Page 11 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 11

Future of Journalism

         n the online colloquium, we discussed   there will still be reporters around the world   cate with friends physically. Virtual learning
       Ithe impact of COVID-19 on our lives as   providing updated news to the general   definitely has its limitations.
       students and the future of journalism.  public. Yet, as news consumers, we should
                                           be careful of what news we are reading, and   3.   Is there any hobbies or habits you
        There were three major discussion ques-  how we should consume it.      will carry on, even after COVID-19 ends?
       tions:                                                                    During the pandemic, we have all devel-
                                            2.     What are the goods and bads of   oped habits of wearing mask and washing
        1.    Will journalism platform fully move  COVID-19?                    our hands. Thanks to these habits, some
       online?                              One good thing about COVID-19 is that   students said they may have a lower chance
        Many students believe online media   we get to make new friends from different   of getting sick. Meanwhile, as gyms are
       platforms will continue to grow and thrive,   cultural backgrounds through the Internet.   closed, some students become used to
       dominating the media industry in the near   Before the pandemic, students would nor-  working out at home. Some students have
       future. In view of the power and influence of   mally hang out with people from similar ra-  developed hobbies such as cooking or doing
       online media, we should be aware and re-  cial backgrounds or people they have known   housework, which somehow changed their
       sponsible for what we post, read, and share   within their community. However, after the   personalities. Many suggested that they
       with people through the platforms.  outbreak, we have a chance to be connected   became more responsible with what they
                                           with people who are physically far away   are doing.
        A question about the future of journalism,   from us through Zoom meetings. This allows
       as COVID-19 persists, was raised during   us to go global and be more open-minded
       the discussion. Students discussed whether   about other cultures.
       fewer people would join the journalism in-
       dustry as reporters face pay cuts and layoffs   Yet, the lack of human interactions during
       amid COVID-19. After rounds of sharing, we   COVID-19 is making our lives difficult. De-
       came up with an answer that there would   spite advancement in media and technology
       not be much change in the industry. In fact,   that allows students to take online classes
       online media platforms have made sharing   at home, they prefer having face-to-face
       of news on the Internet possible. We believe   classes and meetings to meet and communi-   By Sarah Ryou

       Students Long for Physical Communication

          loss of informal discussion is inevitable   College students may need to find some
        A in online classes. People have been   new ways to compensate for the loss of
       talking about how communication technol-  informal discussion and socialisation.
       ogy has brought people closer for decades.
       But remote teaching technology is still not            By Alina Chen
       enough to ensure quality education during
       the pandemic.

        Students lose the chance of having physi-
       cal communication in class break. Professors
       end zoom meeting once a lecture is finished.
        The online discussion is not so smooth as
       before. Sometimes it seems that students
       just present what they have prepared before
       the class to get participation points, but
       not by responding or communicating with

        In discussion rooms, many students stay
       silent. One of the possible reasons is that
       performance in group discussion is not
       counted in final grading.
        Pandemic alienates people and reduces
       interaction between people. It is hard to find
       joy of communication.

        COVID-19 wears on, and it is hard to say
       when or whether it will end. It may become
       a common disease like flu. But nobody                  Students are taking an online class on Zoom.
       knows how long it will take for humans to
       live with it ‘peacefully’.
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