Sailing in Lake Ad Excellentiam (未圓湖) with imagination
Welcome to the Department of Educational Psychology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As members of a leading teaching and research department among the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, we are dedicated to quality teaching and research, and are most ready to serve the community with our expertise.
Our Teaching
We offer a wide range of courses that contribute to Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE, PGDP, PGDC), Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Arts in Professional Educational Psychology, Master of Arts in School Guidance and Counselling (MASGC), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) programmes. In designing our courses, we balance cutting-edge research and relevance for the local community. In addition to providing our students with the latest developments in various knowledge domains, we engage them in supervised research activities. Dual emphasis is given to theory and practice, enabling students to be both resourceful teachers and competent researchers. Our offered courses fall into the following major areas: learning and motivation, human development, counselling and guidance, special educational needs, measurement and evaluation, and research methodology.
Our Research
We focus on a number of basic and applied research areas including sciences of learning, educational neuroscience, language and gesture, child and adolescent development, parenting, psychological disorders, counselling process, and “big data” analyses in assessment and evaluation. On the basis of our past achievements, we aspire to conduct trailblazing research that will contribute to the advancement of theoretical knowledge and deepened understanding of educational processes. In embracing “Research Excellence for Good” as our vision, we are prepared to make substantive contributions to the local, national, and international scientific communities, which are further beneficial to citizens at large. Our colleagues are leading scholar-researchers in their respective fields. Information on individual faculty members can be obtained from their links.
Our Community Service
Colleagues of our department initiated a “Program for the Gifted and Talented” in 1995, which has now been developed into regular, impactful summer and winter enrichment programmes in serving primary and secondary school students. Our counselling and guidance colleagues have organized regional and national workshops in mainland China for tertiary institution teachers. They also helped to establish China's first Master's degree program in counselling at Beijing Normal University. Colleagues with expertise in assessment have conducted numerous measurement workshops in Hong Kong and mainland China. Together with the State Language Commission of China, they have examined the psychometric properties of the Putonghua licensure test. We are also collaborating with Education Bureau and other organizations on policy-related research in educational assessment. Following the accomplishment of a 9-year operation of a Hong Kong Jockey Club Learning Support Network titled “Read & Write”, colleagues of our department are now playing a leading role in another large-scale project titled “Career and Life Adventure Planning Programme”, funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club. A robot-based intervention programme led by one of our colleagues, which aims to improve gestural communication skills among children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, is a pioneering effort in Hong Kong and the world at large. Apart from leading signature projects, colleagues of our department work closely with the local community, advising and assisting various governmental and non-governmental organizations. We take pride in serving the community with our expertise.