Recruitment Services We Offer

Recruitment Presentation

Arrange a visit to CUHK students. Our centre offers assistance in arranging recruitment presentations for employers to meet with our students on campus from September to April every year. It is the simplest method to introduce job opportunities your firm offers to a large number of highly-talented potential candidates from diverse academic backgrounds.

Students' Sign-up Arrangement

Students are required to register for attending a recruitment presentation with us online, while drop-in students are welcome, subject to seats' availability, to the event at the same time. The sign-up process enables us to send out reminders to the registered students and allow employers to prepare adequate supply of presentation materials. All students must present their student cards upon entering the presentation venue.

Company Information Sessions and Networking Events

For an efficient campus recruitment exercise, you may consider organizing in-house company presentations or networking events. If you are targeting talents from specific faculties or study degrees, we offer screening services to ensure attendees meet with the basic candidate requirements.

Should you need further information, please call us on 3943-7202 or email to

Job Advertisement

CU Job Link, our online job board, provides a free and easy-to-use platform for posting vacancies such as:

  • Graduate positions
  • Internships
  • Temporary or contracting posts

Employers interested will need to complete a simple online registration process when first use the service and provide us with a copy of Business Registration for our reference check and approval. As a registered employer, you can post a vacancy and reach potential students at anytime. Our full-time undergraduates and postgraduates are able to access the Job Link and check for job opportunities when and wherever they prefer.

Collecting Students Application

For large-scale recruitment exercise, we may help collect student applications for the recruiters after a vacancy is advertised on CU Job Link. Collected résumés will be sent via e-mail or via courier by a pre-arranged deadline. Please contact our centre for detailed arrangement.

Campus Interview

Coming to campus to carry out job interview and assessment is a good option for recruiters. Interview arrangement on campus could also be made. For arrangement details, please contact our centre.