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Earth System Science Programme
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A new integrated programme “Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC)” is introduced for admissions in 2022-23.
9 Dec 2022
- Lecture
Public Lecture: Large-scale Monitoring of Urban Environments by Fiber-optic Seismology: Lessons from Six Years of the Stanford DAS Project by Professor Biondo Biondi, Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, U.S.A.
5 Dec 2022
- Seminar
Source and Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles: from Typical Aerosol Particles to the Emerging Micro- and Nano-plastics by Dr. Yiming QIN, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
25 Nov 2022
- Seminar
Experimental Simulations of Planetary Interiors by Professor Bin CHEN, Associate Researcher, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S.A.
14 Nov 2022
- Seminar
Air Quality over East Asia: Trends and Broader Impacts by Dr. Shixian ZHAI, Research Associate, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, U.S.A.
11 Nov 2022
- Seminar
Satellite Gravimetry and Global Climate Change by Professor CHEN Jianli, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
8 Nov 2022
- Interview
Prof. YANG Hongfeng was interviewed twice in September by China Global Television Network (CGTN) on the Luding Earthquake in Sichuan province, speaking about the causes of the earthquake and what to expect in terms of observation period for secondary disasters following a major earthquake.
Facebook - Faculty of Science, CUHK
CGTN - 6 Sept (from ~10:34)
CGTN - 8 Sept (from ~13:16)
21 Sep 2022
- Interview
Professor WONG Tengfong was inteviewed by RTHK about the earthquake happened recently.
01 Sep 2022
- News
ESSC graduate YEUNG Chi Hang Henry received the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence (HKSES). He is now the PhD Student in Environmental Sciences at University of Virginia.
26 Aug 2022
- Seminar
A Leaky Himalaya? Streamflow Composition and Dynamics Affected by Rifts and Faults in the Yarlung Zangbo River in Northern Himalayas by Dr. FAN Linfeng, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
16 Aug 2022
- News
Professor YANG Hongfeng recently conducted comprehensive studies of the high-resolution structure & earthquakes near the Challenger Deep, and his team's recent paper was the research spotlight of AGU Eos
2-4 Aug 2022
-Summer Workshop
EASC Online Student Summer Workshop 2022
18 Jul 2022
- News
ESSC undergraduate student LAU Shu Lam received 2022 Innovation and Technology Scholarship
17 Jun 2022
- Seminar
The 2022 Tonga Volcanic Tsunami: Lessons from a Global Event by Dr. Adam Devlin, School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, China
18 May 2022
- Workshop
Our Geoscience Outreach Programme has conducted 18 activities to secondary schools and the public between Jan-April. One of them (「礦物的奧秘」) was co-organized with MoCC and the vido recap is now available.
16 May 2022
- News
Professor Arthur Cheng was appointed Honorary Fellow by CUHK in recognition of his exceptional achievements in geophysics and outstanding contributions to the University and the community.
25 Feb 2022
- Seminar
Seismic Imaging of Partial Melting in the Tonga Mantle Wedge by Professor Songqiao WEI, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, U.S.A.
6 Jan 2022
- Seminar
Remote Sensing of Land Deformation and Early Warning of Geo-hazards for Sustainable Development by Dr. Peifeng MA, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4 Jan 2022
- Seminar
Coupling Data Science and Numerical Simulations to Empower Atmospheric and Environmental Research by Dr. Zhonghua ZHENG, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, U.S.A.
28 Dec 2021
- Press Release
CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China
16 Dec 2021
- Features
Professor LIU Lin's article is covered in the lateset issue of CUHK in Touch
3 Dec 2021
- Seminar
Local to Global Drivers of Past and Future Sea-Level Change by Professor Nicole KHAN, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
09 Nov 2021
- Press Release
CUHK Scholar is the First in Hong Kong to Receive the 2021 John Wahr Early Career Award
19 Oct 2021
- Features
Professor TAN Yen Joe has been featured on CUHK frontpage -
Predicting When Volcanoes Are Going to Blow - The Axial underwater seamount acts as a real-time lab for Tan Yen Joe
6 Oct 2021
- In the press
Professor Francis TAM has been featured on Wenweipo
17 Sep 2021
- Seminar
Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Residence Time-scale and Its Control on the Global Overturning Circulation by Professor Julian MAK, Department of Ocean Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
16 Sep 2021
- News
EASC postgraduate student YAO Suli received the 2021 CUHK Outstanding Students Award.
13 Sep 2021
- Seminar
Urban Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Infrastructure for Smart Cities by Professor Wu CHEN, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
10 Sep 2021
- News
Professor LIU Lin received the AGU John Wahr Early Career Award
Eos AGU News
3 Sep 2021
- Seminar
Global Contamination of Mercury in Forested Landscapes by Professor Martin Tsz-Ki TSUI, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
27 Aug 2021
- Seminar
3D Carbonate Digital Rock Reconstruction using Progressive Growing GAN by Miss Nan YOU, National University of Singapore, Singapore
22 Aug 2021
- Press Release
Five CUHK Researchers Receive China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2021
20 Aug 2021
- Seminar
Building Resilient Coastal Communities: Coupling Typhoon Destructiveness and Social-Ecological Systems for Informed Planning by Dr. Muhammad SAJJAD, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
17 Aug 2021
- Press Release
CUHK Professor Detects the Amount of Water Entering the Earth’s Interior through Southern Mariana Trench for the First Time
13 Aug 2021
- News
ESSC undergraduate student WONG Wing Ching Jeremy has recently published an article as the lead author in Earth and Planetary Physics.
3 Aug 2021
- Seminar
Earthquake Monitoring and Modeling with Deep Learning and Numerical Simulation by Dr. Weiqiang ZHU, Stanford University, U.S.A.
27 Jul 2021
- Vacancy
CUHK Vice-Chancellor Early Career Professorships open for application till 30 September 2021. We invite outstanding young talents from around the world to join us as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor under the University’s new flagship scheme.
27 Jul 2021
- Seminar
Understand and Utilize Complex Seismic Wavefields to Mitigate Earthquake Hazards: From Earthquake Ground Motion to Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Fault Zones by Dr. Yixiao SHENG, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
12 Jul 2021
- Seminar
Understand Volcanoes and Earthquakes Using Physics-based Models by Dr. Chao LIANG, Géoazur Laboratory, Université Côte d'Azur, France
6 Jul 2021
-Summer Workshop
EASC Online Student Summer Workshop 2021
28 Jun 2021
- Seminar
Assessing Climate Forcing Using Remote Sensing and Ground-based Measurements: Examples from Land Use Change and GHG Emissions by Dr. Zutao YANG, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, U.S.A.
23 Jun 2021
- News
ESSC undergraduate student LAU King Hang received the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award.
Award Presentation Ceremony
22 Jun 2021
- Seminar
Modeling Volcano Breathing: A Path to Forecasting Eruptions by Dr. Yan ZHAN, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, U.S.A.
18 Jun 2021
- Seminar
Supercomputing of Earthquakes: Unraveling the Dynamics of Multi-Fault Rupture Cascades, Tsunami Earthquakes and Induced Seismicity by Professor Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Munich, Germany
15 Jun 2021
- News
MPhil graduate May CHIM Man Mei received the Croucher Cambridge International Scholarship in 2021 at University of Cambridge.
15 Jun 2021
- Seminar
Evolution of the Early Earth by Dr. DENG Jie, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
13 Jun 2021
- News
Professor Arthur CHENG Chuen Hon is 2021 recipient of the Honorary Membership Award of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
8 Jun 2021
- Seminar
Weather and Climate Risk Assessments of Population Displacements by Extreme Weather Events by Miss KAM Pui Man Mannie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
3 Jun 2021
- Seminar
Getting the most out of Hydrogeophysics: Examples from Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) by Dr. Michael TSO, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, United Kingdom
5 Mar 2021
- Seminar
How to Rock the Earth without An Earthquake? by Professor Wenyuan FAN, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.
16 Feb 2021
- Vacancy
A tenure-track faculty position in geophysics based on the "Madam Ng Yin Ying Early Career Professorship Scheme" is available starting August 2021 in the Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Outstanding candidates with research and teaching interests in all areas of geophysics are invited to apply.
23 Jan 2021
- News
PhD student YAO Suli received the Best Student Presentation Awards from the Eastern Section - Seismological Society of America Annual Conference. She also won the co-championship of the inaugural Science Faculty Postgraduate Research Day.
27 Nov 2020
- Seminar
Environmental Geomechanics for Cracking in Energy Resources Engineering by Professor Manman HU, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
19 Nov 2020
- News
Professor Gabriel LAU Ngar Cheung named fellow of American Geophysical Union
Eos AGU News
14 Nov 2020
- Seminar
Professor YANG Hongfeng organized a webinar on Induced Seismicity
14 Nov 2020
-Radio Broadcast
Dr. Tammy TAM and ESSC student LAU King Heng have joined RTHK radio programme "學友社及香港電台 - 奮發時刻DSE"
10 Nov 2020
- News
ESSC undergraduate student’s research leading to publication in peer-reviewed journal.
5 Nov 2020
- News
Professor YANG Hongfeng's given a few online talks at different institutes recently:
马里亚纳俯冲带南部结构与地震特征 at College of Oceanography, Hohai University
探索地震断层的摩擦性质 at Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA
7 Oct 2020
- Features
Professor YANG Hongfeng's studies about shallow earthquake have been featured on various media -
CUHK Press Release - CUHK Professor Investigates Extremely Shallow Earthquake Related to Shale Gas Production in Sichuan
HKET Topick (經濟日報) - 中大學者研究四川榮縣地震 估計由頁岩氣水力壓裂開採誘發成極淺層地震
Singtao (星島日報) - 四川頁岩氣開採 中大:會誘發地震
Phys.org - Unusually shallow earthquake ruptures in Chinese fracking field
23 Oct 2020
- Seminar
Induced Seismicity and Casing Deformation Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China by Professor Fengshou ZHANG, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, China
Sep 2020
- Features
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos has been featured on CUHK frontpage -
Project Evergreen - Amos Tai strives to find interdisciplinary answers to environmental problems
18 Sep 2020
- Seminar
Source Studies of Induced Earthquakes in Alberta (Canada) and Raton Basin (United States) by Dr. Ruijia WANG, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of New Mexico, U.S.A.
11 Sep 2020
- Seminar
Response of Tibetan Plateau Lakes to Climate Change: Trends, Patterns, and Mechanisms by Professor Guoqing ZHANG, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
9 Sep 2020
- Features
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos has been featured on GREENPEACE website -
【和你講氣候變化】科學家戴沛權寄望年輕人keep the passion going!
8 Sep 2020
- In the Press
Professor LIU Lin has been featured in local news by Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報財經新聞)
格陵蘭冰川專家劉琳警告 地球數十年內進入新狀態
2 Sep 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAN Yen Joe has been featured in local news by Tai Kung Pao (大公報)
中大研究「慢地震」 助了解地殼斷層
1 Sep 2020
- Press Release
CUHK Study Finds Slow Earthquakes Behave Similarly to Regular Earthquakes Than Previously Thought
Gives Scientists a Clearer Picture of How Energy Releases along Faults
21 Aug 2020
-Academic Counselling
Academic Counselling Session for New ESSC Students (2020 Entry) via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Time: 10:00 am
The Zoom meeting’s login details will be sent to new students through email.
For enquiries, please send email to essc@cuhk.edu.hk.
