Videos of New Asia College 65th Anniversary Lectures

Date Lecture   Video
27 Sept 2014
New Asia College 65th Anniversary Lecture by Prof. Yu Ying-shih on 'New Asia College and Chinese Humanities Studies’
  We are honoured and privileged to have had Prof. Yu Ying-shih to deliver its 65th Anniversary Lecture titled ‘New Asia College and Chinese Humanities Studies’.

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6 Feb 2015
New Asia College 65th Anniversary Lecture by Prof. Tony Chan on 'What's Math got to do with it?'   Through the lecture, Prof. Chan used examples from our daily lives to demonstrate the important roles of math.

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27 Feb 2015 -
6 Mar 2015
Prof. Yu Kwang Chung, a well-known Chinese poet and former professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature has visited CUHK to deliver three public lectures under the 28th Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture series and to celebrate the 65th anniversary of New Asia College.

1st Lecture: "Gong Zi-zhen and Shelley"

2nd Lecture: "A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Pastoral Poetry"

3rd Lecture: "Poetry Recital, with a Brief Introduction to the Art of Poetry Reading"

1st Lecture              2nd Lecture         3rd Lecture

20 Mar 2015 -
21 Mar 2015
Mr. Yang Jinlin chaired The 65th Anniversary Lecture and The New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China 2014/15.
  1st Lecture: "Uncertain Times: Dreams and Reality, Crisis and Hope"
2nd Lecture: "Self-reliance and self-governance: the return of Hong Kong to the PRC and 'no change for 50 years'”

1st Lecture              2nd Lecture