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CUHK Committee Against Sexual Harassment Holds Inaugural Ceremony of Campus-wide Respect Awareness Campaign
The Committee Against Sexual Harassment (“the Committee”) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the Inaugural Ceremony of the campus-wide Respect Awareness Campaign today. Officiating were Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, Professor Alfred Chan Cheung-ming, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) and Professor Diana Lee, Chairperson of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment of CUHK. Through the campus-wide Respect Awareness Campaign, CUHK hopes to improve awareness of and build the capability to promote respect and prevent sexual harassment in the campus, thereby creating an environment of gender equality, free from harassment.
Professor Tuan said in his opening remarks, “The University is committed to ensuring an environment for staff and students which provides equality of opportunity and is free of any discrimination and harassment. In 1995, the University established the Committee Against Sexual Harassment and formulated the Policy Against Sexual Harassment, stating clearly the University’s stance on sexual harassment and putting an appropriate procedure in place to ensure that all allegations or complaints will be handled fairly. We all should take sexual harassment issues seriously. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all of you to support and be part of the Campaign. Only through collective efforts can we achieve a respectful and sexual harassment-free campus.”
Professor Alfred Chan, Chairperson of the EOC, said, “The EOC, as the statutory body responsible for enforcing the anti-discrimination ordinances in Hong Kong, has worked with various sectors over the years, including CUHK, to enhance students’ and staff’s understanding of issues relating to discrimination and sexual harassment through education and training.”
Professor Diana Lee, Chairperson of the Committee, said, “The Committee is organising a year-long programme of publicity and educational events and activities to engage staff and students, and to raise awareness of the importance of mutual respect and preventing sexual harassment among the University’s staff members and students. Following the launch of the Campaign, the Committee will have meetings with respective Faculty Executive Committees and College Cabinets to introduce the campaign and the online training module. Throughout the year, roving exhibitions will be held around the campus, including the University library and nine Colleges. To introduce and reinforce the related policy, there will be tailor-made talks for new students during the orientation and for staff at different levels, in July and August. As well as organising the above activities, the Committee will line up a number of events featuring a drama performance, movie screening and seminars from September to November of the new academic year, to spread the message of equal opportunities, mutual respect and prevention of sexual harassment.”
At the ceremony, Professor Tuan and Mr. Eric Ng, Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary, presented certificates to various organisations and student representatives as a token of appreciation for their support to raise awareness of preventing sexual harassment in the University.

Professor Diana Lee, Chairperson of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment of CUHK (second left), Professor Alfred Chan Cheung-ming, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (third left) and Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK (second right), officiate the inaugural ceremony of the campus-wide Respect Awareness Campaign