19 Aug 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis has been featured in local news by Ming Pao (明報)
環保意識:減碳救地球 防止風暴增強
11-12 Aug 2020
-Summer Workshop
Student Summer Workshop 2020
19 May 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis and Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos, together with other experts, analysed the impact of COVID-19 on climate change on CUHKUPDates.
Coronavirus: A Boon to the Environment? - CUHK experts analyse the impact of COVID-19 on climate change
8 May 2020
- Lecture
Zoom in to the Rocks by Dr. TAM Pui Yuk Tammy on ZOOM Into Science Online Lectures
Video Recap
9 Apr 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos and his team published a paper that shows air pollution affect the growth of plants in Hong Kong recently. This is the first research of its kind that is conducted in Hong Kong and it shows that ozone level in Hong Kong is high enough to damage plants. A number of media organisations have covered the research findings.
20 Mar 2020
- Lecture
Plants Breathe: How does it affect Weather and Air Pollution? by Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos on ZOOM Into Science Online Lectures
Video Recap
17 Jan 2020
- Seminar
High-Resolution Weather Predictions Using A Variable-Resolution Global Model by Mr. Raphael Yuk Sing Lui and Mr. Chris Chi Chiu Cheung, ClusterTech Limited, Hong Kong
10 Jan 2020
- Seminar
Ancient Lakes and Seas on Mars by Dr. Joseph Michalski, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong
6 Jan 2020
- News
Professor Shemin GE (葛社民) joins the Earth System Science Programme of the Faculty of Science as a Fulbright Scholar.
22 Nov 2019
- Seminar
[Cancelled] Dynamos of the Earth and Jupiter: How Deep Are They Below the Surface? by Dr. Yue-Kin Tsang, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
8 Nov 2019
- Seminar
The Deep Water Cycle at Subduction Zones by Professor Julia Ribeiro, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
30 Oct 2019
- Seminar
Material Consequences: Chinese Iron Ore Demand and Steel Supply in the Arctic by Dr. Mia Bennett, Department of Geography and School of Modern Languages & Cultures, The University of Hong Kong
18 Oct 2019
- Seminar
Integrating Geospatial Technologies, Environmental Science, and Health Research by Professor Mei-Po Kwan, Institute of Earth and Space Information Science & Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
20 Sep 2019
- Seminar
Probabilistic Projection of the Dynamic Evolution of Hydrological Extremes in A Changing Climate by Dr. Shuo Wang, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9 Sep 2019
- Seminar
The Next Generation of Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes Simulations: Accounting for Real-Earth Elastic Complexities by Dr. Sui Tung, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, U.S.A.
12 Aug 2019
- Seminar
Coupling of Reactive Chemistry in the Atmosphere with Global Climate by Professor Lee T. Murray, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester, U.S.A.
12 Jul 2019
- Seminar
Complex Network Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events by Dr. Kevin Cheung, Department of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia
9-11 Jul 2019
-Summer Workshop
Student Summer Workshop 2019
17-21 Jun 2019
- Course
Short Course: Modeling Seismic Waveforms by Professor Lupei Zhu, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University, U.S.A.
23 May 2019
- Seminar
Observation and Modeling of Mesoscale Convective Systems and their Large-scale Environments by Dr. Ruby Lai-Yung LEUNG, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
21 May 2019
- Lecture
Faculty Distinguished Lecture Series - Global Warming and Extreme Events by Dr. Ruby Lai-Yung LEUNG, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Details | Online registration
15 May 2019
- In the Press
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis has been featured in local news by Sky Post (晴報)
大氣層二氧化碳濃度 300萬年新高
9 May 2019
- Seminar
Why Does Plate Tectonics Occur On Earth But Not On Venus? by Professor Shun-Ichiro Karato, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, U.S.A.
3 May 2019
- Seminar
Spatiotemporal Changes in Precipitation Extremes over Canada and Their Teleconnections to Large-Scale Climate Patterns by Professor Thian Yew GAN, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
23-26 Apr 2019
- Workshop
5th International Workshop on Rock Physics
15 Apr 2019
- Seminar
A new paradigm for Environmental Sciences? by Professor Alberto Arribas, Head of Met Office Informatics Lab, United Kingdom
22 Mar 2019
- Seminar
Improved Skill in Asian Monsoon Seasonal Forecasts Derived from Multi-satellite Snow Data Assimilation in Ungauged Eurasia by Professor Zong-Liang Yang, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, United States
13 Mar 2019
- Seminar
Earthquake magnitude forecasting from interseismic locking distribution along the subduction megathrust by Professor YANG Hongfeng at Earthquake Science Center Seminars at US Geological Survey, Menlo Park
22 Feb 2019
- Seminar
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under Warm Climate by Dr. Benoit Thibodeau, Department of Earth Sciences & Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong Kong
18 Jan 2019
- Seminar
Featuring Fault Zone Dynamics after A Large Earthquake from Crossing-Fault Vertical Borehole Seismic Array by Professor Kuo-Fong Ma, Earthquake–Disaster & Risk Evaluation and Management (E-DREaM) Center; Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan
18 Dec 2018
- News
PhD student HUANG Lingcao received the First Place Poster Presentation Award at ACUNS18
20 Nov 2018
- News
Professor Hongfeng Yang received CGS Fu Chengyi Young Scientist Award (中國地球物理學會傅承義青年科技獎)
14 Nov 2018
- Workshop
International Workshop on South China Sea Tectonics and Subduction Zone Dynamics
9 Nov 2018
- Seminar
Large Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer in Geoscience: Methodology Development and Applications by Professor Xiaoping Xia, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
23 Oct 2018
- Seminar
Mixing and Ventilation in Urban Areas by Prof. Keith Ngan, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
15 Oct 2018
- Seminar
青藏高原多年凍土與氣候 by Prof. Lin Zhao, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
5 Oct 2018
- Seminar
Air-Sea Exchange of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): A Missing Link between the Sea Surface Carbon Pool and the Reactive Carbon in the Atmosphere by Dr. Siyuan Wang, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (ACOM), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), U.S.A.
18 Sep 2018
- Seminar
Dynamics of Submarine Volcanic Eruptions by Dr. Yen Joe TAN, PhD Marine Geophysics/Seismology, Columbia University, U.S.A.
14 Sep 2018
- Seminar
Natural Hazards in a Changing Climate: Floods, Landslides, and Permafrost Degradation by Dr. Jing Tao, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A.
10 Sep 2018
- Seminar
A Hydroclimatological Perspective of Past and Future Tropical Cyclone Activity: the Role of Extratropical Transition by Dr. Maofeng Liu, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, U.S.A.
31 Jul 2018
- Seminar
Heterogeneous Chemistry of Sulfur Dioxide in the Atmosphere by Professor Arthur Chan, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada
26 Jun 2018
- News
Photo and video of Professor Teng-fong Wong accepting the Fellow of American Geophysical Union
22 Jun 2018
- In the Press
Undergrduate major student Gabriel Fan (范文熙) has been featured in TVB News programme and Daily News for his work in the Hong Kong Observatory on micro-climate and heat island effect.
Closer Look (時事多面睇) - 14 Jun 2018
TVB Daily News - 15 Jun 2018
22 Jun 2018
- Seminar
UNAVCO and Its Role Supporting Global Geodesy for Science and Hazards: Some Recent Examples and Outlook for the Future by Dr. Glen S. Mattioli, Director of Geodetic Infrastructure, UNAVCO, Inc.; Adjunct Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Arlington, United States
22 Jun 2018
- Seminar
Clustering Model for Seismicity Data Analysis: Earthquake Declustering, Seismicity Anomaly Detection, and Model Extension by Professor Jiancang Zhuang, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, and Department of Statistical Science, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
29 May 2018
- Seminar
Seismological Constraints on Interactions between the Solid Earth and the Antarctic Ice Sheet by Professor Douglas A. Wiens, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, United States
23 May 2018
- Seminar
The Multigenerational Oxidative Evolution of Atmospheric Organic Carbon by Professor Jesse H. Kroll, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
27 Apr 2018
- Seminar
Advection-condensation of Atmospheric Moisture: Lagrangian Versus Eulerian Models by Dr. Yue-Kin Tsang, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
19 Apr 2018
- In the Press
Prof. YANG Hongfeng's participation in the China-Pakistan Joint Research Expedition in the Makran Margin, has been reported in CUHK Newsletter #516
13 Apr 2018
- Seminar
The Dynamics of the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Mw7.8 Earthquake by Dr. Huihui Weng, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
8 Apr 2018
- Lecture
HK SciFest 香港科學節
植物也呼吸:對天氣與空氣污染有何影響? - 戴沛權教授
Plants Breathe: How Does It Affect Weather and Air Pollution? - Prof. Amos TAI
Website: HK SciFest 2018
27 Mar 2018
- Interview
Impermanent Permafrost - Prof. LIU Lin, interviewed by MoCC CUHK
不再凍的凍土層 - 劉琳教授, 中大賽馬會氣候變化博物館專訪
26-27 Mar 2018
- Workshop
International Workshop on Seismicity near the Hutubi Underground Gas Storage and Mechanism of Induced Earthquakes
23 Mar 2018
- Seminar
East Asian Winter Monsoon: Ural Siberia Blocking and East Asian Trough by Professor Wen Zhou, School of Energy and Environment, Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Centre, City University of Hong Kong
16 Mar 2018
- Seminar
Estimating Methane Emissions from Natural Wetlands: Model Development and Application by Professor Qiuan Zhu, Center for Ecological Forecasting, College of Forestry, Northwest A & F University, China
28 Feb 2018
- Lecture
Computational Seismology and Applications in Hazards Mitigation by Prof. CHEN Xiaofei, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
13 Feb 2018
- News
ASCE has posted video of the Biot Lecture presented by Professor Wong at Columbia University
1 Feb 2018
- News
Graduate Student Samuel Fung Received AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award
31 Jan 2018
- In the Press
Prof. YANG Hongfeng has participated in the first China-Pakistan Joint Research Expedition in the Makran Margin, which is reported by Xinhua News Agency on various medias. Prof. YANG has been interviewed to explain why seismic experiments have been conducted near the Makran subduction zone and how a tsunami is generated. Prof. YANG has also conducted an online science outreach together with two other scientists from the R/V Shiyan 3.
9 Jan 2018
- Seminar
Phase and Phase States of Secondary Organic Aerosol by Professor Mijung Song, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chonbuk National University, South Korea
7 Dec 2017
- Lecture
Professor Teng-fong Wong presented the Maurice A. Biot Lecture at Columbia University
4 Dec 2017
- Seminar
Imaging and Monitoring Large Crustal Fault Zones by Professor Yehuda Ben-Zion, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, U.S.A.
1 Dec 2017
- Seminar
Fault Anatomy and Slip Dynamics along a Continental Plate Boundary: the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey by Professor Francois Renard, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway
24 Nov 2017
- Seminar
The Tethyan Orogenic Belt - from Subduction to Collision: Scientific Issues and Challenges by Professor Ling CHEN, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
22 Nov 2017
- Seminar
Air Quality - Interactions with and Impacts on Society and the Earth System by Professor Steve Arnold & Professor Dominick Spracklen, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
20 Nov 2017
- In the Press
Undergrduate major student Gabriel Fan (范文熙) has been featured in local news for his study on micro-climate and heat island effect carrying out at the Hong Kong Observatory.
