Date | Topic(s) | Event |
2022-06-18 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列 2021-2022 不能復原、但能復元 |
Online Seminar |
2022-06-06 to 07 |
Policy Forum on Education Reform & Workforce Mobility in the Greater Bay Area, China |
Hybrid-Online Mode |
2021-12-18 |
如何培養孩子正向情緒 |
Online Seminar |
2021-12-11 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列 2021-2022 花開花落總有時 |
Online Seminar |
2021-10-30 |
Online Seminar |
2021-08-07 |
家家康情童心樂計劃 計劃簡介會暨兒童德育發展講座 |
Online Seminar |
2021-07-03 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列 2021-2022 愛.期望.傳承旅 |
Online Seminar |
2021-03-03 |
Thematic Seminars and Workshop for School Managers (2020/21) Workshop on Mediation Skills – Settling Disputes with School Staff |
Workshop |
2021-01-27 |
Thematic Seminars and Workshop for School Managers (2020/21) Seminar on Mediation – Settling Disputes with School Staff |
Online Seminar |
2021-01-15 |
Thematic Seminars and Workshop for School Managers (2020/21) Seminar on Risk Management in Human Resources |
Online Seminar |
2021-01-09 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列 2020-2021 太陽下的我:從原生家庭發現自我之旅 |
Online Seminar |
2020-10-31 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列 2020 從哀傷失落到成長 |
Online Seminar |
2020-07-11 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2020 生命中的裂縫:對親子及師生關係的啟示 |
Online Seminar |
2020-01-18 |
Thematic Seminars on Legal Matters for School Managers (2019/20) – Core Competences of School Managers, Legal Knowledge and the Application on School Governance Thematic Seminar (3) : Legal Tips on Crisis Management and Media Handling |
Seminar |
2019-12-03 |
Thematic Seminars on Legal Matters for School Managers (2019/20) – Core Competences of School Managers, Legal Knowledge and the Application on School Governance Thematic Seminar (2) : Legal Tips on Liability of School Managers |
Seminar |
2019-11-04 |
Thematic Seminars on Legal Matters for School Managers (2019/20) – Core Competences of School Managers, Legal Knowledge and the Application on School Governance Thematic Seminar (1) : Legal Tips on Human Resource Management |
Seminar |
2019-09-07 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2019 家庭關係與青少年成長 |
Seminar |
2019-06-05 |
Thematic Seminars on Legal Matters for School Managers (2018/19) – Core Competences of School Managers, Legal Knowledge and the Application on School Governance
Thematic Seminar (3) : Legal Tips on School Crisis and Conflict Management |
Seminar |
2019-05-17 |
Thematic Seminars on Legal Matters for School Managers (2018/19) – Core Competences of School Managers, Legal Knowledge and the Application on School Governance
Thematic Seminar (2) : Legal Protection and Liability of School Managers |
Seminar |
2019-05-16 |
Thematic Seminars on Legal Matters for School Managers (2018/19) – Core Competences of School Managers, Legal Knowledge and the Application on School Governance
Thematic Seminar (1) : Laws and Regulations on Human Resource Management |
Seminar |
2019-05-04 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2019 訓輔紅白藍 ── 訓輔者的使命與挑戰 |
Seminar |
2019-03-07 |
In-house Research Seminar for Academic and Professional Staff
Federal policy in U.S. education: Equity, accountability, and innovation
by Tin Ka Ping Distinguished Visiting Scholar |
Seminar |
2019-03-05 |
In-house Seminar for Postgraduate Students
Considering different perspectives on urban school governance
by Tin Ka Ping Distinguished Visiting Scholar |
Seminar |
2019-03-11 |
Public Lecture
Federalism & Education: Cross national lessons
by Tin Ka Ping Distinguished Visiting Scholar |
Seminar |
2018-12-14 to 2018-12-15 |
HKERA International Conference 2018: Equity, Access, and Diversity in Education: Theory, Practice, and Research |
Conference |
2018-12-06 to 2018-12-08 |
ICGBL 2018 The 3rd International Conference on Game-based Learning: Educational Games and Learning Sciences |
Conference |
2018-09-22 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2018–2019 關懷心.訓輔工作從家庭入手 |
Seminar |
2018-05-05 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2018–2019 孩子願意主動接觸的師長 |
Seminar |
2018-03-10 to 2018-06-16 |
「觸動心靈的生涯規劃」導師培育工作坊2017–18 |
Workshops and camp |
2017-11-04 to 2018-01-06 |
自處教育 ── 個人覺醒班/導師培訓班 |
Workshops and camp |
2017-11-03 to 2017-12-16 |
「生命的照拂」培育(系列一)2017–18 認識自己、擁抱自己、給自己一條活路 |
Workshops and camp |
2017-09-30 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2017–2018 疏理關係、彼此聆聽 |
Seminar |
2017-05-06 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2016–2017 同在 ── 困惑中的需要 |
Seminar |
2016-12-16 |
「PISA 2015:香港學生的科學、閱讀與數學能力」學校講座 "PISA 2015: Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy of Hong Kong Students" School Seminar |
Seminar |
2016-09-10 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2016–2017 沉重的小家庭 |
Seminar |
2016-06-17 & 18 |
第九屆兩岸四地「學校改進與夥伴協作」學術研討會 |
Conference |
2016-05-21 |
家長教育研討會2016 轉變中的家庭與家長教育 |
Conference |
2016-04-30 |
與新世代同尋美好:華人地區青少年價值教育研討會 |
Conference |
2015-09-12 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2015–2016 由獎罰所建立的行為標準 ── 品德教育應有的憂慮 |
Seminar |
2015-05-16 |
香港中文大學教育學院五十周年系列活動之一 香港價值教育的發展與實踐研討會 |
Conference |
2015-05-09 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2014–2015 從子女到父母 ── 心境重整與自我超越 |
Seminar |
2015-02-12 |
Thematic Seminars for Secondary School Teachers on Career Guidance Services for Students with Different Educational Needs (2014/15 School Year) Seminar D: Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) Students |
Seminar |
2015-02-09 |
Thematic Seminars for Secondary School Teachers on Career Guidance Services for Students with Different Educational Needs (2014/15 School Year) Seminar B: Students with Special Education Needs (SEN) |
Seminar |
2015-01-30 |
International Conference for the 50th Anniversary of Faculty of Education, CUHK Data Speaks: Lessons from Large-scale Educational Data Surveys for Educational Policy Reform and School Improvement |
Conference |
2015-01-10 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2014–2015 從自我到專業 ── 訓輔工作的介入與抽身 |
Seminar |
2014-12-18 |
Thematic Seminars for Secondary School Teachers on Career Guidance Services for Students with Different Educational Needs (2014/15 School Year) Seminar C: Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) |
Seminar |
2014-12-15 |
Thematic Seminars for Secondary School Teachers on Career Guidance Services for Students with Different Educational Needs (2014/15 School Year) Seminar A: Academically Low Achievers (ALA) |
Seminar |
2014-09-20 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列2014–2015 從「低頭一族」到自我喪失 |
Seminar |
2014-06-28 |
生命教育研討日 (上午)2013/14學年「協助中學規劃生命教育計劃」學習經驗分享會 暨 結業禮 (中午)「生命教育」教材及參考書推介 (下午)「生命調適再詮釋,心身社靈還安康」研討會 |
Conference |
2014-05-10 |
個人成長及家長教育講座系列 不願敞開的心靈 ── 輔導可發揮的守護空間 |
Seminar |