Page 22 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 22
20 / Periscope
Journalist Definition Revised
Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) sent an email (the email) to four journalist associations including Hong Kong
Journalist Association (HKJA), Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, Hong Kong News Executives’ Association and
Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA) on September 22 to inform them about an amendment in the
definition of “media representatives” in the Police General Orders. Under the new arrangement, holders of identity
documents issued by the following organisations will be recognised as journalists:
1. Media organisations registered under the Government News and Media Information System (GNMIS) system;
2. and internationally recognised and well-known non-local news agencies, newspapers, magazines, radio stations
and television stations.
“Media representatives” in the Police General Order before the amendment was defined as holders of following
1. press passes of HKJA or HKPPA;
2. and Identity documents issued by news agencies, newspapers, magazines, radio stations and television stations.
The amendment came into effect sued by HKJA are no longer recog- Secretary of Security John Lee Ka-chu
on September 23, one day after the an- nised under the Police General Order stresses the amendment does not af-
nouncement, without discussing and despite repeated requests for clarifica- fect the lawful reporting of journalists
consulting HKJA or HKPPA. tion. and the press freedom in Hong Kong
HKJA, HKPPA, Citizen News Staff He points out journalists who has not changed in an article dated on
Union, Independent Commentators work as freelancers, stringers, fix- September 23 on the Security Bureau’s
Association, Journalism Educators for ers and foreign freelance journalists website.
Press Freedom, Ming Pao Staff Asso- are not on the list of the Information
ciation, Next Media Trade Union, and Service Department’s GNMIS system,
RTHK Programme Staff Union issued their reporting job will be affected.
a joint statement on September 22 They face higher legal risk when do-
to voice their opposition against the ing reporting in public places and may
amendment. be liable to charges of offences such as
“The amendment allows authori- unlawful assembly.
ties to decide who are reporters, and Ronson Chan Long-sing, the dep-
this fundamentally changes the ex- uty assignment editor of an online
isting system in Hong Kong. It is no news website, The Stand News and
different from having an official ac- the vice-chairperson of the HKJA,
creditation system. The amendment says the amendment limits reporting
seriously impedes press freedom in duty of journalists working for online
Hong Kong, leading the city toward media outlets that are not on the list of
authoritarian rule,” the statement GNMIS system.
reads. The police explain that the new ar-
Chris Yeung Kin-hing, chairman rangement allows frontline police of-
of HKJA says the police have not fully ficers to recognize media representa-
Edited by Emilie Lui
explained why membership cards is- tives more efficiently in the email. Edited by Emilie Lui
The amendment seriously impedes press
freedom in Hong Kong, leading the city
toward authoritarian rule.