10 Nov 2017
- Seminar
The Evolution of Data Science and its Impact on the Environmental Sciences by Professor William W. Hsieh, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Canada
8 Nov 2017
- Seminar
Extratropical Cyclones and Weather Extremes by Professor Edmund Kar-Man Chang, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, United States
25 Oct 2017
- Seminar
Digital Rock Physics, Natural Energy Resources and Induced Earthquakes by Professor Teng-fong Wong at School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
9 Oct 2017
- News
Professor Teng-fong Wong named Fellow of American Geophysical Union
Eos AGU News
Press Release - American Geophysical Union Announces 2017 Fellows
6 Oct 2017
- Seminar
Applied Statistics in Climate Studies by Professor King-Fai Li, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, and Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, United States
29 Sep 2017
- Seminar
Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model (CAS-ESM) and Its Climate Sensitivity by Professor Minghua Zhang, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
20 Sep 2017
- Article
What is the Ring of Fire? - Prof. YANG Hongfeng
15 Sep 2017
- Seminar
Squashing the Digital Rock by Professor Ian Main FRSE, School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
15 Sep 2017
- Seminar
Temporal and Spatial Scaling of Rain and Rain Clusters: Critical Phenomena? by Dr. Kevin Cheung, Department of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia
5 Sep 2017
- Seminar
Wind Profiler – Atmospheric Remote Sensing in NCU by Professor Yen-Hsyang Chu, College of Earth Science, National Central University, Taiwan (Time and Venue: 10:45 a.m., Conference Room, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building)
5 Sep 2017
- Seminar
[Cancelled] Climate and Weather Characteristics in Southeast Asia during the 7-SEAS by Professor Ming-Cheng Yen, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan
4 Sep 2017
-Radio Broadcast
RTHK 香港家書 全球暖化下風暴潮將成常態-譚志勇教授
4 Sep 2017
- Press Release
【新常態?】中大學者:全球暖化加劇風暴潮 未來「天鴿」般影響或每年一次-譚志勇教授
11 Aug 2017
- Seminar
“Dry Gets Drier, Wet Gets Wetter”? A Study over the Arid Region of Central Asia by Dr. Zengyun Hu, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 Jul 2017
- Seminar
The New Normal in Land Surface Modeling by Dr. Zong-Liang Yang, Professor and Jackson Chair; Director, Center for Integrated Earth System Science; Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
27 Jun 2017
- Seminar
Technologies to Understand the Role of Complexity in Atmospheric Aerosol by Dr. David Topping, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester
24 May 2017
- Seminar
China’s Food Self-Sufficiency under Limitations of Natural Resources by Mr. Jian Pan, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong<
12 May 2017
- Seminar
Hydrological Projections under Uncertainties from Hydrological Models and Meteorological Inputs by Dr. Jianfeng Li, Department of Geography and Centre for Geo-computation Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
21 Apr 2017
- Seminar
A Remote-Sensing Method of Selecting Reference Stations for Evaluating Urbanization Effects on Climate and Its Application in China by Dr. Yuanjian Yang, Anhui Institute of Meteorological Sciences & Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Satellite Remote Sensing of Anhui Province
10 Apr 2017
- Seminar
[Cancelled] Continental Shelf Limits: The Scientific and Legal Interface by Professor Weiwei Ding, The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
25 Mar 2017
- Lecture
HK SciFest 香港科學節
香港故事知多少?等石頭話你知 - 譚佩玉博士
Let the Rocks Tell You More about Hong Kong History - Dr. Tammy Tam

Website: HK SciFest 2017
Video: YouTube
19 Mar 2017
- Press Release
植物吸走污染物防傷身 專家:擺窗台助淨化空氣 - 戴沛權教授
15 Mar 2017
- Seminar
A Close Look at the Earthquake Engine by Professor Giulio Di Toro, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester
10 Mar 2017
- Seminar
Earthquake Stress Triggering and Tsunami Interaction by Dr. Jian Lin, Senior Scientist and Henry Bryant Bigelow Chair for Excellence in Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, U.S.A.
8 Mar 2017
- Lecture
Distinguished Scholar Public Talk - International Scientific Exploration of the Deep Ocean: From Global Ocean Ridges to Deep Trenches by Dr. Jian Lin, Senior Scientist and Henry Bryant Bigelow Chair for Excellence in Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, U.S.A.
17 Feb 2017
- Seminar
The Himalaya in 3D: Slab Dynamics Controlled Mountain Building and Monsoon Intensification by Professor Alexander Webb, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
10 Feb 2017
- Seminar
Unprecedented Imaging of Earthquake Slip Behavior along the Subduction Megathrust below Nicoya, Costa Rica by Dr. Andrew Newman, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
8 Feb 2017
- Public Talk
On Scientific Writing and Publication: A Dialogue with GRL Editor by Dr. Andrew Newman, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jan 2017
- Article
極端天氣、海平面上升與風暴潮背後的科學 - 譚志勇教授
The Science behind Extreme Weather, Sea Level Rise and Storm Surges - Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis
20 Jan 2017
- Seminar
Cyprus-type Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposit and Acid Mine Drainage by Dr. Ng Chung-On Stephen, Centennial College
13 Jan 2017
- Seminar
Combining Multi Data Sources for a Better Understanding of Volcanoes and Earthquakes by Prof. Wenbin Xu, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
13 Jan 2017
- Course
Training Course: Inverse Modeling in Atmospheric Chemistry by Prof. Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University
11 Jan 2017
- Lecture
Distinguished Scholar Public Lecture - Mercury in the Environment: Where Does It Come From? by Prof. Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University
9 Jan 2017
- Workshop
Distinguished Scholar Workshop - Frontiers in Air Pollution Research: From Observations to Modeling by Prof. Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University; Prof. Chak K. Chan, City University of Hong Kong and Prof. Tao Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9 Dec 2016
- Seminar
Origin of Indian Summer Monsoon Biases in CMIP5 Multimodel Ensemble by Dr. Ziqian Wang, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
28 Nov 2016
- Seminar
Triggering of Planner and Wedge-Shaped Mass Movement during Earthquake – Based on Newmark Displacement Method and Velocity-Displacement Dependent Friction Law by Prof. Jia-Jyun Dong, Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
28 Nov 2016
- Seminar
Variations in Glacial Relicts and Landforms in the High Mountains of Subtropical Taiwan by Prof. Hao-tsu Chu, Central Geological Survey, Taiwan; Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
25 Nov 2016
- Seminar
Atmospheric Predictability from Global to Urban Scales by Prof. Keith Ngan, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
18 Nov 2016
- Seminar
Insolation and Greenhouse Gases Control on the Sea Ice Variations in the Central Okhotsk Sea during the Past 180,000 Years by Dr. Li LO, Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate Research, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK; Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
11 Nov 2016
- Seminar
Estimating Peat Subsidence and Carbon Emission in Drained Tropical Peatlands Using InSAR Time Series by Dr. Zhou Zhiwei, Earth System Science Programme, CUHK
1 Nov 2016
- Seminar
Nitrogen, Ozone and Water: Key Factors Impacting Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production by Prof. Denise L. Mauzerall, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, U.S.A.
31 Oct 2016
- Article
解開地震和深海之 謎 - 楊宏峰教授
Unlocking the Mysteries of Earthquakes and Deep Ocean - Prof. YANG Hongfeng
28 Oct 2016
- Seminar
Reassessment of Seismic Hazards in SW Taiwan: Insight from Multiple Fault Slip Triggered by 2016 Mw 6.4 Meinong Earthquake by Prof. Jyr-Ching Hu, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
21 Oct 2016
- Seminar
Cyprus-type Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposit and Acid Mine Drainage by Dr. Ng Chung-On Stephen, Centennial College
6 Oct 2016
- Public Forum
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Public Forum: Walking Towards a Low-Carbon Hong Kong
3 Oct 2016
- Film Screening
Screenng of 'Hurricane, the anatomy - Winds of change'
30 Sep 2016
- Seminar
What Can Zircon Tell Us? A Geochronological Study in Sri Lanka by Dr. Samuel Wai-Pan Ng, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
23 Sep 2016
- Seminar
Updated Insights on Glacier Surge Mechanisms Inferred from SAR Image Analyses at Two Distinct Settings by Prof. Masato Furuya, School of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
18 Jul 2016
- Seminar
Perspectives on Global Climate Change Impacts to Hydrosphere and Cryosphere by Prof. Thian Yew GAN, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
17 Jun 2016
- Seminar
Quantifying the Distribution of Soil and Permafrost Properties and Their Linkage with Landscape Properties in Arctic Tundra Ecosystem by Dr. Baptiste Dafflon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A.
