Page 26 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 26
24 / Lifestyle / 25
Shall We Talk Online?
With a growing demand for mental health services, online mental health services have emerged as an alternative treatment
By Patricia Ricafort & Isaiah Hui
lizabeth, who declines to reveal woke up too late. She did not have ond session was through a Skype call. selling is just a different experience bed. You force yourself to do things the founder of Common Care Cen-
her last name, first started re- enough time to commute from her But she did not find online sessions altogether. The environment feels too that you normally wouldn’t do when tral, an online counselling platform
Eceiving counselling at the age home in the New Territories to the as beneficial for her as in-person ses- casual for dealing with heavy issues,” you’re very depressed.” that matches clients with therapists
of 13 after being recommended for centre in Central. sions. she says. She acknowledges the convenience for virtual counselling sessions.
counselling through a school screen- “The online situation was never “It was hard to fully focus on the Elizabeth finds the process of pre- of virtual counselling services, yet she Yeung started the platform in June
ing. The Year Three student of the ideal. It was usually when I was run- session,” the university student says. paring for physical meetings better for prefers in-person services. this year after personally trying U.S.-
Chinese University of Hong Kong ning late but I needed to speak to my During her online sessions, she felt her mental health. based online counselling services and
(CUHK) now receives counselling psychologist because I have to keep distracted and began to multitask due “I think getting ready for seeing The Other Side realising that Hong Kong residents
from a private counselling centre. She the appointment,” the 21-year-old to the online environment. someone (in-person) grounds me While Elizabeth did not have a could benefit from a similar service.
usually attends in-person sessions at says. Elizabeth also found online coun- more,” she says. “When you go to at- positive experience with online coun- Yeung acknowledges that some
the centre, but she has moved her ses- Her first online session was selling inappropriate for discussing tend (physical) counselling sessions, selling, others find online counselling people like Elizabeth would not prefer
sions online last-minute twice as she through a WhatsApp call and her sec- her emotional issues. “Online coun- you get yourself ready and out of beneficial. Jessica Yeung Chen-yee is online services. Yet she observes that