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Sport and Society

The Sport and Society Research Group is committed to the promotion and advancement of the concept of physical literacy to the allied health field and the publics in local and Greater China Region.
Physical Literacy
Mobility Patterns and Fall Mechanisms in Older Adults
  • Physical literacy assessments
  • Older adults
  • Long term athletic development (LTAD)
  • Sport Education model
PE Teachers Professional Development
Risk Factors Associated with Injury
  • Continuous professional development and professional lives
  • Students’ learning outcomes
Key Projects
  • Physical Literacy Academy for Children and Youth (PLACY®). [Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF)], CUHK.
  • IntergenerationABILITY: Enhancement of Physical Literacy of Students with Disabilities and Older Baby Boomers in Hong Kong. [Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) & Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF), CUHK].
  • Hong Kong Physical Education Teachers Conference 2021-2022. [Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR].
  • Global Charting Physical Literacy Survey
Our Team
PhD Students
Ms Hayley Yan HUANG (黄炎)
Mr Penny Rui-si MA (馬睿思)
Mr Dixon Di TANG (唐迪)
Mr Ray Wai-keung HO (何偉強)
Ms Kriztal Kong-wai Li (李剛慧), Project Coordinator II
Dr Theo Siu-ming CHOI (蔡紹明博士), Assistant Lecturer
Ms Sammi Min-yi HUANG (黃敏怡), Research Assistant
Mr Ching-lam CHAN (陳正霖), Part-time Research Assistant
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