13 Jun 2016
- Seminar
Characterization of Permafrost Actives Layer Using Ground Penetrating Radar: Its Implications for Science and Engineering by Prof. Lanbo Liu, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut
10 Jun 2016
- Seminar
The State of Art for Water Control in Oil Fields and It's Challenges by Prof. Hongtao Zhou, School of Petroleum Engineering, China Petroleum University (East China)
7 Jun 2016
- Lecture
Monitoring the Cryosphere with GPS by Prof. LIU Lin at School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University
6 Jun 2016
- Lecture
Remote Sensing of Thawing Permafrost by Prof. LIU Lin at School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University
3 Jun 2016
- Lecture
Physical Mechanism of Frequency-dependent Rupture Process of Large Earthquakes by Prof. Yang Hongfeng at State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics
6 May 2016
- Seminar
Variability of particle fluxes and its implication for Paleoclimate reconstruction over the last 400 000 years in the Central of the Arctic Ocean by Dr. Christelle Not, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
22 Apr 2016
- Seminar
Tracking the Evolution of Late Mesozoic Caldera Complexes in Hong Kong by Dr. Denise Tang, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department
8 Apr 2016
- Seminar
Characterization of PM in Hong Kong using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer by Prof. Chak K. CHAN, Dean of School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
18 Mar 2016
- Seminar
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of Eastern China and Its Implications on Extension of Continental Lithosphere by Prof. Lupei Zhu, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University
11 Mar 2016
- Seminar
How Continent breaks up into Ocean: Scientific Drilling in the South China Sea by Prof. Chun-Feng Li, Institute of Marine Geology and Resources, Ocean College, Zhejiang University
4 Mar 2016
- Interview
Down to Earth 絕不「離地」- Prof. Amos Tai 戴沛權教授
CUHK UPDates | CUHK Newsletter
4 Mar 2016
- Seminar
A Tale of Supercontinents in Earth’s History by Prof. ZHAO Guochun, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
2 Mar 2016
- Seminar
Effects of Heterogeneous Fault Zones on Earthquake Ruptures by Prof. YANG Hong Feng at Earth Observatory of Singapore
25 Feb 2016
- Seminar
Face to Face with Academicians 與院士對談 by Prof. Zhang Pei Zhen & Prof. Shi Yao Lin, Division of Earth Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
24 Feb 2016
- Lecture
On Earthquake Prediction by Prof. SHI Yao Lin, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
24 Feb 2016
- Lecture
Deep Crustal Deformation Constrained From Co-seismic Ruptures Associated with the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan, China by Prof. ZHANG Peizhen, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
3 Feb 2016
- Career Talk
When Data Meets Sustainability by Dr.Joanne Yeung, Director & Co-Founder - Research and Development, Himalytics
27 Jan 2016
- Seminar
Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Central Tibetan Plateau and its Relationship with Surface Structure by Prof. Xiaobo Tian, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
29 Jan 2016
- Career Talk
Sustainable Safety – An Unexpected Journey by Dr. Jones Wan, Senior Consultant – Risk and Modelling
7 Jan 2016
- Lecture
Megathrust rupture characteristics and slow slip events of Chile subduction zones by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS
6 Jan 2016
- Seminar
Spatial and Temporal Changes in Snow Cover and Frozen Ground across the Eurasian Continent by Prof. Tingjun Zhang, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University
30 Dec 2015
- Seminar
Building a Model of Coupled Elastic and Flow Properties of Porous Rock by Dr. Arthur Cheng, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
Dec 2015
- Press Release
- 中大校友‧2015年12月‧84期
4 Dec 2015 to 29 Feb 2016
- Exhibition
Themed Exhibition on Climate Change and Earth System Science
4 Dec 2015
- Film Screening
Public Screening of Ice and the Sky a French Documentary about Claude Lorius
巴黎氣候大會紀錄片特別放映: Ice and the Sky冰天雪地
4 Dec 2015
- Seminar
Insights on the Mid-Pleistocene Climatic Transition: The concept and Design of a Revolutionary Probe called SUBGLACIOR by Dr. Jérôme Chappellaz CNRS Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement Grenoble, France
28 Nov 2015
- Press Release
中大研城市化氣候變化影響 冀聯天文台「狙擊」極端天氣
暴雨增密 港變澤港 - 文匯報
28 Nov 2015
- Press Release
中大地球系統科學聯招首次獨立收生 - 星島日報
20 Nov 2015
- Seminar
Linking Microbial Genomes to Ocean Chemistry and History by Prof. Haiwei Luo from School of Life Sciences, CUHK
13 Nov 2015
- Seminar
When Slab met Plume at the Core-Mantle Boundary by Prof. Daoyuan Sun from University of Science and Technology of China
6 Nov 2015
- Seminar
Applications of High-Precision Geochronology in Evolution by Prof. Su-Chin Chang from The University of Hong Kong
19 Oct 2015
- Seminar
New Views of Subduction Faults by Prof. Kelin Wang from Geological Survey of Canada
09 Oct 2015
- Seminar
Robotic Observations of High Wintertime Carbon Export in California Coastal Waters  by Prof. Jim Bishop from Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley
09 Oct 2015
- Seminar
Water in Motion: Mysteries from Northern California  by Prof. Inez Fung from Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley
22 Sep 2015
- Seminar
Iodine in the Troposphere by Prof. Mathew Evans from Department of Chemistry and National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of York
18 Sep 2015
- Seminar
Fault Weakening (Hardening?) Processes – Some Natural and Experimental Examples by Dr. Joseph Clancy White from Department of Earth Sciences, University of New Brunswick
11 Sep 2015
- Seminar
Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity: a Blocking Index by Ms. Clare Huang from Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago
08 Sep 2015
- Press Release
Prof. Amos P.K. Tai, The First Hong Kong Scientist To Receive the WMO Research Award for Young Scientists
CUHK Press Release: Chinese | English
09 Jul 2015
- School Visit
Earth System Science by Prof. Amos Tai at Heep Yunn School
02 Jun 2015
- Seminar
Two Nonlinear Soil Carbon Models by Dr. Ying-Ping Wang from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
01 Jun 2015
- Seminar
Global Nutrient Limitation on Terrestrial Biosphere and its Implications by Dr. Ying-Ping Wang from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
29 May 2015
- School Visit
Climate Change and the Global Food Crisis by Prof. Amos Tai at Sha Tin Methodist College
24 May 2015
- Lecture
Agriculture-environment interactions: optimizing yields and environmental benefits using Earth system modeling by Prof. Amos Tai at Sichuan Agricultural University
18 May 2015
- Seminar
Slow Slip Behavior along Major Plate Boundary Faults by Prof. Yajing Liu from Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University
27 Apr 2015
- Lecture
Agriculture-environment interactions: optimizing yields and environmental benefits using Earth system modeling by Prof. Amos Tai at Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
27 Apr 2015
- Interview
Prof. Wong Tengfong was interviewed by Financial Times about the earthquake happened last Saturday in Nepal. Please visit the following link for the article:
Nepal earthquake: long expected in active seismic region
27 Apr 2015
- Interview
Prof. YANG Hongfeng was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal about the earthquake happened last Saturday in Nepal. Please visit the following link for the article:
How the Nepal Earthquake Happened
24 Apr 2015
- Seminar
The Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath the Different Tibetan Plateau Margins by Prof. Hongyi Li from China University of Geosciences, Beijing
17 Apr 2015
- Lecture
Atmosphere-biosphere interactions: implications for air quality and food production under global climate change by Prof. Amos Tai at the Hong Kong University
15 Apr 2015
- Seminar
Modulation of Precipitation over the U.S. by Variability and Change in Extratropical Cyclone Activity by Prof. Edmund KM Chang from School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
14 Apr 2015
- Career Talk
Mines and Money by Jacky Chan
08 Apr 2015
10 Apr 2015
15 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015

- Seminar
Potential Vorticity Thinking: Developing Physical Understanding of the Mathematics Behind Rossby Wave Propagation, Dispersion, and Instability by Prof. Edmund KM Chang from School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
08 Apr 2015
- Seminar
Lithospheric Heterogeneity and Deformation Modes of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau by Prof. Huajian Yao from School of Earth and Space Sciences, USTC
27 Mar 2015
- Lecture
Precursory Slow Slip Events Inferred from Foreshocks of the 2014 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK
27 Mar 2015
- Seminar
Large-Scale Solar Applications to Mitigate PM2.5 Pollution and Yellow Dust Storm in East Asia by Prof. David Y.H. Pui from Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
15 Mar 2015
- Lecture
Global Food Crisis under Climate Change (at Climate Change - Bracing for Impact of Civic Exchange) by Prof. Amos Tai at Civic Exchange
13 Mar 2015
- Seminar
Enforcing Energy and Environmental Policies in China by Dr. Yuan Xu from Department of Geography and Resource Management, and Institute of Energy and Sustainability, CUHK
07 Mar 2015
- Lecture
Global Food Crisis under Climate Change (at 11th Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture Series (CUHK) by Prof. Amos Tai at the 11th Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture Series in CUHK
06 Mar 2015
- Seminar
Monitoring Our Changing Earth with Digital Cameras: Toward a Global Phenocam Network by Dr. Oliver Sonnentag from Department of Geographic, University of Montreal
20 Feb 2015
- Lecture
Effects of fault heterogeneity on earthquake ruptures by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University
11 Feb 2015
- Seminar
用地震波給地球作B超 by Prof. Chen Yong from the Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
22 Dec 2014
- Seminar
Towards Urban Sustainability under a Changing Climate by Dr. Dan LI from Program of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University
19 Dec 2014
- Article
A coverage on food crisis and the work of Prof. Amos TAI in relation to the movie "Interstellar" published on Apple Daily.
Details (Chinese Only)
15 Nov 2014
- Lecture
Prof. Amos TAI will take part in the "Popular Meteorological Science Lecture Series: Decoding Natural Disasters - Piecing Together the Climate Change Jigsaw Puzzle" at the Hong Kong Science Museum, giving a lecture on the topic ‘Food Sustainability Under Global Climate Change
Details: Chinese | English
14 Nov 2014
- Seminar
Time-Dependent Failure and Inelastic Compaction in Porous Sandstone by Prof. Patrick BAUD from EOST Strasbourg, France
14 Nov 2014
- Lecture
Prof. Amos TAI will give a short talk on the topic ‘Interdisciplinary research: bridging gaps between traditional and emerging sciences’, 3:00 pm at the Cafe Area, G/F University Library, "Research Cafe ".
Information: Chinese | English

Online registration
13 Nov 2014
- School Visit
Climate Change and the Global Food Crisis by Prof. Amos Tai at United Christian College (Kowloon East)
08 Nov 2014
- Lecture
Prof. LIU Lin will give a talk on the topic ‘Tour to Arctic’, 2:30 pm at at the Jocky Club Museum of Climate Change, "Dialogue with the Expert" forum.
Forum Information: Click here (Chinese Only)

Online registration
07 Nov 2014
- Seminar
Using Seismic Wave to Monitor the Subsurface Stress Change at Different Scales by Prof. Baoshan WANG from Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), Beijing
03 Nov 2014
- Seminar
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from a Temperate Ombrotrophic Peatland by Prof. Derrick LAI from Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK
24 Oct 2014
- Lecture
Imaging Crustal Fault Zone: A Brief Overview by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at Department of Geophysics, Peking University
20 Oct 2014
- Seminar
Glacial Geodynamics: Climate induced Earthquakes, Large scale Ground Water Storage & Mantle Heterogeneity by Prof. Patrick WU from Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong
6 Oct 2014
- Seminar
Hong Kong's Big Bang: The Story Behind the Discovery of Hong Kong's Supervolcano by Dr. Rod SEWELL from Hong Kong Geological Survey, GEO, CEDD
22 Sep 2014
- Seminar
Space Weather Forecasting: A Brief Overview by Dr. George C. HO from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
12 Sep 2014
- Lecture
Atmospheric chemistry and climate (invited lecture at HKO) by Prof. Amos Tai at the Hong Kong Observatory
04 Aug 2014
-Press Conference
Prof. Amos TAI shared his recently published study titled "Threat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution" with the press at the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change.
CUHK Press Release: Chinese | English
30 Jul 2014
- Lecture
Café Scientifique - Impacts of climate change to public health by Prof. Amos TAI. Prof. TAI was inviteded by British Council to the Café Scientifique to share the impacts of climate change, implications for daily life and strategies for a sustainable future.
News Clipping (Chinese only)
CUHK Press Release: Chinese | English
18 Jul 2014
- Interview
Prof. LIU Lin was interviewed by HKHeadline (頭條日報) to share the status of Greenland Outlet Glaciers. The interview report can be reviewed from the following link (in Chinese only):
Newspaper clippling
08 Jul 2014
- Interview
Prof. Dickon NG (Associate Dean), together with our ESSC year-1 student, Mr. WONG Yat Chun Nathan and a FNS student were invited to the radio programme "Super Classroom (非常班房)" on Radio CAMPUS at DBC on Tuesday, 8 July 2014. Prof. Dickon Ng promoted both our UG and PG programme.  Nathan shared ESSC programme’s activities such as field trip, summer research projects guided by teachers and internship opportunities in the interview.
Programme Archive
04 Jun 2014
- Lecture
Structural controls and contributions to orogenic lode-gold deposits by Dr. Jason ZHANG for Hong Kong Regional Group, The Geological Society of London
19 May 2014
- Lecture
Monitoring Changes in Arctic Permafrost Using Radar Remote Sensing by Prof. LIU Lin at the College of Earth and Environmental Scienses, Lanzhou University
30 Apr 2014
- Press Release
Renowned Biodiversity Expert Dr. Pettorelli Spoke on Values of Satellite Data in Conservation Research
09 Apr 2014
- Career Lecture
An International Perspective on Developing Specialist Careers in Engineering Geology by Mr. Bob Sas
04 Apr 2014
- Lecture
Atmosphere-biosphere interactions: Implications for air quality, food securityand public health under global climate change by Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos at the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS)
20 Mar 2014
- Seminar
How Satellite Data Tell us Tales of Changing Biodiversity? by Dr. Nathalie Pettorelli from Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London
16 Mar 2014
- Article
A study, co-authored by Professor LIU Lin, discovered rapid changes in Northeast Greenland. The scientific article is now published online on the website of Nature Climate Change.
