Page 37 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 37
34 / Lifestyle / 35
Luxuries and cosmetics are having
a much tougher time compared to
household products which are expe-
riencing a growth in sales volume.”
Chan says.
He points out marketing prod-
ucts is a challenge for business own-
ers. Many e-commerce starters rely
on doing advertisement to market
their products. “Many think adver-
tisements are the most important fac-
tor in converting traffic to sales. New
entrepreneurs usually misunderstand
that posting social media advertise-
ments is the only way to market their
products.” Chan says.
Joy Yu, founder of Swag Hair, is An online store was more suitable for Yu’s business than a physical store.
s bu
table f
or Y
nline store was more su
An o
siness than a physical store.
one of those who understands it is
important for her store to have its
own website so that she can have online store selling hair products in Dominic Chan, associate profes- a large-scale is difficult unless your
more control over advertisement, Source: The Census and Statistics Department 2015. She started by using Facebook sor of practice in entrepreneurship product is unique,” Chan adds.
he Census and Statistics Departmen
rce: T
promotion and other features on her but later switched to her own website. at the Chinese University of Hong “Parents will be more open to
website. The 25-year-old started her She creates videos and blog posts the idea of having their children do-
to educate her audience about hair ing online business start-up because
products. This helps her gain an- of poor career prospects in the job
other source of income. During the market due to the pandemic,” Chan
wth marketing throu
Participants learn growth marketing through running an e-commerce store. (Photo Courtesy of Growth Marketer Academy) pandemic, logistics service has been says.
gh running an e-c
ts learn gro
ommerce store. (
f G
Photo Courtesy o
wth Marketer Academy
affected. “I was able to make money
through making videos during the
pandemic. My videos have more
views, as everyone is spending more
time at home during the pandemic,” Dominic Chan
Dominic Chan
Yu says.
After graduating in 2017, Yu Kong, says e-commerce is a great way
opened a physical Swag Hair store. to start a business, as the cost is low.
But the store closed down after a year. “E-commerce platforms are mature.
She then started focusing on creating The cost to start an online business
marketing content for her business. It is low, so anyone can join the market.
brings her more profit than the physi- But this also means that there is great
cal store. competition. Expanding business to
The cost to start an online business is low,
so anyone can join the market.