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Faculty of Education: Community for Excellence

The Faculty of Education of CUHK is a learning community of faculty, staff, and students. We are committed to serving and leading the education community through effective teaching, excellent and impactful research, and innovative and dedicated services. Through a full-spectrum of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and other training opportunities, we provide high-quality education for prospective school teachers and future education leaders and researchers.

Training and nurturing students is the Faculty’s main mission. We are here to train and nurture our students to become competent and passionate school teachers and education leaders in their chosen fields of study. We build up active teacher-student interactions and strong teacher-student relationships so as to facilitate students’ learning and professional growth. We inspire and cultivate our students’ vision and commitment to education.

Excellence in research is an important goal of the Faculty. The Faculty of Education has been a vibrant and productive educational research center, with various research projects conducted by our colleagues to address many issues salient to education in local and international contexts, to generate new knowledge that informs education policy and practice, and to develop interventions that improve school functioning and student learning and development.

The Faculty has been working with Hong Kong’s school community closely and collaboratively for decades, and the Faculty’s contribution to Hong Kong’s education community has been well-known and well-recognized in the society. The Faculty will spare no effort in continuing to serve and support Hong Kong school community in the future.

At the time when the Greater Bay Area (GBA) is becoming more closely integrated, the Faculty of Education will play a more prominent role in education in GBA. Given CUHK’s excellent reputation in GBA and the Faculty’s strengths in the field of education, the Faculty is in a good position to fill in many research and training gaps in GBA, and to contribute to the development of GBA.

The Faculty of Education has the vision of becoming a leading center for training and research in education in Hong Kong, in GBA, and in the wider international community. We are committed to making a difference in education through our effective teaching and training, our impactful research, and our dedicated service to the education community.

Xitao Fan
Dean of Education