Read online
CUHK Press Release (25 Mar 2014) - 中文| English
Newspaper article (28 Mar 2014) - Scan | Online
07 Mar 2014
- Lecture
Monitoring Changes in Arctic Permafrost Using Geophysical Methods by Prof. LIU Lin at the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS)
27 Feb 2014
- Lecture
Monitoring Changes in Greenland Outlet Glaciers Using Geophysical Methods by Prof. LIU Lin at the Department of Geography and Resource Management
18 Feb 2014
- Interview
Prof. LIU Lin was invited to speak in a TV programme 視點31 Episode 6 at the RTHK about the global climate change and the impact to human beings. The TV programme can be reviewed at the following link (in Chinese only):
Recap at RTHK website
7 Feb 2014
- Seminar
Different Flavors of ENSO and their Implications on the Predictability of the East Asian Climate by Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis from School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
25 Jan 2014
- Lecture
Biosphere-atmosphere interactions: prioritizing strategies for air quality, agriculture and public health under global climate change by Professor Amos Tai at the Workshop on Environmental Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, 20th Anniversary of the Environmental Science Programme
24 Jan 2014
- Seminar
Studying Responses of Eco-hydrological Processes to Global Environmental Changes Using Remote Sensing and Biosphere Modeling by Dr. ZHANG Ke from Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
10 Jan 2014
- Seminar
Earthquake Ruptures on Heterogeneous Faults by Dr. YANG Hongfeng from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
13 Dec 2013
- Interview
Dr. Jason Zhang was interviewed by Sing Tao Daily to share the method to distinguish real gemstone. The interview report can be reviewed from the following link (in Chinese only):
20 Nov 2013
- Interview
Professor Amos Tai was invited to share his experience in a radio programme 思潮作動 at the RTHK about his studies in the U.S., and his recent research in Hong Kong. The programme can be reviewed from the following link (in Cantonese only):
Media Player / Real Player
14 Nov 2013
- Seminar
Vegetation Phenology and Land-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions by Dr. KIM Yeonjoo from Korea Environment Institute
19 Sep 2013
- Seminar
Subsurface Characterization with Hydraulic Tomography and Geostatistical Inversion by Dr. LIU Xiaoyi from Earth Sciences Division,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
28 Aug 2013
- Seminar
Characterizing an Ambient Soft Ionization Source for Studying Chemical Aging of Organic Aerosols by Dr. CHAN Man Nin from Chemical Sciences Division,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
5 Dec 2022
Source and Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles: from Typical Aerosol Particles to the Emerging Micro- and Nano-plastics by Dr. Yiming QIN, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
25 Nov 2022
Experimental Simulations of Planetary Interiors by Professor Bin CHEN, Associate Researcher, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S.A.
14 Nov 2022
Air Quality over East Asia: Trends and Broader Impacts by Dr. Shixian ZHAI, Research Associate, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, U.S.A.
11 Nov 2022
Satellite Gravimetry and Global Climate Change by Professor CHEN Jianli, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
26 Aug 2022
A Leaky Himalaya? Streamflow Composition and Dynamics Affected by Rifts and Faults in the Yarlung Zangbo River in Northern Himalayas by Dr. FAN Linfeng, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
17 Jun 2022
The 2022 Tonga Volcanic Tsunami: Lessons from a Global Event by Dr. Adam Devlin, School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, China
25 Feb 2022
Seismic Imaging of Partial Melting in the Tonga Mantle Wedge by Professor Songqiao WEI, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, U.S.A.
6 Jan 2022
Remote Sensing of Land Deformation and Early Warning of Geo-hazards for Sustainable Development by Dr. Peifeng MA, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4 Jan 2022
Coupling Data Science and Numerical Simulations to Empower Atmospheric and Environmental Research by Dr. Zhonghua ZHENG, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, U.S.A.
3 Dec 2021
Local to Global Drivers of Past and Future Sea-Level Change by Professor Nicole KHAN, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
17 Sep 2021
Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Residence Time-scale and Its Control on the Global Overturning Circulation by Professor Julian MAK, Department of Ocean Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
13 Sep 2021
Urban Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Infrastructure for Smart Cities by Professor Wu CHEN, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
3 Sep 2021
Global Contamination of Mercury in Forested Landscapes by Professor Martin Tsz-Ki TSUI, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
27 Aug 2021
3D Carbonate Digital Rock Reconstruction using Progressive Growing GAN by Miss Nan YOU, National University of Singapore, Singapore
20 Aug 2021
Building Resilient Coastal Communities: Coupling Typhoon Destructiveness and Social-Ecological Systems for Informed Planning by Dr. Muhammad SAJJAD, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
3 Aug 2021
Earthquake Monitoring and Modeling with Deep Learning and Numerical Simulation by Dr. Weiqiang ZHU, Stanford University, U.S.A.
27 Jul 2021
Understand and Utilize Complex Seismic Wavefields to Mitigate Earthquake Hazards: From Earthquake Ground Motion to Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Fault Zones by Dr. Yixiao SHENG, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
12 Jul 2021
Understand Volcanoes and Earthquakes Using Physics-based Models by Dr. Chao LIANG, Géoazur Laboratory, Université Côte d'Azur, France
28 Jun 2021
Assessing Climate Forcing Using Remote Sensing and Ground-based Measurements: Examples from Land Use Change and GHG Emissions by Dr. Zutao YANG, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, U.S.A.
22 Jun 2021
Modeling Volcano Breathing: A Path to Forecasting Eruptions by Dr. Yan ZHAN, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, U.S.A.
18 Jun 2021
Supercomputing of Earthquakes: Unraveling the Dynamics of Multi-Fault Rupture Cascades, Tsunami Earthquakes and Induced Seismicity by Professor Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Munich, Germany
15 Jun 2021
Evolution of the Early Earth by Dr. DENG Jie, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
8 Jun 2021
Weather and Climate Risk Assessments of Population Displacements by Extreme Weather Events by Miss KAM Pui Man Mannie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
3 Jun 2021
Getting the most out of Hydrogeophysics: Examples from Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) by Dr. Michael TSO, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, United Kingdom
5 Mar 2021
How to Rock the Earth without An Earthquake? by Professor Wenyuan FAN, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.
27 Nov 2020
Environmental Geomechanics for Cracking in Energy Resources Engineering by Professor Manman HU, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
14 Nov 2020 Professor YANG Hongfeng organized a webinar on Induced Seismicity
23 Oct 2020
Induced Seismicity and Casing Deformation Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China by Professor Fengshou ZHANG, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, China
18 Sep 2020
Source Studies of Induced Earthquakes in Alberta (Canada) and Raton Basin (United States) by Dr. Ruijia WANG, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of New Mexico, U.S.A.
11 Sep 2020
Response of Tibetan Plateau Lakes to Climate Change: Trends, Patterns, and Mechanisms by Professor Guoqing ZHANG, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
17 Jan 2020
High-Resolution Weather Predictions Using A Variable-Resolution Global Model by Mr. Raphael Yuk Sing Lui and Mr. Chris Chi Chiu Cheung, ClusterTech Limited, Hong Kong
10 Jan 2020
Ancient Lakes and Seas on Mars by Dr. Joseph Michalski, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong
22 Nov 2019
[Cancelled] Dynamos of the Earth and Jupiter: How Deep Are They Below the Surface? by Dr. Yue-Kin Tsang, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
8 Nov 2019
The Deep Water Cycle at Subduction Zones by Professor Julia Ribeiro, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
30 Oct 2019
Material Consequences: Chinese Iron Ore Demand and Steel Supply in the Arctic by Dr. Mia Bennett, Department of Geography and School of Modern Languages & Cultures, The University of Hong Kong
18 Oct 2019
Integrating Geospatial Technologies, Environmental Science, and Health Research by Professor Mei-Po Kwan, Institute of Earth and Space Information Science & Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
20 Sep 2019
Probabilistic Projection of the Dynamic Evolution of Hydrological Extremes in A Changing Climate by Dr. Shuo Wang, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9 Sep 2019
The Next Generation of Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes Simulations: Accounting for Real-Earth Elastic Complexities by Dr. Sui Tung, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, U.S.A.
12 Aug 2019
Coupling of Reactive Chemistry in the Atmosphere with Global Climate by Professor Lee T. Murray, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester, U.S.A.
12 Jul 2019
Complex Network Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events by Dr. Kevin Cheung, Department of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia
23 May 2019
Observation and Modeling of Mesoscale Convective Systems and their Large-scale Environments by Dr. Ruby Lai-Yung LEUNG, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
9 May 2019
Why Does Plate Tectonics Occur On Earth But Not On Venus? by Professor Shun-Ichiro Karato, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, U.S.A.
3 May 2019
Spatiotemporal Changes in Precipitation Extremes over Canada and Their Teleconnections to Large-Scale Climate Patterns by Professor Thian Yew GAN, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
15 Apr 2019
A new paradigm for Environmental Sciences? by Professor Alberto Arribas, Head of Met Office Informatics Lab, United Kingdom
22 Mar 2019
Improved Skill in Asian Monsoon Seasonal Forecasts Derived from Multi-satellite Snow Data Assimilation in Ungauged Eurasia by Professor Zong-Liang Yang, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, United States
13 Mar 2019
Earthquake magnitude forecasting from interseismic locking distribution along the subduction megathrust by Professor YANG Hongfeng at Earthquake Science Center Seminars at US Geological Survey, Menlo Park
22 Feb 2019
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under Warm Climate by Dr. Benoit Thibodeau, Department of Earth Sciences & Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong Kong
18 Jan 2019
Featuring Fault Zone Dynamics after A Large Earthquake from Crossing-Fault Vertical Borehole Seismic Array by Professor Kuo-Fong Ma, Earthquake–Disaster & Risk Evaluation and Management (E-DREaM) Center; Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan
9 Nov 2018
Large Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer in Geoscience: Methodology Development and Applications by Professor Xiaoping Xia, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
23 Oct 2018
Mixing and Ventilation in Urban Areas by Prof. Keith Ngan, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
15 Oct 2018
青藏高原多年凍土與氣候 by Prof. Lin Zhao, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
5 Oct 2018
Air-Sea Exchange of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): A Missing Link between the Sea Surface Carbon Pool and the Reactive Carbon in the Atmosphere by Dr. Siyuan Wang, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (ACOM), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), U.S.A.
18 Sep 2018
Dynamics of Submarine Volcanic Eruptions by Dr. Yen Joe TAN, PhD Marine Geophysics/Seismology, Columbia University, U.S.A.
14 Sep 2018
Natural Hazards in a Changing Climate: Floods, Landslides, and Permafrost Degradation by Dr. Jing Tao, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A.
10 Sep 2018
A Hydroclimatological Perspective of Past and Future Tropical Cyclone Activity: the Role of Extratropical Transition by Dr. Maofeng Liu, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, U.S.A.
31 Jul 2018
Heterogeneous Chemistry of Sulfur Dioxide in the Atmosphere by Professor Arthur Chan, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada
22 Jun 2018
UNAVCO and Its Role Supporting Global Geodesy for Science and Hazards: Some Recent Examples and Outlook for the Future by Dr. Glen S. Mattioli, Director of Geodetic Infrastructure, UNAVCO, Inc. and Adjunct Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Arlington, United States
22 Jun 2018
Clustering Model for Seismicity Data Analysis: Earthquake Declustering, Seismicity Anomaly Detection, and Model Extension by Professor Jiancang Zhuang, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, and Department of Statistical Science, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
29 May 2018
Seismological Constraints on Interactions between the Solid Earth and the Antarctic Ice Sheet by Professor Douglas A. Wiens, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, United States
23 May 2018
The Multigenerational Oxidative Evolution of Atmospheric Organic Carbon by Professor Jesse H. Kroll, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
27 Apr 2018
Advection-condensation of Atmospheric Moisture: Lagrangian Versus Eulerian Models by Dr. Yue-Kin Tsang, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
13 Apr 2018
The Dynamics of the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Mw7.8 Earthquake by Dr. Huihui Weng, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
23 Mar 2018
East Asian Winter Monsoon: Ural Siberia Blocking and East Asian Trough by Professor Qiuan Zhu, School of Energy and Environment, Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Centre, City University of Hong Kong
16 Mar 2018
Estimating Methane Emissions from Natural Wetlands: Model Development and Application by Professor Qiuan Zhu, Center for Ecological Forecasting, College of Forestry, Northwest A & F University, China
9 Jan 2018
Phase and Phase States of Secondary Organic Aerosol by Professor Mijung Song, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chonbuk National University, South Korea
4 Dec 2017
Imaging and Monitoring Large Crustal Fault Zones by Professor Yehuda Ben-Zion, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, U.S.A.
