Page 8 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 8

Cooking Classes for College Students during


          OVID-19 outbreak has brought changes   also urges members of the public to avoid   in detail as the class is conducted online
        Cto people’s life such as college students’   going out. Therefore many seldom get fresh   this year.
       diet. To help students learn how to cook   food from grocery stores.
       healthy meals, online cooking lectures have                               One of the students told me she wanted
       been offered to students at Kyushu Univer-  Students need cheap, convenient, and   to know how food cooked by the teacher
       sity.                               balanced meals. One solution is to cook by   exactly tastes like by trying it directly. She
                                           themselves. From my experience, cooking   wondered if she could learn the essence
         Many college students have unhealthy   our own food satisfies all these require-  of cooking though she had gained some
       diets because they are not accustomed to   ments once we get used to it, and there is an   knowledge about how to improve her diet.
       cooking healthy meals. Also, some who have   interesting example which has successfully
       lost their part-time job have to reduce their   made college students good at cooking for   Despite the fact that there are limitations
       food expenses. Meanwhile, the government   themselves.                   in learning cooking skills through online
                                                                                classes, the online cooking lecture has suc-
                                                        Kyushu University has of-  cessfully gained popularity among Japanese
                                                      fered  “Jisui-juku” that teaches   students.
                                                      students how to cook healthy
                                                      meals. The online cooking   Michikazu Hiramatsu, associate professor
                                                      class is popular because it   of Kyushu University who started Jisui-ju-
                                                      is very easy for beginners to   ku says, “Cooking is the same as doing. It
                                                      follow.                   improves based on knowledge and what we
                                                        Students have the opportu-
                                                      nity to share what they cook
                                                      with other students. They
                                                      join workshops presented by
                                                      culinary researchers. However,
       Kenshin Onishi from Kyushu University shared about college   students without any experi-
       students’ diet during COVID-19.                ence found it difficult to learn        By Kenshin Onishi

       Pandemic Police and Japan’s Conforming Culture

            hen the Japanese government de-  health. Therefore, a sense of social con-  (文部科学省), the number of recognized bul-
        Wclared a state of emergency on April   formity (同調圧力) was triggered during the   lying cases has increased for six consecutive
       7, 2020, the atmosphere in Japan became   pandemic in Japan.             years in Japan. The emergence of “pandemic
       tense. News broadcasts reported about the                                police” gives us a chance to understand
       so-called “pandemic police” (自粛警察) day   Naoki Sato, a specialist in Sekengaku (世  why bullying in Japan continues to increase
       and night. The term “pandemic police” refers   間学), the study of Japan society, claims that   despite determination and continued effort
       to citizens who voluntarily sought to punish   Japanese often refer oneself as part of a   made by the Japanese government in tack-
       those who returned from Tokyo, the city with   group (世間) instead of an individual. In the   ling the problem.
       the highest number of infections, or those   Japanese language system, the subject of a      By Qian Yiren
       who did not shorten their business hours as   sentence is often omitted, so people usually
       ordered by the government.          say “love you” instead of “I love you”. Mem-
                                           bers of The Japanese Sekengaku Society (日
        During the pandemic, “pandemic police”   本世間学会) claim that there is no individ-
       stuck flyers with invective messages such as   uals but Seken in Japan. Within the group,
       “WHY DID YOU COME HOME FROM TOKYO?”   responsibilities are shared among members
       or “WHY DID YOU NOT FOLLOW THE SHOP   and one can attack those who do not comply
       CLOSURE ORDER?” on the front doors of   with the rules without hesitation.
       people returning from Tokyo and those who
       continued their business as usual. Some   Under this social structure, victims being
       of them even vandalized the cars of those   abandoned may suffer more, which ex-
       people as a “punishment”.           plains several social phenomena in Japan.
                                           Professional women wrestler Hana Kimura,
        As an overseas student, I found this phe-  committed suicide after receiving negative
       nomenon in Japan very interesting. Social   comments and being slandered on Twitter.
       scientists observed that people tend to act   Why was the slander so powerful? And why
       in the same way as others to feel relieved,   do victims like Kimura care so much about
       especially during a social crisis like the   others’ comments?
       pandemic. People who act differently will
       be rejected by vigilantes with a distorted   According to the Ministry of Education, Cul-
       sense of justice, claiming to safeguard public   ture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
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