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Event Highlights

Event Highlights

Career Workshop on Internal Medicine & Dermatology in Zoom Webinar (27-Nov-2020)

About 140 CUHK Medical students had the opportunity to virtually meet and learn from CUHK medical alumni during the Internal Medicine and Dermatology Career Workshop on 27 Nov 2020. During the interactive webinar, moderated by Dr. Bonita LAW (MBChB 1992) from the Union Hospital’s Breast Centre, students gained career readiness insights and advice from guest speakers who are currently practising in various institutions. Students were also briefed on the training programme and its selection criteria.


Thanks to the staunch support of the CU Medical Alumni Buddy Group, the online event was successfully organised amid the pandemic, with guest doctors including Dr. CHOI Kin Wing (MBChB 1994) from the Department of Medicine, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital; Dr. CHUI Ka Lung (MBChB 2003) from the Department of Cardiology, Prince of Wales Hospital; Professor Alice KONG (MBChB 1992) and Dr. Lily LAI (MBChB 2019) from the Department of M&T, Prince of Wales Hospital; Dr. Stanley LO (MBChB 1992) from the private practice; Dr. Steven LOO (MBChB 2002) from the Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong’s Dermatology & Venereology Department; and Infectious Disease Specialist – Dr. Bonnie WONG (MBChB 2002).