Anna LEE ,Mr Andrew TSE

Year :2016

Prizes of award Best Abstract 16th World Congress Anaesthesiologists | HK | 2016 
Name of Awardee TSE Ho Wai Andrew, LEE, Anna, LING, Lowell, JOYNT, Gavin

Year :2014

Prizes of award First-class Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Natural Science) from the Ministry of Education (MoE) of China
Title Integrative research on molecular basis and potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for colorectal cancer
Name of Awardee Prof. William Wu

Prizes of award The Harry Daly Research Award from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
Title Epigenetic: regulation of chronic postsurgical pain with nitrous oxide
Name of Awardee Prof. Matthew Chan

Prizes of award First prize for oral presentation, 11th Evidence Based Peri-Operative Medicine (EBPOM) Congress, London, United Kingdom
Title The Effect of the Patient’s Age on the Quality of Supra-sternal Doppler Measurements Performed During Anaesthesia
Name of Awardee Prof. Lester Critchley

Year :2013

Prizes of award Second prize for Best paper of the meeting, Obstetric Anaesthesia 2013, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Title Determination and quantification of the interaction of local anaesthetics and lipophilic opioids administered intrathecally for labour analgesia
Name of Awardee Prof. Warwick Ngan Kee, Kim Khaw, FF Ng, Anna Lee

Prizes of award The Mundipharma ANZCA Research Award from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
Title Vascular events in noncardiac surgery patients cohort evaluation (VISION): Ntpro-BNP study
Name of Awardee Prof. Matthew Chan

Year :2011

Prizes of award

Asmund S Laerdal Memorial Prize from the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care

Name of Awardee Prof. Charles Gomersall

Year :2010

Prizes of award The Pfizer ANZCA Research Fellowship from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
Title Genetic determinants of persistent pain after surgery
Name of Awardee Prof. Matthew Chan

Year :2009

Prizes of award St Judes Medical Research Award from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
Name of Awardee Prof. Matthew Chan

Prizes of award Australasian Visitor for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) Annual Scientific Meeting in Auckland
Name of Awardee Prof. Matthew Chan

Year :2008

Prizes of award Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field Bursary, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA
Title Stimulation of the wrist acupuncture point P6 for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting
Name of Awardee Prof. Anna Lee

Year :2005

Prizes of award Australasian Visitor for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) Annual Scientific Meeting in Auckland
Name of Awardee Prof. Warwick Ngan Kee

Year :2004

Prizes of award Best Conference Paper Prize, 11th International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care Indonesia
Title Very High Dose Vasopressors Should Not be Deemed Futile - A Retrospective Observational Study
Name of Awardee Prof. CR Jenkins, Charles Gomersall, Gavin Joynt

Prizes of award Best Presentation OBSTETRIC ANAESTHETIST'S ASSOCIATION (O.A.A.) and Club d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation en Obstetrique (C.A.R.O.) Combined Meeting 2004, Versailles, France
Name of Awardee Prof. Kim Khaw

Year :2003

Prizes of award Discovery Health Clinical Excellence Award for Best Poster Presentation. South African Society of Anaesthesiologists Congress 2003, Sun City, South Africa
Name of Awardee Prof. Kim Khaw

Year :2002

Prizes of award Bronze medal, Best Original Research by Trainees in the HKAM Fellowship Ceremony
Title Alfentanil versus Fentanyl Co-induction with Propofol for Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion
Name of Awardee Jacqueline Hui