School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

TONG ManCarolAssistant Professor

Telephone:  3943 3115

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Address: Room 404A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK






Prof. TONG Man, Carol (唐旻) obtained her B.Sc. in Biotechnology (First Class Honors) and Ph.D. degree from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Prof. Tong received her postdoctoral training in the School of Biomedical Sciences at HKU in 2015 and was promoted to Research Assistant Professor in 2019. She joined the School of Biomedical Sciences of The Chinese University of Hong Kong as Assistant Professor in 2022. During her postgraduate study and postdoctoral training, she received a number of scholarships and awards including the prestigious Chinese Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award (China), Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship, and presentation awards and travel award in local international conference. Prof. Tong is the principal investigator of research grants including General Research Fund, Health and Medical Research Fund and NSFC - Young Scientist Fund. Her research work has been published in international journals including Journal of Hepatology, Hepatology, Cancer Research, Cell Reports and Stem Cell Reports. Prof. Tong has devoted her research to identifying the molecular determinants of tumor heterogeneity from both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous perspectives, with the vision and mission to develop novel therapeutic strategies for effective cancer treatment. Her recent research focus and efforts point towards an understanding of an intertwined relationship between metabolic heterogeneity, cellular stress responses in response to therapy and remodeling of tumor microenvironment in liver cancer.

