News and Events

[12, Aug. 2022] International Workshop on Naxi Manuscript Studies
Co-organized by the Department of Translation of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Journal of Chinese Writing Systems Editorial Office of East China Normal University

[30, Jun. - 2, Jul. 2022] Breaking New Frontiers: Conference Presentations from CUHK Translation at EATS 4

[11, May. 2022] RIH Talk Series: Found Corpora: What, Why, How?
Speaker: Professor James St. André

[24, Mar. 2022] Research Seminar - One book, many covers: A diachronic, social-semiotic approach to the study of translated book
Speaker: Dr. Li Long

[29, Jan. 2022] Digital Humanities and Literary Research Workshop

[15, Nov. 2021] The Translational Creation of Guanxi
Professor James St. André will give an online talk “The Translational Creation of Guanxi”, hosted by Centre for Translation and Interpreting at Queen’s University Belfast.

[14, Nov. 2020] 清初耶穌會索隱派教士對《易經》之翻譯與解讀
Prof. Sophie Ling-chia Wei has been invited to an online talk in ‘桂子山論壇’ held by Central China Normal University. She will explore the topic, “清初耶穌會索隱派教士對《易經》之翻譯與解讀”.

[14, Nov. 2020] Tsangyang Gyatso's Poetry: Readings and Translations
Arts and Humanities Conversations at CUHK - Episode 2

[9 Jun. 2020] AIIC Zoom Webinar: Remote Interpreting 專業譯員分享會 - 遠程口譯

[9-11, Dec. 2019] International Conference - Translation Studies and the Digital Humanities

[13-15, Jun. 2019] CUHK Research Summit Workshop - Crossing Borders: Sinology In Translation Studies

2019 Summer Workshop for Research Studies at CUHK (3-5 June 2019)

[10-12, Dec. 2018] International Conference - A Space for Translation: Thresholds of Interpretation

AIIC Training of Trainer Workshops

2018 Summer Workshop for Research Studies at CUHK (13-15 June 2018)

[1 Jun. 2018] Workshop - Translating Science Fiction, Translation in Science Fiction: Chinese and English

[22-23, Jan. 2018] AIIC Training Asia: Technology for Interpreters

[14-16, Dec. 2017] The Second International Conference on Chinese Translation History

2nd Summer Workshop for Research Studies in Translation at CUHK (26-30 June 2017)

[12-13, Jun. 2017] Workshop - Translation Studies and/in the Digital Humanities

[8-10, Dec. 2016] International Conference - Translation and Time: Exploring the Temporal Dimension of Cross-cultural Transfer

[2-3, Jun. 2017] International Conference - The Translation and Dissemination of Key Concepts in Modern China