After more than a year of hard work, Release 1 of CUSIS was successfully launched on 5th July 2010 to support the 4-year curriculum as well as other strategic initiatives of the University in the coming years. CUSIS Release 2 was also successfully implemented on
22nd October 2010, further included a number of additional functions such as gradebook, academic advisement, and alumni management.
Following is the project timeline:
Taking into account the tight timeframe, the significant work required, and the academic calendar, Release 1 covered the following areas:
Student demographic data management
Student registration and Course registration
Course inventory maintenance
Academic structure
Capturing marks and grades
Calculation of fees due to students
Payments and receipts
Scholarship and loans application
Platform for CUSIS and other CUHK applications
The following is the coverage of Release 2:
- Exchange student information and outgoing exchange application management
- Managing grades and grades approval
- Scholarship and financial aid application and evaluation
- End of term processing and assessment
- Alumni management
Self service for alumni