School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - News Archive
Created Date Title
11/2009 廣播劇——戀愛嘉年華 Meu amor e
10/2009 Monday.COME "Langmo"
10/2009 Monday.COME "Documentaries and the 20th Anniversary of the June 4 Incident"
09/2009 The "Hidden Track" Exhibition and Music Concert
09/2009 Monday.COME "My Beijing Experience and Reflections on Hong Kong"
09/2009 Joint Internship Programme organized by the Hong Kong Journalism Education Foundation
09/2009 Apply the PhD Program in Communication, CUHK via Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11
08/2009 廣播劇——Love Tutorial
08/2009 Professor Paul Lee appointed as full-time Dean of the Faculty of Social Science
08/2009 香港新聞傳媒公信力明顯上升
08/2009 The School co-organized a summer school programme in Beijing
06/2009 六四晚會 學者推算10.8萬人參加
05/2009 2009-10 Admission Talk
04/2009 Eason Chan @ CUHK
03/2009 中國媒介改革的政治限度
03/2009 Yelling - Dialogue with Miss Kay Tse and Prof. Anthony Fung
03/2009 Monday.COME “Laughing and not laughing: The lives of HK "
03/2009 大學新聞系學生聯校實習採訪人大和政協會議
03/2009 Undergraduate students covered national events in Beijing
02/2009 新媒體的強制性傳播和反傳播研究
02/2009 Information Day for Postgraduate Programmes 2009
02/2009 Mentorship Programme 2009
01/2009 政策法規對新媒體平臺發展的影響:以大陸及台灣為例
01/2009 大陸互聯網的BBS與意識形態 (政治派別)
01/2009 參與式傳播與民族誌之反思——以台灣蘭嶼原住民媒體資料庫之建置為例