Page 10 - Varsity Special Issue
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resources, with “a view to reinforc- icy bureaux and experts in different “In the past, we enjoyed freedom Questions sent by Varsity reporters Written reply by Security Bureau on September 25
ing the learning elements of national areas, and has been consulting with of speech in Hong Kong. Now with
The national security law is enacted to safeguard national
1. Jimmy Lai is suspected of colluding with what kind of
security education”. The criteria and the education sector, with a view to the law in place, teachers have to be foreign forces and with which country? sovereignty, security and development interests, uphold and
guidelines for reviewing materials are providing more detailed guidelines as cautious about what they say during improve the “One Country, Two Systems” regime, safeguard
not mentioned. soon as possible. lessons. That has a significant impact 2. Agnes Chow is suspected of colluding with what kind the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, as well
Controversies emerged when Lib- “It is the professional duty of teach- on teaching and learning,” Ip says. of foreign forces and with which country? as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Hong
eral Studies textbooks were found al- ers to review regularly their teaching Ip perceives the removal of “sepa- Kong residents. Article 4 of the national security law clearly
3. The expulsion of Victor Mallet in 2019 has caused great stipulates that human rights shall be respected and protected
tered after six local publishers joined materials for student learning to gate- ration of powers” in Liberal Stud- concern. What is the visa policy for foreign journalists? Has in safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special
a voluntary professional consultancy keep the quality and relevance of the ies textbooks as an infringement of the national security law affected visa applications filed by Administrative Region (“HKSAR”); the rights and freedoms,
scheme established by the bureau in resource materials of the school cur- academic freedom. “The government foreign journalists? including, inter alia, the freedoms of speech, of the press and
2019. The scheme aimed to “improve riculum,” the spokesperson says. “The should not ban academic discussion,” of publication, which HKSAR residents enjoy under the Ba-
4. Is it against the national security law to report about sic Law and the provisions of the International Covenant on
the quality of the textbooks to ensure teaching materials provided to stu- Ip says. “There should be space for Hong Kong independence? Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on
that they are in line with the aims, ob- dents by schools should not involve teachers to teach and students to dis- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as applied to the HKSAR,
jectives and learning focuses of the and promote any acts that endanger cuss the concept of separation of pow- 5. Is it against the national security law to interview fu- shall be protected in accordance with the law. Any measures
curriculum”, according to a press re- national security,” the spokesperson ers, which is a long-standing model of gitives such as Nathan Law? or enforcement actions taken under the national security law
lease issued by the bureau on August adds. Hong Kong legal and administrative must observe the above principle. There is no question that
6. The missing bookseller’s case has caused great con- people will unwittingly violate the national security law when
19, 2020. On August 19, the Hong Kong system,” Ip adds. cern. Will the execution of the national security law affect exercising these rights and freedoms, so long as such activi-
The term “separation of powers” Professional Teachers’ Union issued a He urges educators not to practice publishers and booksellers in Hong Kong? ties do not involve the four categories of offences under the
was removed and legal consequences statement condemning self censorship and teach students in- national security law.
of civil disobedience were highlighted the government of dependent thinking regardless of the 7. What may be the consequences or penalties if academ-
However, the above rights and freedoms are not absolute,
in examined textbooks published in censoring Liberal current political climate. ics or booksellers violate the law? and may be restricted by law for respect of the rights or repu-
August 2020, months after the na- Studies textbooks, Liberal Studies teacher Lo Kit-ling, 8. Will writing/ teaching/ singing songs about social is- tations of others, and for the protection of national security,
tional security law was imposed. The describing it as an who is also a committee member of sues / social movements in Hong Kong be considered as public order (ordre public) and public health or morals. If il-
bureau dismissed allegations about act undermining the Hong Kong Liberal Studies Teach- breaking the national security law? licit activities are involved, they will have gone beyond the
censoring textbooks under the law, the learning objec- ers’ Association, thinks that schools constitutionally guaranteed bounds and may be sanctioned
9. Many musicians/ lyricists are feeling very worried as and restricted by law. The national security law has clearly set
saying that the pusblishers “volun- tives of the core Lo Kit-ling should be given clearer instructions. they are not sure what words/ music video scenes will be out all elements of the four categories of offences endanger-
tarily participated in the professional subject. “Without an ‘official’ red line, considered as illegal. Will there be a list of words that are ing national security. The prosecution would need to establish
consultancy service and refined the Education lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen, teachers have no choice but to practise banned from using as lyrics? and particularise the acts and state of mind of the defendant
textbooks” in the same press release. who is also the vice president of the self censorship,” Lo says. “Our imme- which constitute a particular offence. Whether the defendant
10. Will music video scenes showing public demonstra- is guilty would depend on relevant evidence, and ultimately
A spokesperson of the Education Union, raises his concerns over po- diate action is to review teaching ma- tions and banners of “Five demands” or “HK independence” be determined by the court having regard to the facts and cir-
Bureau tells Varsity that the bureau tentiathreats to academic freedom terials thoroughly and filter content be considered as illegal? cumstances of the case.
is seeking advice from relevant pol- under the national security law. that might be seen as possible threat
to national security,” Lo adds. 11. Can music teachers teach songs with lyrics such as The HKSAR Government will not comment on individual
Lo is most worried about facts be- “Five demands”, “protesters or “Hong Kong Independence”? cases. In general, unless a person has the right of abode or
ing removed from textbooks after as- right to land in Hong Kong, the person requires a visa or entry
permit to come to work in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has always
sessment. “We are afraid facts will be adopted a pragmatic and open policy on the employment of
altered one day. Historical events like professionals in Hong Kong, allowing those possessing spe-
the Cultural Revolution are worth cial skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not read-
mentioning and discussing,” Lo says. ily available in Hong Kong to apply to come to work, includ-
ing journalistic work. In handling each immigration case, the
She believes that Liberal Studies Immigration Department will consider the circumstances of
has an important role in cultivating the case and act in accordance with the laws and immigration
students’ critical thinking and ability policies.
to analyze current affairs.
“I hope students can learn in and
out classroom with the help of both
unbiased textbooks and real life expe-
riential learning,” she adds.
Table 1: A set of questions Varsity sent to Security Bureau on
national security law and their written reply
Edited by Emilie Lui
Edited by Emilie Lui
Liberal Studies Teaching Materials
Sub-edited by Howar d Li
Sub-edited by Howard Li