Molecular research into common disease
is an important and emerging field of study with great potential impact.
The molecular etiologies of a number of common diseases have been shown
to be due to genetic diversity in human populations and the carrying out
of molecular evolution analysis in primates will provide important and
unprecedented evidence regarding the molecular mechanisms of common
diseases. Thus, the collaboration between the Chinese University of Hong
Kong (CUHK) and Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CAS) was established to study human disease. KIZ is the
principal research institute of genetic diversity in animals and Chinese
population in China. Members of CUHK research team have a long history
of collaboration with KIZ. Prof. Michael SC Tam (Physiology) initiated
an exchange program in his department in 1999, when Prof. YT Zheng came
to Hong Kong to study the anti-viral property of an anti-ribosomal
protein, trichosanthin. Prof. Nelson Tang (Chemical Pathology) visited
KIZ in March 2003 and started a joint project with Prof. Ya-Ping Zhang.
Prof. YP Zhang, the Director of KIZ, Professor and Academician, has been
invited by Prof. Nelson Tang to visit CUHK in July 2006. The
collaboration between the two institutes was further strengthened and a
joint research laboratory has been built. At this moment, colleagues
from CUHK and collaborators from KIZ are teamed up and have either
on-going or pending projects. Up to 2010, the collaboration has resulted
in more than 20 high quality publications.