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CUHK United College Holds the Kick-off Ceremony for its 60th Anniversary Activities
The United College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recently held the Kick-off Ceremony for its 60th Anniversary Activities at the University Gallery. The Ceremony was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung, Chairman of United College Board of Trustee, Ms. Lina H.Y. Yan, Vice-Chairperson of the College Board of Trustee and the President of Alumni Association, Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu, Head of United College, Prof. Alaster H.Y. Lau, Chairman of the College Staff Association, Ms. Michelle Wong, President of the College Student Union, and Mr. Edwin Chung, Chairperson of the College Student Union Council. Around 130 trustees, donors, staff, alumni and students attended to witness this exciting event.
The United College will celebrate its 60th birthday in 2016. A series of exciting events will be commencing this year, with the 60th anniversary slogan “Together We Advance, United We Innovate”. For more details, please visit the College’s 60th anniversary webpage:

A group photo of the officiating guests, the Trustees of United College and members of the United College 60th Anniversary Steering Committee

Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung, Chairman of the United College Board of Trustee (left) presents a souvenir to Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK (middle), accompanied by Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu, Head of United College.