1 Dec 2017
Fault Anatomy and Slip Dynamics along a Continental Plate Boundary: the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey by Professor Francois Renard, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway
24 Nov 2017
The Tethyan Orogenic Belt - from Subduction to Collision: Scientific Issues and Challenges by Professor Ling CHEN, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
22 Nov 2017
Air Quality - Interactions with and Impacts on Society and the Earth System by Professor Steve Arnold & Professor Dominick Spracklen, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
10 Nov 2017
The Evolution of Data Science and its Impact on the Environmental Sciences by Professor William W. Hsieh, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Canada
8 Nov 2017
Extratropical Cyclones and Weather Extremes by Professor Edmund Kar-Man Chang, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, United States
25 Oct 2017 Digital Rock Physics, Natural Energy Resources and Induced Earthquakes by Professor Teng-fong Wong at School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
6 Oct 2017
Applied Statistics in Climate Studies by Professor King-Fai Li, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, and Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, United States
29 Sep 2017
Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model (CAS-ESM) and Its Climate Sensitivity by Professor Minghua Zhang, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
15 Sep 2017
Squashing the Digital Rock by Professor Ian Main FRSE, School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
15 Sep 2017
Temporal and Spatial Scaling of Rain and Rain Clusters: Critical Phenomena? by Dr. Kevin Cheung, Department of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia
5 Sep 2017
Wind Profiler – Atmospheric Remote Sensing in NCU by Professor Yen-Hsyang Chu, College of Earth Science, National Central University, Taiwan (Time and Venue: 10:45 a.m., Conference Room, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building)
5 Sep 2017
[Cancelled] Climate and Weather Characteristics in Southeast Asia during the 7-SEAS by Professor Ming-Cheng Yen, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan
11 Aug 2017
“Dry Gets Drier, Wet Gets Wetter”? A Study over the Arid Region of Central Asia by Dr. Zengyun Hu, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 Jul 2017
The New Normal in Land Surface Modeling by Dr. Zong-Liang Yang, Professor and Jackson Chair; Director, Center for Integrated Earth System Science; Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
27 Jun 2017
Technologies to Understand the Role of Complexity in Atmospheric Aerosol by Dr. David Topping, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester
24 May 2017
China’s Food Self-Sufficiency under Limitations of Natural Resources by Mr. Jian Pan, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
12 May 2017
Hydrological Projections under Uncertainties from Hydrological Models and Meteorological Inputs by Dr. Jianfeng Li, Department of Geography and Centre for Geo-computation Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
21 Apr 2017
A Remote-Sensing Method of Selecting Reference Stations for Evaluating Urbanization Effects on Climate and Its Application in China by Dr. Yuanjian Yang, Anhui Institute of Meteorological Sciences & Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Satellite Remote Sensing of Anhui Province
10 Apr 2017
[Cancelled] Continental Shelf Limits: The Scientific and Legal Interface by Professor Weiwei Ding, The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
15 Mar 2017
A Close Look at the Earthquake Engine by Professor Giulio Di Toro, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester
10 Mar 2017
Earthquake Stress Triggering and Tsunami Interaction by Dr. Jian Lin, Senior Scientist and Henry Bryant Bigelow Chair for Excellence in Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, U.S.A.
17 Feb 2017
The Himalaya in 3D: Slab Dynamics Controlled Mountain Building and Monsoon Intensification by Professor Alexander Webb, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
10 Feb 2017
Unprecedented Imaging of Earthquake Slip Behavior along the Subduction Megathrust below Nicoya, Costa Rica by Dr. Andrew Newman, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
20 Jan 2017
Cyprus-type Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposit and Acid Mine Drainage by Dr. Ng Chung-On Stephen, Centennial College
13 Jan 2017
Combining Multi Data Sources for a Better Understanding of Volcanoes and Earthquakes by Prof. Wenbin Xu, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9 Dec 2016
Origin of Indian Summer Monsoon Biases in CMIP5 Multimodel Ensemble by Dr. Ziqian Wang, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
28 Nov 2016
Triggering of Planner and Wedge-Shaped Mass Movement during Earthquake – Based on Newmark Displacement Method and Velocity-Displacement Dependent Friction Law by Prof. Jia-Jyun Dong, Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
28 Nov 2016
Variations in Glacial Relicts and Landforms in the High Mountains of Subtropical Taiwan by Prof. Hao-tsu Chu, Central Geological Survey, Taiwan; Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
25 Nov 2016
Atmospheric Predictability from Global to Urban Scales by Prof. Keith Ngan, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
18 Nov 2016
Insolation and Greenhouse Gases Control on the Sea Ice Variations in the Central Okhotsk Sea during the Past 180,000 Years by Dr. Li LO, Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate Research, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK; Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
11 Nov 2016
Estimating Peat Subsidence and Carbon Emission in Drained Tropical Peatlands Using InSAR Time Series by Dr. Zhou Zhiwei, Earth System Science Programme, CUHK
1 Nov 2016
Nitrogen, Ozone and Water: Key Factors Impacting Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production by Prof. Denise L. Mauzerall, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, U.S.A.
28 Oct 2016
Reassessment of Seismic Hazards in SW Taiwan: Insight from Multiple Fault Slip Triggered by 2016 Mw 6.4 Meinong Earthquake by Prof. Jyr-Ching Hu, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
21 Oct 2016
Cyprus-type Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposit and Acid Mine Drainage by Dr. Ng Chung-On Stephen, Centennial College
30 Sep 2016
What Can Zircon Tell Us? A Geochronological Study in Sri Lanka by Dr. Samuel Wai-Pan Ng, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong.
23 Sep 2016
Updated Insights on Glacier Surge Mechanisms Inferred from SAR Image Analyses at Two Distinct Settings by Prof. Masato Furuya, School of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan.
18 Jul 2016
Perspectives on Global Climate Change Impacts to Hydrosphere and Cryosphere by Prof. Thian Yew GAN, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
17 Jun 2016
Quantifying the Distribution of Soil and Permafrost Properties and Their Linkage with Landscape Properties in Arctic Tundra Ecosystem by Dr. Baptiste Dafflon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A.
13 Jun 2016
Characterization of Permafrost Actives Layer Using Ground Penetrating Radar: Its Implications for Science and Engineering by Prof. Lanbo Liu, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut
10 Jun 2016
The State of Art for Water Control in Oil Fields and It's Challenges by Prof. Hongtao Zhou, School of Petroleum Engineering, China Petroleum University (East China)
6 May 2016 Variability of particle fluxes and its implication for Paleoclimate reconstruction over the last 400 000 years in the Central of the Arctic Ocean by Dr. Christelle Not, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
22 Apr 2016
Tracking the Evolution of Late Mesozoic Caldera Complexes in Hong Kong by Dr. Denise Tang, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department
8 Apr 2016
Characterization of PM in Hong Kong using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer by Prof. Chak K. CHAN, Dean of School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
18 Mar 2016
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of Eastern China and Its Implications on Extension of Continental Lithosphere by Prof. Lupei Zhu, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University
11 Mar 2016
How Continent breaks up into Ocean: Scientific Drilling in the South China Sea by Prof. Chun-Feng Li, Institute of Marine Geology and Resources, Ocean College, Zhejiang University
4 Mar 2016
A Tale of Supercontinents in Earth’s History by Prof. ZHAO Guochun, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
2 Mar 2016
Effects of Heterogeneous Fault Zones on Earthquake Ruptures by Prof. YANG Hong Feng at Earth Observatory of Singapore
25 Feb 2016
Face to Face with Academicians 與院士對談 by Prof. Zhang Pei Zhen & Prof. Shi Yao Lin, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
27 Jan 2016
Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Central Tibetan Plateau and its Relationship with Surface Structure by Prof. Xiaobo Tian, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
6 Jan 2016
Spatial and Temporal Changes in Snow Cover and Frozen Ground across the Eurasian Continent by Prof. Tingjun Zhang, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University
30 Dec 2015
Building a Model of Coupled Elastic and Flow Properties of Porous Rock by Dr. Arthur Cheng, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
4 Dec 2015
Insights on the Mid-Pleistocene Climatic Transition: The concept and Design of a Revolutionary Probe called SUBGLACIOR by Dr. Jérôme Chappellaz CNRS Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement Grenoble, France
20 Nov 2015
Linking Microbial Genomes to Ocean Chemistry and History by Prof. Haiwei Luo from School of Life Sciences, CUHK
13 Nov 2015
When Slab met Plume at the Core-Mantle Boundary by Prof. Daoyuan Sun from University of Science and Technology of China
6 Nov 2015
Applications of High-Precision Geochronology in Evolution by Prof. Su-Chin Chang from The University of Hong Kong
19 Oct 2015
New Views of Subduction Faults by Prof. Kelin Wang from Geological Survey of Canada
09 Oct 2015
Robotic Observations of High Wintertime Carbon Export in California Coastal Waters  by Prof. Jim Bishop from Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley
09 Oct 2015
Water in Motion: Mysteries from Northern California  by Prof. Inez Fung from Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley
22 Sep 2015
Iodine in the Troposphere by Prof. Mathew Evans from Department of Chemistry and National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of York
18 Sep 2015
Fault Weakening (Hardening?) Processes – Some Natural and Experimental Examples by Dr. Joseph Clancy White from Department of Earth Sciences, University of New Brunswick
11 Sep 2015
Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity: a Blocking Index by Ms. Clare Huang from Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago
02 Jun 2015 Two Nonlinear Soil Carbon Models by Dr. Ying-Ping Wang from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
01 Jun 2015 Global Nutrient Limitation on Terrestrial Biosphere and its Implications by Dr. Ying-Ping Wang from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
18 May 2015 Slow Slip Behavior along Major Plate Boundary Faults by Prof. Yajing Liu from Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University
24 Apr 2015 The Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath the Different Tibetan Plateau Margins by Prof. Hongyi Li from China University of Geosciences, Beijing
15 Apr 2015 Modulation of Precipitation over the U.S. by Variability and Change in Extratropical Cyclone Activity by Prof. Edmund KM Chang from School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
08 Apr 2015
10 Apr 2015
15 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015
Potential Vorticity Thinking: Developing Physical Understanding of the Mathematics Behind Rossby Wave Propagation, Dispersion, and Instability by Prof. Edmund KM Chang from School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
08 Apr 2015 Lithospheric Heterogeneity and Deformation Modes of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau by Prof. Huajian Yao from School of Earth and Space Sciences, USTC
27 Mar 2015 Large-Scale Solar Applications to Mitigate PM2.5 Pollution and Yellow Dust Storm in East Asia by Prof. David Y.H. Pui from Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
13 Mar 2015 Enforcing Energy and Environmental Policies in China by Dr. Yuan Xu from Department of Geography and Resource Management, and Institute of Energy and Sustainability, CUHK
06 Mar 2015 Monitoring Our Changing Earth with Digital Cameras: Toward a Global Phenocam Network by Dr. Oliver Sonnentag from Department of Geographic, University of Montreal
11 Feb 2015 用地震波給地球作B超 by Prof. Chen Yong from the Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
22 Dec 2014 Towards Urban Sustainability under a Changing Climate by Dr. Dan LI from Program of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University
14 Nov 2014 Time-Dependent Failure and Inelastic Compaction in Porous Sandstone by Prof. Patrick BAUD from EOST Strasbourg, France
07 Nov 2014 Using Seismic Wave to Monitor the Subsurface Stress Change at Different Scales by Prof. Baoshan WANG from Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), Beijing
03 Nov 2014 Spatial and Temporal Variability of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from a Temperate Ombrotrophic Peatland by Prof. Derrick LAI from Department of Geography and Resource Management , CUHK
20 Oct 2014 Glacial Geodynamics: Climate induced Earthquakes, Large scale Ground Water Storage & Mantle Heterogeneity by Prof. Patrick WU from Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong
6 Oct 2014 Hong Kong's Big Bang: The Story Behind the Discovery of Hong Kong's Supervolcano by Dr. Rod SEWELL from Hong Kong Geological Survey, GEO, CEDD
22 Sep 2014 Space Weather Forecasting: A Brief Overview by Dr. George C. HO from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
20 Mar 2014 How Satellite Data Tell us Tales of Changing Biodiversity? by Dr. Nathalie Pettorelli from Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London
7 Feb 2014 Different Flavors of ENSO and their Implications on the Predictability of the East Asian Climate by Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis from School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
24 Jan 2014 Studying Responses of Eco-hydrological Processes to Global Environmental Changes Using Remote Sensing and Biosphere Modeling by Dr. ZHANG Ke from Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
10 Jan 2014 Earthquake Ruptures on Heterogeneous Faults by Dr. YANG Hongfeng from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
14 Nov 2013 Vegetation Phenology and Land-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions by Dr. KIM Yeonjoo from Korea Environment Institute
19 Sep 2013 Subsurface Characterization with Hydraulic Tomography and Geostatistical Inversion by Dr. LIU Xiaoyi from Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
28 Aug 2013 Characterizing an Ambient Soft Ionization Source for Studying Chemical Aging of Organic Aerosols by Dr. Chan Man Nin from Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
9 Dec 2022
Public Lecture: Large-scale Monitoring of Urban Environments by Fiber-optic Seismology: Lessons from Six Years of the Stanford DAS Project by Professor Biondo Biondi, Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, U.S.A.
