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Policy Research @ HKIAPS
Policy Research @ HKIAPS is a university-wide research platform hosted by the HKIAPS. It initiates and supports international, regional, and local policy research by consolidating and strengthening the existing capacity of public policy research at the HKIAPS.

The aim behind the platform is to establish CUHK as a key opinion leader in strategic policy recommendations and to generate impacts in Hong Kong and the region. The platform promotes the translation of academic research by CUHK researchers into public policies and research impact. We are developing cross-boundary and interdisciplinary collaboration on policy research that will support and increase the participation of CUHK researchers in policy pathways at the local, national, and international levels.

Convenor: Prof. Fanny M. CHEUNG, SBS, JP
Honorary Senior Research Fellow: Mr. Woon-kwong LAM, GBS, JP
Prof. Annie Kam-lan TAM, GBS, JP
Dr. Chack-kie WONG, MH
Tel: (852) 3943 3471
Email: policyresearch@cuhk.edu.hk
Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/hkiaps/policy_research/
The work of the platform will focus on five clusters:
- National strategy and implementation
- Sociodemographic change and wellbeing
- Economic growth and distribution
- Technological development and innovation
- Environmental planning and sustainability

A series of conferences, seminars, policy forums, and training workshops will be organized to engage researchers and strengthen local and international connectivities. Local and comparative surveys and studies will be conducted to provide evidence-based policy research and recommendations.
Research Units
Centre for Chinese Family Studies
Centre for Social and Political Development Studies
Centre for Social Innovation Studies
Centre for Urban Innovations
Centre for Youth Studies
Economic Research Centre
Gender Research Centre
International Affairs Research Centre
Public Policy Research Centre
Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development
Chinese Law Programme
Policy Research @ HKIAPS
South China Programme
Telephone Survey Research Laboratory
Global China Research Programme
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