Our Services

For students:

From career and self-exploration to job offer handling, CPDC walks your career journey with you. Here comes a summary of our services.


One-on-one career coaching

Get personalized career advice and explore your career directions with coaches

Career Guidance Programmes

Gain insights into your career development and sharpen your career management skills

Global Internship Programme

Explore about the world of work through internships and develop your global vision

Campus Recruitment Activities

Learn about job opportunities and market updates through meeting talent acquisition teams of employers from diverse industries

CUHK Mentorship Programme

Uncover your potentials and get career planning advice from experienced management executives

CUHK Careers Fair

Build networks with employers and discover different career options

Graduate Employment Survey

Understand employment trends and career destinations of your seniors upon their graduation


Apart from the above, we support you through the following channels.

Online Job Search and Application

A wide range of job opportunities are available through the CU Job Link and Joint Institution Job Information System (JIJIS).

Career Counselling Service

A one-on-one session for you to explore career opportunities and crystallize career aspirations. Schedule for an appointment with our career advisors today.

For employers:

From job posting to event organization, we offer employers a wide range of services and channels for recruiting talents at CUHK. To learn more about how we may help you, visit our Employers Page.