18 May 2022 Our Geoscience Outreach Programme has conducted 18 activities to secondary schools and the public between Jan-April. One of them (「礦物的奧秘」) was co-organized with MoCC and the vido recap is now available.
8 May 2020 Zoom in to the Rocks by Dr. TAM Pui Yuk Tammy on ZOOM Into Science Online Lectures
Video Recap
20 Mar 2020 Plants Breathe: How does it affect Weather and Air Pollution? by Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos on ZOOM Into Science Online Lectures
Video Recap
23 May 2019
Faculty Distinguished Lecture Series - Global Warming and Extreme Events by Dr. Ruby Lai-Yung LEUNG, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Details | Online registration
8 Apr 2018 HK SciFest 香港科學節
植物也呼吸:對天氣與空氣污染有何影響? - 戴沛權教授
Plants Breathe: How Does It Affect Weather and Air Pollution? - Prof. Amos TAI
Website: HK SciFest 2018
28 Feb 2018
Computational Seismology and Applications in Hazards Mitigation by Prof. CHEN Xiaofei, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
7 Dec 2017
Professor Teng-fong Wong presented the Maurice A. Biot Lecture at Columbia University
25 Mar 2017
HK SciFest 香港科學節
香港故事知多少?等石頭話你知 - 譚佩玉博士
Let the Rocks Tell You More about Hong Kong History - Dr. Tammy Tam
Website: HK SciFest 2017
Video: YouTube
8 Mar 2017
Distinguished Scholar Public Talk - International Scientific Exploration of the Deep Ocean: From Global Ocean Ridges to Deep Trenches by Dr. Jian Lin, Senior Scientist and Henry Bryant Bigelow Chair For Excellence in Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, U.S.A.
8 Feb 2017
On Scientific Writing and Publication: A Dialogue with GRL Editor by Dr. Andrew Newman, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
13 Jan 2017
Training Course: Inverse Modeling in Atmospheric Chemistry by Prof. Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University
11 Jan 2017
Distinguished Scholar Public Lecture - Mercury in the Environment: Where Does It Come From? by Prof. Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University
9 Jan 2017
Distinguished Scholar Workshop - Frontiers in Air Pollution Research: From Observations to Modeling by Prof. Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University; Prof. Chak K. Chan, City University of Hong Kong and Prof. Tao Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
7 Jun 2016
Monitoring the Cryosphere with GPS by Prof. LIU Lin at School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University
6 Jun 2016
Remote Sensing of Thawing Permafrost by Prof. LIU Lin at School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University
3 Jun 2016
Physical Mechanism of Frequency-dependent Rupture Process of Large Earthquakes by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics
24 Feb 2016
On Earthquake Prediction by Prof. SHI Yao Lin, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
24 Feb 2016
Deep Crustal Deformation Constrained From Co-seismic Ruptures Associated with the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan, China by Prof. ZHANG Peizhen, Division of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Details | Online registration
27 Mar 2015 Precursory Slow Slip Events Inferred from Foreshocks of the 2014 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK
20 Feb 2015 Effects of fault heterogeneity on earthquake ruptures by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University
15 Nov 2014 Prof. Amos TAI will take part in the "Popular Meteorological Science Lecture Series: Decoding Natural Disasters - Piecing Together the Climate Change Jigsaw Puzzle" at the Hong Kong Science Museum, giving a lecture on the topic ‘Food Sustainability Under Global Climate Change
Details: Chinese | English
14 Nov 2014 Prof. Amos TAI will give a short talk on the topic ‘Interdisciplinary research: bridging gaps between traditional and emerging sciences’, 3:00 pm at the Cafe Area, G/F University Library, "Research Cafe ".
Information: Chinese | English

Online registration
08 Nov 2014 Prof. LIU Lin will give a talk on the topic ‘Tour to Arctic’, 2:30 pm at at the Jocky Club Museum of Climate Change, "Dialogue with the Expert" forum.
Forum Information: Click here (Chinese Only)

Online registration
24 Oct 2014 Imaging Crustal Fault Zone: A Brief Overview by Prof. YANG Hongfeng at Department of Geophysics, Peking University
30 Jul 2014 Café Scientifique - Impacts of climate change to public health by Prof. Amos TAI. Prof. TAI was inviteded by British Council to the Café Scientifique to share the impacts of climate change, implications for daily life and strategies for a sustainable future.
News Clipping (Chinese only)
CUHK Press Release: Chinese | English
04 Jun 2014 Structural controls and contributions to orogenic lode-gold deposits by Dr. Jason ZHANG for Hong Kong Regional Group, The Geological Society of London
19 May 2014 Monitoring Changes in Arctic Permafrost Using Radar Remote Sensing by Prof. LIU Lin at the College of Earth and Environmental Scienses, Lanzhou University
04 Apr 2014 Atmosphere-biosphere interactions: Implications for air quality, food securityand public health under global climate change by Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos at the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS)
07 Mar 2014 Monitoring Changes in Arctic Permafrost Using Geophysical Methods by Prof. LIU Lin at the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS)
27 Feb 2014 Monitoring Changes in Greenland Outlet Glaciers Using Geophysical Methods by Prof. LIU Lin at the Department of Geography and Resource Management
25 Jan 2014 Biosphere-atmosphere interactions: prioritizing strategies for air quality, agriculture and public health under global climate change by Professor Amos Tai at the Workshop on Environmental Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, 20th Anniversary of the Environmental Science Programme
8 Nov 2022
- Interview
Prof. YANG Hongfeng was interviewed twice in September by China Global Television Network (CGTN) on the Luding Earthquake in Sichuan province, speaking about the causes of the earthquake and what to expect in terms of observation period for secondary disasters following a major earthquake.
Facebook - Faculty of Science, CUHK
CGTN - 6 Sept (from ~10:34)
CGTN - 8 Sept (from ~13:16)
21 Sep 2022
- Interview
Professor WONG Tengfong was inteviewed by RTHK about the earthquake happened recently.
01 Sep 2022
- News
ESSC graduate YEUNG Chi Hang Henry received the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence (HKSES). He is now the PhD Student in Environmental Sciences at University of Virginia
16 Aug 2022
- News
Professor YANG Hongfeng recently conducted comprehensive studies of the high-resolution structure & earthquakes near the Challenger Deep, and his team's recent paper was the research spotlight of AGU Eos
18 Jul 2022
- News
ESSC undergraduate student LAU Shu Lam received 2022 Innovation and Technology Scholarship
16 May 2022
- News
Professor Arthur Cheng was appointed Honorary Fellow by CUHK in recognition of his exceptional achievements in geophysics and outstanding contributions to the University and the community.
28 Dec 2021
- Press Release
CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China
16 Dec 2021
- Features
Professor LIU Lin's article is covered in the lateset issue of CUHK in Touch
09 Nov 2021
- Press Release
CUHK Scholar is the First in Hong Kong to Receive the 2021 John Wahr Early Career Award
19 Oct 2021
- Features
Professor TAN Yen Joe has been featured on CUHK frontpage -
Predicting When Volcanoes Are Going to Blow - The Axial underwater seamount acts as a real-time lab for Tan Yen Joe
6 Oct 2021
- In the press
Professor Francis TAM has been featured on Wenweipo
16 Sep 2021
- News
EASC postgraduate student YAO Suli received the 2021 CUHK Outstanding Students Award.
10 Sep 2021
- News
Professor LIU Lin received the AGU John Wahr Early Career Award
Eos AGU News
22 Aug 2021
- Press Release
Five CUHK Researchers Receive China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2021
17 Aug 2021
- Press Release
CUHK Professor Detects the Amount of Water Entering the Earth’s Interior through Southern Mariana Trench for the First Time
13 Aug 2021
- News
ESSC undergraduate student WONG Wing Ching Jeremy has recently published an article as the lead author in Earth and Planetary Physics.
23 Jun 2021
- News
ESSC undergraduate student LAU King Hang received the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award.
Award Presentation Ceremony
15 Jun 2021
- News
MPhil graduate May CHIM Man Mei received the Croucher Cambridge International Scholarship in 2021 at University of Cambridge.
13 Jun 2021
- News
Professor Arthur CHENG Chuen Hon is 2021 recipient of the Honorary Membership Award of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
23 Jan 2021
- News
PhD student YAO Suli received the Best Student Presentation Awards from the Eastern Section - Seismological Society of America Annual Conference. She also won the co-championship of the inaugural Science Faculty Postgraduate Research Day.
19 Nov 2020
- News
Professor Gabriel LAU Ngar Cheung named fellow of American Geophysical Union
Eos AGU News
14 Nov 2020
-Radio Broadcast
Dr. Tammy TAM and ESSC student LAU King Heng have joined RTHK radio programme "學友社及香港電台 - 奮發時刻DSE"
10 Nov 2020
- News
ESSC undergraduate student’s research leading to publication in peer-reviewed journal.
