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Home > Programmes > Outcome-based Teaching & Learning

The Faculty of Education offers a wide range of academic and professional programmes in teacher education. The programmes are tailor-made by departments within the Faculty. These Faculty-based programmes are managed by boards / committees which are made up of members from the different departments.

Current Position in Our Approach to Teaching and Learning
The Faculty's mission in the domain of teaching is to provide an enriched environment for the nurturing of effective professional teachers. Assurance of quality teaching has always been one of our top priorities, and we have constantly taken into account the future and immediate needs of our students in our curriculum design development and implementation. When identifying learning objectives, we make reference to the following: (a) discipline-specific knowledge and skills, (b) the attributes the teaching profession expects of our graduates, and (c) the general capabilities expected of university graduates.

In terms of overall programme design, we emphasize relevance, coherence and integration of theory and practice. Course content is acquired through diverse types of learning activities ranging from the more didactic such as lectures, to the more experiential activities such as teaching practice in schools as well as overseas, outdoor and interactive learning experiences. Learning outcomes are assessed by a wide range of formats including essays, group presentations, quizzes, e-portfolio, micro-teaching and practical teaching.

To ensure quality teaching and learning, courses and programmes are reviewed regularly through course-end evaluation, comments from external examiners, peer sharing and teachers' self reflection.