Page 3 - Varsity Special Issue
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City of Silence
ith the introduction of grows after the implementation of the people starting e-business amid the
the national security law law. Some journalists are self-censor- pandemic, overworked domestic
Wthis year, fear is in the air ing their works to avoid violating the helpers, popular trend of eating veg-
in Hong Kong. law. We speak to journalists to learn etarian food and online counseling
Content providers in journalism, their concerns and worries about service. Enjoy the read!
publications and music industry are press freedom that Hong Kong was
worried whether their creation will once proud of.
lead them to legal traps. Local music producers are also in
Our Periscope section looks into fear when writing music about social
creative industry’s fear under the new issues in Hong Kong. We reach out to
law. We try to look at content provid- local music producers to learn their
ers who are affected by the law and thoughts on how the law is having an
their ways of coping with the situa- impact on the music industry.
tion. This issue of Varsity also features a
Soon after the law was introduced, wide range of stories in different plac-
books written by prominent pro-de- es, such as Chinese students’ visas be-
mocracy figures were removed from ing cancelled by the U.S. and cinemas
public library shelves, triggering fears hit by COVID-19 in China, pregnant
and concern for freedom of speech. women doing strength training in
We talk to independent booksellers Taiwan, press freedom under threat in
to understand their worries about Indonesia, and overworked delivery
vagueness of the law. workers in South Korea.
Security concern when doing re- We also have coverage about Hong Regina Chen
porting or conducting interviews Kong on other issues such as young Chief Editor
Varsity Magazine, Special Issue, 2020
Editorial Office School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N. T., Hong Kong.
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