7 Oct 2020
- Features
Professor YANG Hongfeng's studies about shallow earthquake have been featured on various media -
CUHK Press Release - CUHK Professor Investigates Extremely Shallow Earthquake Related to Shale Gas Production in Sichuan
HKET Topick (經濟日報) - 中大學者研究四川榮縣地震 估計由頁岩氣水力壓裂開採誘發成極淺層地震
Singtao (星島日報) - 四川頁岩氣開採 中大:會誘發地震
Phys.org - Unusually shallow earthquake ruptures in Chinese fracking field
Sep 2020
- Features
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos has been featured on CUHK frontpage -
Project Evergreen - Amos Tai strives to find interdisciplinary answers to environmental problems
9 Sep 2020
- Features
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos has been featured on GREENPEACE website -
【和你講氣候變化】科學家戴沛權寄望年輕人keep the passion going!
8 Sep 2020
- In the Press
Professor LIU Lin Francis has been featured in local news by Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報財經新聞)
格陵蘭冰川專家劉琳警告 地球數十年內進入新狀態
2 Sep 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAN Yen Joe has been featured in local news by Tai Kung Pao (大公報)
中大研究「慢地震」 助了解地殼斷層
1 Sep 2020
-Press Release
CUHK Study Finds Slow Earthquakes Behave Similarly to Regular Earthquakes Than Previously Thought
Gives Scientists a Clearer Picture of How Energy Releases along Faults
19 Aug 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis has been featured in local news by Ming Pao (明報)
環保意識:減碳救地球 防止風暴增強
19 May 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis and Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos, together with other experts, analysed the impact of COVID-19 on climate change on CUHKUPDates.
Coronavirus: A Boon to the Environment? - CUHK experts analyse the impact of COVID-19 on climate change
9 Apr 2020
- In the Press
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos and his team published a paper that shows air pollution affect the growth of plants in Hong Kong recently. This is the first research of its kind that is conducted in Hong Kong and it shows that ozone level in Hong Kong is high enough to damage plants. A number of media organisations have covered the research findings.
15 May 2019
- In the Press
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis has been featured in local news by Sky Post (晴報)
大氣層二氧化碳濃度 300萬年新高
18 Dec 2018
- News
PhD student HUANG Lingcao received the First Place Poster Presentation Award at ACUNS18
20 Nov 2018
- News
Professor Hongfeng Yang Received CGS Fu Chengyi Young Scientist Award (中國地球物理學會傅承義青年科技獎)
26 Jun 2018
- News
Photo and video of Professor Teng-fong Wong accepting the Fellow of American Geophysical Union
22 Jun 2018
- In the Press
Undergrduate major student Gabriel Fan (范文熙) has been featured in TVB News programme and Daily News for his work in the Hong Kong Observatory on micro-climate and heat island effect.
Closer Look (時事多面睇) - 14 Jun 2018
TVB Daily News - 15 Jun 2018
19 Apr 2018
- In the Press
Prof. YANG Hongfeng's participation in the China-Pakistan Joint Research Expedition in the Makran Margin, has been reported in CUHK Newsletter #516
27 Mar 2018
- Interview
Impermanent Permafrost - Prof. LIU Lin, interviewed by MoCC CUHK
不再凍的凍土層 - 劉琳教授, 中大賽馬會氣候變化博物館專訪
13 Feb 2018
- News
ASCE has posted video of the Biot Lecture presented by Professor Wong at Columbia University
1 Feb 2018
- News
Graduate Student Samuel Fung Received AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award
31 Jan 2018
- In the Press
Prof. YANG Hongfeng has participated in the first China-Pakistan Joint Research Expedition in the Makran Margin, which is reported by Xinhua News Agency on various medias. Prof. YANG has been interviewed to explain why seismic experiments have been conducted near the Makran subduction zone and how a tsunami is generated. Prof. YANG has also conducted an online science outreach together with two other scientists from the R/V Shiyan 3.
20 Nov 2017
- In the Press
Undergraduate major student Gabriel Fan (范文熙) has been featured in local news for his study on micro-climate and heat island effect carrying out at the Hong Kong Observatory.
9 Oct 2017
- News
Professor Teng-fong Wong named Fellow of American Geophysical Union
Eos AGU News
Press Release - American Geophysical Union Announces 2017 Fellows
20 Sep 2017
- Article
What is the Ring of Fire? - Prof. YANG Hongfeng
4 Sep 2017
-Radio Broadcast
RTHK 香港家書 全球暖化下風暴潮將成常態-譚志勇教授
4 Sep 2017
-Press Release
【新常態?】中大學者:全球暖化加劇風暴潮 未來「天鴿」般影響或每年一次-譚志勇教授
19 Mar 2017
-Press Release
植物吸走污染物防傷身 專家:擺窗台助淨化空氣 - 戴沛權教授
Jan 2017
- Article
極端天氣、海平面上升與風暴潮背後的科學 - 譚志勇教授
The Science behind Extreme Weather, Sea Level Rise and Storm Surges - Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis
31 Oct 2016
- Article
解開地震和深海之 謎 - 楊宏峰教授
Unlocking the Mysteries of Earthquakes and Deep Ocean - Prof. YANG Hongfeng
4 Mar 2016
- Interview
Down to Earth 絕不「離地」- Prof. Amos Tai 戴沛權教授
CUHK UPDates | CUHK Newsletter
Dec 2015
-Press Release
- 中大校友‧2015年12月‧84期
28 Nov 2015
-Press Release
中大研城市化氣候變化影響 冀聯天文台「狙擊」極端天氣
暴雨增密 港變澤港 - 文匯報
28 Nov 2015
-Press Release
中大地球系統科學聯招首次獨立收生 - 星島日報
08 Sep 2015
- Press Release
Prof. Amos P.K. Tai, The First Hong Kong Scientist To Receive the WMO Research Award for Young Scientists
CUHK Press Release: Chinese | English
27 Apr 2015
- Interview
Prof. Wong Teng Fong was interviewed by Financial Times about the earthquake happened last Saturday in Nepal. Please visit the following link for the article:
Nepal earthquake: long expected in active seismic region
27 Apr 2015
- Interview
Prof. YANG Hongfeng was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal about the earthquake happened last Saturday in Nepal. Please visit the following link for the article:
How the Nepal Earthquake Happened
19 Dec 2014
- Article
A coverage on food crisis and the work of Prof. Amos TAI in relation to the movie "Interstellar" published on Apple Daily.
Details (Chinese Only)
04 Aug 2014
-Press Conference
Prof. Amos TAI shared his recently published study titled "Threat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution" with the press at the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change.
CUHK Press Release: Chinese | English
18 Jul 2014
- Interview
Prof. LIU Lin was interviewed by HKHeadline (頭條日報) to share the status of Greenland Outlet Glaciers. The interview report can be reviewed from the following link (in Chinese only):
新聞故事—港專家冰川考察 拆解北極氣候炸彈
Newspaper clippling
08 Jul 2014
- Interview
Prof. Dickon NG (Associate Dean), together with our ESSC year-1 student, Mr. WONG Yat Chun Nathan and a FNS student were invited to the radio programme "Super Classroom (非常班房)" on Radio CAMPUS at DBC on Tuesday, 8 July 2014. Prof. Dickon Ng promoted both our UG and PG programme.  Nathan shared ESSC programme’s activities such as field trip, summer research projects guided by teachers and internship opportunities in the interview.
Programme Archive
30 Apr 2014
-Press Release
Renowned Biodiversity Expert Dr. Pettorelli Spoke on Values of Satellite Data in Conservation Research
16 Mar 2014
- Article
A study, co-authored by Professor LIU Lin, discovered rapid changes in Northeast Greenland. The scientific article is now published online on the website of Nature Climate Change.
Read online
CUHK Press Release (25 Mar 2014) - 中文| English
Newspaper article (28 Mar 2014) - Scan | Online
18 Feb 2014
- Interview
Prof. LIU Lin was invited to speak in a TV programme 視點31 Episode 6 at the RTHK about the global climate change and the impact to human beings. The TV programme can be reviewed at the following link (in Chinese only):
Recap at RTHK website
13 Dec 2013
- Interview
Dr. Jason Zhang was interviewed by Sing Tao Daily to share the method to distinguish real gemstone. The interview report can be reviewed from the following link (in Chinese only):
20 Nov 2013
- Interview
Professor Amos Tai was invited to share his experience in a radio programme 思潮作動 at the RTHK about his studies in the U.S., and his recent research in Hong Kong. The programme can be reviewed from the following link (in Cantonese only):
Media Player  / Real Player
A new integrated programme “Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC)” is introduced for admissions in 2022-23.
2-4 Aug 2022
-Summer Workshop
EASC Online Student Summer Workshop 2022
27 Jul 2021
- Vacancy
CUHK Vice-Chancellor Early Career Professorships open for application till 30 September 2021. We invite outstanding young talents from around the world to join us as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor under the University’s new flagship scheme.
6 Jul 2021
-Summer Workshop
EASC Online Student Summer Workshop 2021
16 Feb 2021
- Vacancy
A tenure-track faculty position in geophysics based on the "Madam Ng Yin Ying Early Career Professorship Scheme" is available starting August 2021 in the Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Outstanding candidates with research and teaching interests in all areas of geophysics are invited to apply.
5 Nov 2020
- News
Professor YANG Hongfeng's given a few online talks at different institutes recently:
马里亚纳俯冲带南部结构与地震特征 at College of Oceanography, Hohai University
探索地震断层的摩擦性质 at Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA
21 Aug 2020
-Academic Counselling
Academic Counselling Session for New ESSC Students (2020 Entry) via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Time: 10:00 am
The Zoom meeting’s login details will be sent to new students through email.
For enquiries, please send email to essc@cuhk.edu.hk.
11-12 Aug 2020
-Summer Workshop
Student Summer Workshop 2020
6 Jan 2020
- News
Professor Shemin GE (葛社民) joins the Earth System Science Programme of the Faculty of Science as a Fulbright Scholar.
9-11 Jul 2019
-Summer Workshop
Student Summer Workshop 2019
17-21 Jun 2019
- Course
Short Course: Modeling Seismic Waveforms by Professor Lupei Zhu, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University, U.S.A.
23-26 Apr 2019
-International Workshop
5th International Workshop on Rock Physics
14 Nov 2018
-International Workshop
International Workshop on South China Sea Tectonics and Subduction Zone Dynamics
7-9 Aug 2018
-Summer Workshop
Student Summer Workshop 2018
26-27 Mar 2018
-International Workshop
International Workshop on Seismicity near the Hutubi Underground Gas Storage and Mechanism of Induced Earthquakes
6 Oct 2016
- Public Forum
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Public Forum: Walking Towards a Low-Carbon Hong Kong
3 Oct 2016
- Film Screening
Screenng of 'Hurricane, the anatomy - Winds of change'
3 Feb 2016
- Career Talk
When Data Meets Sustainability by Dr.Joanne Yeung, Director & Co-Founder - Research and Development, Himalytics
29 Jan 2016
- Career Talk
Sustainable Safety – An Unexpected Journey by Dr. Jones Wan, Senior Consultant – Risk and Modelling
4 Dec 2015 to 29 Feb 2016
- Exhibition
Themed Exhibition on Climate Change and Earth System Science
4 Dec 2015
- Film Screening
Public Screening of Ice and the Sky a French Documentary about Claude Lorius
巴黎氣候大會紀錄片特別放映: Ice and the Sky冰天雪地
14 Apr 2015
- Career Talk
Mines and Money by Jacky Chan
09 Apr 2014
- Career Lecture
An International Perspective on Developing Specialist Careers in Engineering Geology by Mr. Bob Sas