Page 3 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 3
Trapped on Campus
group of students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong presented a
A news story about campus quarantine policies in China in an online event
‘Beyond COVID-19’ on February 19, 2021.
According to the presentation, it was common for universities to restrict stu-
dents from leaving campuses during the pandemic. After rounds of protests
that took place at several universities, most schools relaxed their policy.
Although it was understandable that universities wanted to tighten entry
control to prevent infections, students’ frustration should not be overlooked.
Students were restricted not only from going out to shop or to eat, they
also were not allowed to go home or take up internship programmes which
required them to leave campus every day. Varsity student Lynne Rao and Gloria Wei shared their
story about how universities in Mainland China relaxed
We are expected to adapt to new changes brought by the pandemic. But it restrictions on leaving campus, after students protested
seems to me that students were upset because they were the only ones whom to voice their discontent last year and the latest situation.
were locked up on campuses. I think the authority should give an explanation
to those who are affected by the policy. Of course, there may not be enough
evidence to prove it is a “correct” policy, since this is new. It is also important
for the authority to have the courage to change its policy as swiftly as possi-
ble when needed.
By Kano Onuki
The Influence of COVID-19 on Japan
he Japanese government puts more suffer from poverty. The increase of suicides Social welfare service organisations
Temphasis on recovering the economy in 2020 implies more people are at a loss in community play an important role in
than containing the COVID-19 pandemic about their life. supporting the needy. One of them is Tokyo
control measures because they Children & Family Support.
are concerned about the effect The group distributes free food
of such measures. Thus, Japan to needy families and conduct
still cannot take any strong study support for children in
measures to prevent the spread such families. Some people
of coronavirus. For example, the might think that sense of
government has declared the community has weakened. But
state of emergency twice. The the fact is social bonding has
first time lasted from April to been strengthened during the
May 2020 and the second started pandemic.
from January 2021 till now. The
administration has to declare the
state of emergency twice since
other government measures have Kantaro Yokoo from University of Tokyo shared the influence of COV-
failed to uphold social distancing. ID-19 on Japanese society. By Kantaro Yokoo
The government also failed to introduce Engaging Communities during the
relief measures to help business operators
who were affected by the state of the emer-
gency. As a result, there are still many infec- Pandemic
tion cases, and the impact of the pandemic
on the economy has become even worse.
t is easy for wealthy families to pay for actions to help the poor. I share this view
Taiwan puts more emphasis on introducing Iprivate tuition and textbooks for their and realise the importance of building a
effective COVID-19 control measures than children, while it is difficult for poor families. compassionate community in which people
recovering the economy. Taiwan has intro- This problem has become more serious help each other.
duced strong measures in an early stage of during the pandemic. Many people have lost
the pandemic. Chen Shih-chung, Taiwan’s di- their job or suffered from pay cuts during The same can be said about the education
rector of Ministry of Health and Welfare said the pandemic. As a result, the gap between system. People in the community can coop-
that if quarantine measures did not work, the rich and the poor has become greater. erate to support study of the poor. University
the economy would not survive. Taiwan has students have the potential of building a
succeeded in controlling COVID-19, and as a In January, I spoke to members of “koso- caring community. I will consider taking
result, the rate of Taiwan’s economic growth date-oendan”, a group that helps underpriv- actions to narrow the gap of education
recorded 2.5 per cent in 2020. Taiwan’s poli- ileged families, to learn about the present between the rich and the poor.
cies have raised concerns such as restriction situation of the poor. One of the members
on individual rights, but they are effective pointed out the influence of individualism
measures against COVID-19. and self-responsibility which prevailed in
More and more people lose their job or Japan prevented many people from taking By Kantaro Yokoo
suffer from pay cuts in Japan. Some even