Summer Japanese Language and Cultural Exploration Programme

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The programme aims at enhancing students’ Japanese proficiency and deepening their understanding of the tradition and culture of Kansai region (particularly Kyoto) in Japan. Ten New Asia students (“New Practical Japanese I” level or above) are selected by the College to attend a two-week ONLINE programme provided by Kyoto Sangyo University including Japanese learning classes (elementary to lower intermediate level), cultural events and the opportunity to meet online with local students. Upon the completion of the programme, students would be awarded with a certificate of participation issued by Kyoto Sangyo University. (Activity report - from the issue of New Asia Life Monthly Jan 2022)

Schedule (see details)
Date: 20 June – 2 July 2022
Online Japanese Class: Weekdays (Mon - Fri) 19:00 to 21:00 (Japanese Time)
* Followed by a daily chat with KSU student conversation partners (CPs) or cultural events after the Japanese classes
Plus special event on Sat



* The fee would be fully refunded upon the completion of the programme



- New Asia students with “New Practical Japanese I” level or above, or equivalent level acquired from other educational organizations are eligible to apply.

- Interview is required.

- Participants have to submit a study report upon the completion of the programme.



Submit Online Application from 10 to 31 Jan 2022.


Announcement of results

15 March 2021 (Successful applicants will be informed individually by email)



Mr. Jack Wong

Dean of Students’ Office
