School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - News Archive
Created Date Title
02/2012 走出悲情:台灣電影的另一面
02/2012 Public Talk by Prof. Graeme Turner, a Leading Figure in Cultural and Media Studies
02/2012 Distinguished Lecture Series Talk by David Schlesinger, Chairman of Thomson Reuters China
02/2012 2012 Career Talk
02/2012 HK2A & CUHK Joint Mentorship Programme 2012
02/2012 Monday.COME "Scholars or Academic Hegemons? Who Defines Academic Freedom?" 02/2012
02/2012 新聞吹吹風 "揭破內地民企假面,由超大農業說起"
02/2012 Monday.COME "The Future of Wukan Village?"
01/2012 影響新聞從業者倫理觀與倫理抉擇的因素——來自成都地區的報告
01/2012 中國需要一個什麼文化觀念——一個傳媒和傳播研究者的視角
01/2012 台灣媒體改革運動
01/2012 評估數碼時代的非營利新聞及其對台灣民主的意涵
01/2012 紀錄片的倫理與性別政治
01/2012 Monday.COME "When Heaven Burns?"
01/2012 中大新聞與傳播學院課程 緊貼社會脈搏注入新元素
01/2012 台灣總統大選採訪團
01/2012 Media 2.0 X Society 21: Journalism and Audience Redefined
12/2011 2011 HK4As Student Awards
12/2011 The 5th Chinese University Journalism Award
11/2011 Apply to the PhD Program in Communication, CUHK via Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2012/13
11/2011 Monday.COME "District Council Election"
11/2011 Talk Series I: Virtual Border - Crossings: Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and New Communication Technologies
11/2011 Monday.COME "Revisiting the History of the Chinese Community Party in Hong Kong for a Deeper Understanding of the New Political Scene in Hong Kong"
10/2011 2011-12 Admission Talk
10/2011 中大博士生譯《喬傳》內地版窺探機密原稿 與偶像最後「對話」