  1. Metabolic heterogeneity and aberrations in cancer.
  2. Resistance mechanism to cancer therapies.
  3. Bidirectional interaction between tumor microenvironment and cancer cells.
  4. Development of novel and rational combination therapies for effective cancer treatment.
  5. Biology of cancer stem cells.
  1. Feng, X.#, Tong, M.#, Tong, CS., Chan, BK., Chu, HY., Wong, TL., Fong, JH., Cheung, MS., Mak, KH., Pardeshi, L., Huang, YH., Wong, KH., Choi, GC., Ma, S., Wong, AL. (2021). A combinatorial CRISPR-Cas9 screen identifies ifenprodil as an adjunct to sorafenib for liver cancer treatment. Cancer Res, 81:6219-32.
  2. Tong, M.^, Wong, TL., Zhao, H., Zhang, Y., Xie, YN., Li, CH., Zhou, L., Che, N., Yun, JP., Man, K., Lee, TK., Cai, Z.^, Ma, S.^ Loss of tyrosine catabolic enzyme 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase HPD promotes glutamine anaplerosis through mTOR signaling in liver cancer. (2021). Cell Rep, 36:109617.
  3. Loh, JJ., Li, TW., Zhou, L., Wong, TL., Liu, X., Ma, V., Lo, CM., Man, K., Lee, TK., Ning, W., Tong, M.^, Ma, S.^ FSTL1 secreted by activated fibroblasts promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and stemness. (2021). Cancer Res, 81:5692-705.
  4. Loong, JH., Wong, TL., Tong, M., Sharma, R., Zhou, L., Ng, KY., Yu, HJ., Li, CH., Man, K., Lo, CM., Guan, XY., Lee, TK., Yun, JP., Ma, S. Glucose deprivation induced aberrant FUT1-mediated fucosylation drives cancer stemness in hepatocellular carcinoma. (2021). J Clin Invest, 131:143377.
  5. Ng, KY., Shea, QT., Wong, TL., Luk, ST., Tong, M., Lo, CM., Man, K., Yun, JP., Guan, XY., Lee, TK., Zheng, YP., Ma, S. Chemotherapy enriched THBS2-deficient cancer stem cells drive hepatocarcinogenesis through matrix softness induced histone H3 modifications. (2021). Adv Sci, 8:2002483. 
  6. Zhou, L., Yu, KH., Wong, TL., Zhang, Z., Chan, CH., Loong, JH., Che, N., Yu, HJ., Tan, KV., Tong, M., Ngan, ES., Ho, JW., Ma, S. Lineage tracing and single-cell analysis reveal proliferative Prom1+ tumor-propagating cells and their dynamic cellular transition during liver cancer progression. (2021). Gut, gutjnl-2021-324321. 
  7. Che, N., Ng, KY., Wong, TL., Tong, M., Kau, PW., Chan, LH., Lee, TK., Huen, MS., Yun, JP., Ma, S. PRMT6 deficiency induces autophagy in hostile microenvironments of hepatocellular carcinoma tumors by regulating BAG5-associated HSC70 stability. (2021). Cancer Lett, 501:247-62. 
  8. Leung, HW., Leung, CO., Lau, EY., Chung, KP., Mok, EH., Lei, MM., Leung, RW., Tong, M., Keng, VW., Ma, C., Zhao, Q., Ng, IO., Ma, S., Lee, TK. EPHB2 activates β-catenin to enhance cancer stem cell properties and drive sorafenib resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma. (2021). Cancer Res, 81:3229-40.
  9. Zheng, Y., Zhao, H., Tong, M., Zhu, L., Ma, S., Cai, Z. Characterization and determination of 13C-labeled nonessential amino acids in a 13C5-glutamine isotope tracer experiment with a mass spectrometry strategy combining parallel reaction monitoring and multiple reaction monitoring. (2021). Anal Chem, 93:13564-13571.
  10. Ho, NP., Leung, CO., Wong, TL., Lau, EY., Lei, MM., Mok, EH., Leung, HW., Tong, M., Ng, IO., Yun, JP., Ma, S., Lee, TK. The interplay of UBE2T and Mule in regulating Wnt/β-catenin activation to promote hepatocellular carcinoma progression. (2021). Cell Death Dis, 12:148.
  11. Leung, CO.#, Tong, M.#, Chung, KP., Zhou, L., Che, N., Tang, KH., Ding, J., Lau, EY., Ng, IO., Ma, S., Lee, TK. Overriding adaptive resistance of sorafenib through combination therapy with SHP2 blockade in hepatocellular carcinoma. (2020). Hepatology, 72:155-68.
  12. Luk, ST., Ng, KY., Zhou, L., Tong, M., Wong, TL., Yu, HJ., Lo, CM., Man, K., Guan, XY., Lee, TK., Ma, S. Deficiency in embryonic stem cell marker REX1 activates MKK6-dependent p38 MAPK signaling to drive hepatocarcinogenesis. (2020). Hepatology, 72:183-97.
  13. Tong, M., Che, N., Zhou, L., Luk, ST., Kau, PW., Chai, S., Ngan, ES., Lo, CM., Man, K., Ding, J., Lee, TK., Ma, S. Efficacy of annexin A3 blockade in sensitizing hepatocellular carcinoma to sorafenib and regorafenib. (2018). J Hepatol, 69:826-39.
  14. Lau, MC., Ng, KY., Wong, TL., Tong, M., Lee, TK., Ming, XY., Law, S., Lee, NP., Cheung, AL., Qin, YR., Chan, KW., Ning, W., Guan, XY., Ma, S. FSTL1 promotes metastasis and chemoresistance in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma through NFκB-BMP signaling crosstalk. (2017). Cancer Res, 77:5886-99.
  15. Ng, KY., Chan, LH., Chai, S., Tong, M., Guan, XY., Lee, NP., Yuan, YF., Xie, D., Lee, TK., Dusetti, NJ., Carrier, A., Ma, S. TP53INP1 down-regulation activates a p73-dependent DUSP10/ERK signaling pathway to promote metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. (2017). Cancer Res, 77:4602-12.
  16. Chai, S., Ng, KY., Tong, M., Lau, EY., Lee, TK., Chan, KW., Yuan, YF., Cheung, TT., Cheung, ST., Wang, XQ., Wong, N., Lo, CM., Man, K., Guan, XY., Ma, S. Octamer4/microRNA-1246 signaling axis drives Wnt/beta-catenin activation in liver cancer stem cells. (2016). Hepatology, 64:2062-76.
  17. Fung, TM., Ng, KY., Tong, M., Chen, JN., Chai, S., Chan, KT., Law, S., Lee, NP., Choi, MY., Li, B., Cheung, AL., Tsao, SW., Qin, YR., Guan, XY., Chan, KW., Ma, S. Neuropilin-2 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma through ERK MAPK/ETV4/MMP/E-cadherin deregulation. (2016). J Pathol, 239:309-19.
  18. Ng, KY., Chai, S., Tong, M., Guan, XY., Lin, CH., Ching, YP., Xie, D., Cheng, AS., Ma, S. C-terminal truncated hepatitis B virus X protein promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis through induction of cancer and stem cell-like properties. (2016). Oncotarget, 7:24005-17.
  19. Tong, M., Fung, TM., Luk, ST., Ng, KY., Lee, TK., Lin, CH., Yam, JW., Chan, KW., Ng, F., Zheng, BJ., Yuan, YF., Xie, D., Lo, CM., Man, K., Guan, XY., Ma, S. ANXA3/JNK signaling promotes self-renewal and tumor growth and its blockade provides a therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma. (2015). Stem Cell Rep, 5:45-59.
  20. Chai, S.#, Tong, M.#, Ng, KY.#, Kwan, PS., Chan, YP., Fung, CM., Lee, TK., Wong, N., Xie, D., Yuan, YF., Guan, XY., Ma, S. Regulatory role of miR-142-3p on the functional hepatic cancer stem cell marker CD133. (2014). Oncotarget, 5:5725-35.
  21. Lee, TK., Cheung, VC., Lu, P., Lau, EY., Ma, S., Tang, KH., Tong, M., Lo, J., Ng, IO. Blockade of CD47-mediated cathepsin S/protease-activated receptor 2 signaling provides a therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma. (2014). Hepatology, 60: 179-91.
  22. Tang, KH., Dai, YD., Tong, M., Chan, YP., Kwan, PS., Fu, L., Qin, YR., Tsao, SW., Lung, HL., Lung, ML., Tong, DK., Law, S., Chan, KW., Ma, S., Guan, XY. A CD90+ tumor-initiating cell population with an aggressive signature and metastatic capacity in esophageal cancer. (2013). Cancer Res, 73: 2322-32.
  23. Tong, M., Chan, KW., Bao, JY., Wong, KY., Chen, JN., Kwan, PS., Tang, KH., Chan, YP., Fu, L., Qin, YR., Lok, S., Guan, XY., Ma, S. Rab25 is a tumor suppressor gene with anti-angiogenic and anti-invasive activities in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. (2012). Cancer Res, 72: 6024-35.
  24. Ma, S., Bao, JY., Kwan, PS., Chan, YP., Tong, M., Fu, L., Zhang, N., Tong, AH., Qin, YR., Tsao, SW., Chan, KW., Lok. S., Guan, XY. Identification of PTK6, via RNA sequencing analysis, as a suppressor of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. (2012). Gastroenterology, 143:675-86.
  25. Tang, KH., Ma, S., Lee, TK., Chan, YP., Kwan, PS., Tong, M., Ng, IO., Man, K., To, KF., Lai, PB., Lo, CM., Guan, XY., Chan. KW. CD133+ liver tumor-initiating cells promote tumor angiogenesis, growth and self-renewal through neurotensin / IL-8 / CXCL1 signaling. (2012). Hepatology, 55: 807-20.
  26. Tong, M.#, Ma, S.#, Guan, XY. Biology of hepatic cancer stem cells. (2011). J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 26:1229-37.

