2007.第14卷第1及2期(Vol. 14 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 91124
The Impact of Filial Piety and Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement Motivation in Chinese Secondary School Students
Stephen Sau-Yan CHOW & Matthew Ho-Tat CHU(周守仁、朱可達)
The present study examined the predictive value of filial piety and parental involvement with respect to students’ academic behavior orientation of achievement motivation and amotivation. Parental involvement was defined as the parents’ expectation, value on education and feedback perceived by the students. This study was conducted in Hong Kong by gathering data from a questionnaire survey at three secondary schools, one all-male and two co-educational schools, across three school bandings (academic standards) and at different school districts. The final sample size was 299. Participants were from Form 2, Form 4, and Form 6. Results showed a positive and significant contribution from filial piety and parental value on education in academic achievement motivation. However, a perceived high parental expectation and insufficient parental feedback on performance, along with less caring for parents and mothers with lower educational level contributed significantly to students’ academic amotivation. Rather than understanding filial piety as a general concept, we conducted a principal component analysis of filial piety and four factors were extracted. Of the four factors, the models in this article singled out “self-sacrificing obedience” as a motivating factor, whereas absence of or insufficient caring for one’s parents appeared to be a factor that discourages academic achievement.