
Honorary Appointments

Professor (by Courtesy)
Prof. Martin Chi-sang WONG (黃至生)
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Adjunct Professors
Prof. David STENSEL
Loughborough University
Prof. Mark WILSON
University of Exeter
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr Trisha LEAHY (李翠莎)
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Sports Institute
Honorary Professional Consultants
Ms Wendy Man-yi FUNG (馮敏兒)
Ka Ling School of the Precious Blood
Mr Yiu-keung LAI (黎耀強)
Physical Education and Teaching Practice
Dr Daniel Chi-wo LEE (李致和)
Associate Director
Elite Training Science & Technology
Hong Kong Sports Institute
Mr Ching-kong NG (黃清江)
Steward Pooi Kei Primary School
Mr Lap-ping SHUM (沈立平)
Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School
Dr Allison Ka-yee WONG (黃嘉儀)
Executive Director
Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability
Mr Richard Ah-ngok WONG (黃亞鍔)
Chief Executive
South China Athletic Association
Mr Shun-ki WONG (黃順琪)
Former Principal
Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College
Dr Sam Wing-sum WONG (黃永森)
Executive Director
Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China
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