Page 19 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 19
16 / Periscope / 17
Reporting on Thin Ice
The implementation of the national security law has put the journalism indus-
try at risk. Journalists and media outlets are now seeking ways to survive in
the tight corners.
By Charlie Yip & Reus Lok
Photo courtesy of Cheung
Photo c ourtesy o f Cheu ng
rotection of sources has privacy protection. To keep himself Kwan O and conducted inspection on Deterrent Effect and Panic two main responsibilities of journal-
become journalists’ major and his interviewees safe, Chan steps news desks, sparking an outcry over Cheung, a free-lance reporter, ists. Unfortunately, under the national
Pconcern in Hong Kong after the up security by using more reputable the implications for press freedom. shares Chan’s worries. She thinks security law, perhaps journalists can
introduction of national security law. communication softwares and appli- Chan thinks that the law is gen- ambiguity in the law allows flexibility no longer serve the public, but the
“I won’t just phone call an interviewee cations. erally seen as a menace to all media “ for interpretation. “The law gives government. We have to report the
whom I think is in need of high The national security law aims to practitioners. “The law threatens free- them a very convenient tool to curb truth even when we are facing an in-
security. I will use applications such prevent, stop and punish secession, dom of speech and discourages peo- The law threatens press freedom,” Cheung says. creasing risk,” Cheung adds.
as Telegram or Signal to contact my subversion of state power, terrorist ple from voicing out their opinions,” freedom of speech Cheung is worried and aware that
interviewees,” says Ronson Chan activities and collusion with foreign he says. He also describes the job of some journalists have already self- Journalism is at Risk
Long-sing, the deputy assignment countries with legal accusation or journalists now as skating on thin ice and discourages censored their works to avoid falling The HKJA conducted a survey after
editor of The Stand News and the even life imprisonment. and expects to see a decline in the into any legal trap. the introduction of the law between
vice-chairperson of the Hong Kong On August 10, 2020, Apple Daily number of outspoken media outlets people from voicing “No matter what aspect a story June 8 and June 11. Of the 535 jour-
Journalists Association (HKJA), says. founder Jimmy Lai, Lai’s younger son, which are critical of the government is about, say education or entertain- nalists polled, 98 per cent disagreed
Signal is an instant messaging ap- Ian Lai Yiu-yan and a few executives and Beijing. out their opinions. ment, as long as it is associated with with the enactment of the national
plication currently on shelf with in- of Next Digital Media, which is well- “Of course my wife and my par- politics, people no longer have the security law and 98 per cent were con-
creasing popularity, especially among known for being critical of Beijing ents are worried about me, but they’re guts to speak up. It makes the inter- cerned about adverse effects on press
Hong Kongers after the law went into and the Hong Kong government, were well-aware of my passion and ambi- viewing process much harder when freedom and expected stronger self-
effect on June 30, 2020. It works just arrested for alleged collusion with for- tion for my job,” Chan says. He also ” even speaking the truth has such seri- censorship.
like other instant messaging tools, eign forces. reveals that he is mentally prepared ous consequences,” she says. Chris Yeung Kin-hing, chairman
but with more security features such About 200 officers raided the for the worst. “Holding the authorities account- of the association, says that the con-
as end-to-end encryption for better premises of the company in Tseung able and informing the public are the cern reflected in the survey is well-