    # Co-first author
    ^ Corresponding/Co-corresponding author
  1. RGC – General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-23 – 31-Dec-25]: “AMBRA1 coordinates mitochondrial functions to regulate cancer stemness and tumorigenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma” (HK$1,180,218).
  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) – Young Scientist Fund [PI; 01-Jan-22 – 31-Dec-24]: “Down-regulation of tyrosine catabolic enzyme HPD promotes mTOR-dependent metabolic reprogramming in liver cancer stem cells” (RMB240,000).
  3. RGC – General Research Fund [PI; 01-July-21 – 30-Jun-24]: “p38β orchestrates BiP mediated unfolded protein response to promote cancer stemness and therapy resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma” (HK$1,175,732).
  4. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-Dec-21 – 30-Nov-24]: “Molecular basis and therapeutic potential of ketogenic diet as an adjuvant to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKi) targeted therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma” (HK$1,452,160).
  5. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-Sept-19 – 31-Aug-22]: “Cancer-associated fibroblasts derived follistatin-like 1 as a prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target for personalized treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma” (HK$1,499,764).
  6. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-Sept-18 – 28-Feb-21]: “AXL receptor tyrosine kinase as a biomarker for sorafenib response and target for personalized therapy in patients” (HK$1,199,048).