Through the four cutting edge stroke rehabilitation systems training, stroke patients can learn to use affected
limbs from scratch and regain their daily functions, thus achieving rehabilitation goal. We give full support to 40
Day Care Centres for the Elderly and Community Rehabilitation Day Centre, enhance the professional
competence of centre staffs in using the above system and provide rehabilitation treatment for stroke patients.
An emperical study is being conducted to explore the result evaluate datas and effectiveness of the four
rehabilitation systems in the rehabilitation process for stroke patients.
CUHK Jockey Club Hope 4 Care Programme hope that it will have a positive impact on the rehabilitation of
stroke patients in Hong Kong in the following areas:
- Assist stroke patients to receive adequate rehabilitation treatment and regain their daily functions.
- Establish evidence-based assessment tools and schemes to design effective training strategies for stroke patients.
Hand of Hope
For neuromuscular rehabilitation of the hand and forearm of patients
Exoskeleton Ankle Robot for Stroke Rehabilitation
To facilitate gait training of stroke patients with drop foot
Interactive Cycling System for Stroke Rehabilitation
To facilitate gait training of individuals with stroke or lower limb disability
Augmented Reality Stroke Rehabilitation Training Systems for Exercise Programme
Whole body exercise rehabilitation equipment for stroke patients