
Prof. Amos Pui-Kuen Tai, leader of the study (middle), Prof. Hon-Ming Lam, Co-Author of the paper (right), and Prof. Joe Shing-Yip Lee, Co-Director of ENSURE.
(image from CUHK Press Release)
A collaborative study led by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) had reveled that less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China. This interdisciplinary work was conducted jointly with the University of Exeter (Exeter) and Peking University under the CUHK – Exeter Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE).
The leader of the study Prof. Amos Pui Kuen Tai, and co-author of the paper Prof. Hon-Ming Lam shared their view to the media. The finding was published in the journal Nature Food.
Full text of the paper: www.nature.com/articles/s43016-021-00430-6 or https://rdcu.be/cDlXN
News coverage:
2021-12-28 CUHK Press Release CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China
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2021-12-28 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 中大研究:多菜少肉飲食模式可減輕中國嚴重空氣污染問題
2021-12-29 RTHK 3 Backchat: Expanding child abuse scandal; and why you should eat less meat
2021-12-29 Ta Kung Pao 中大:嗜肉飲食習慣 加劇空氣污染
2021-12-29 Sing Tao Daily 中大:少食肉可減兩成空污
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2021-12-29 am730 一齊出力 研究指多吃肉致空氣污染惡化 中大建議市民多菜少肉
2021-12-29 South China Morning Post Eating less meat can help reduce 75,000 premature deaths related to air pollution in China, study finds
2021-12-29 The Standard Meaty fears for air
Click here to see the following news paper cutting:
中大:嗜肉飲食習慣 加劇空氣污染 [Ta Kung Pao] 2021-12-29 A06 港聞
中大:少食肉可減兩成空污 [Sing Tao Daily] 2021-12-29 A10 港聞
研究:植物性飲食減空污「救命」 [Oriental Daily News] 2021-12-29 A06 要聞
中大研究:食肉多增氨排放 致每年9萬人死於空氣污染 [Sky Post] 2021-12-29 P08 港聞
一齊出力 研究指多吃肉致空氣污染惡化 中大建議市民多菜少肉 [am730] 2021-12-29 A09 本地新聞
Study finds eating less meat may improve air quality, reduce premature deaths [South China Morning Post] 2021-12-29 EDT6 EDT Zoe Low zoe.low@scmp.com
Meaty fears for air [The Standard] 2021-12-29 P08 Local Maisy Mok