Page 13 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 13

COVID-19 Brought Changes to Journalists

          he traditional way of producing news   such as FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype. And   practice is a chance for journalists to train
        Tstories has been totally changed due   reporters must check their camera, micro-  their professional skills and discover more
       to the pandemic. In the past, journalists   phone, and Internet connection before con-  possibilities.
       conducted face-to-face interviews, went out   ducting interviews and make sure everything
       to take pictures and shoot videos, and flew   is good to go.              Varsity, though facing difficulties brought
       around the world to cover stories.                                       by the pandemic, is taking this opportunity
                                            Having phone calls or video calls record-  to go global. We have taken advantage of
        But now the situation has changed a lot.   ed does not mean journalists can relax.   physical location of international students
       Travel disruptions, quarantine policies, and   Accidents can happen. If they forget to click   to produce stories in different parts of Asia.
       risk of being infected caused by the pan-  the record button, they will lose everything   Students from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong
       demic have made it impossible to stick to   after the interview. Jotting down notes is   Kong and South Korea produce news stories
       the old way of reporting.           still necessary.                     from their home countries and make Varsity
                                                                                a magazine with a global reach.
        Conducting virtual interviews is a great   In a situation where it seems that the
       challenge for reporters. Journalists need to   pandemic will not end soon, journalists
       have a good command of new online tools   have to learn new skills and tools. This new       By Ella Lang

       Civil Resilience during the Pandemic

          he online colloquium with Japanese students was held on Feb-  equipment in the community.
        Truary 19. In the colloquium, Landscape Architecture Professor
       Jeff Hou from the University of Washington gave a presentation on   It is eye-opening to know that other places around the earth, like
       civic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.         the U.S. and Singapore, also have similar groups to act and help the
                                                              community during this hardship, as I learned from the presentation.
        I am aware of the power of civil groups and citizens to help the
       needy in our society, especially during emergencies.    I think civil groups have to take further action to continue growing
                                                              and increasing their influence.
        When the COVID-19 pandemic first broke out in Hong Kong, a lot
       of people could not get enough masks. The situation of the elderly   They can work harder to promote themselves since they are rather
       was even more serious as they did not know how to purchase masks   new in our society and people are still unaware of them. They can
       online.                                                also find partners such as schools and volunteer associations to
                                                              collaborate in providing greater help to our community.
        My friend invited me to donate ten surgical masks at that time,
       which he then distributed to elderly people living near his home. It   The actions of civil groups can supplement the government as they
       was shocking as the whole project was initiated by himself only.    know their target groups better than the government. The presence
                                                              of these groups is essential during emergencies, but it is also impor-
        During the pandemic, a lot of small concern groups which mainly   tant to keep them running when emergencies are over.
       consist of ordinary citizens have been formed in our city. They act
       on different matters such as conservation and provision of hygiene                         By Felicia Lam

                    ImpactHK, a registered NGO dedicated in offering help to the homeless, provides services during COVID-19.
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