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Health Advice for Organising Activities on Campus

General advice for organisers

  • Pay attention to the government announcement on prevention of communicable diseases (Centre for Health Protection website).
  • Remind participants NOT to join the activity if feeling unwell or having fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Control the number of participants to avoid overcrowding.
  • Maintain cleanliness and good ventilation of the venue.
  • Provision of surgical masks, alcohol-based handrubs, disposable tissue paper and lidded rubbish bins for participants.
  • Ensure good sanitary conditions in toilets and provide liquid soap, disposable towels and/or hand dryers in toilets. 
  • Observe food hygiene.
  • Prepare clinic information (address and phone number) nearest to CUHK for visitors.

For the prevention of COVID-19 in mass gathering, event organizers are advised to refer to the "CUHK Referencing Guidelines for Social and Non-academic Events during COVID-19".

General advice for participants

  • Refrain from attending gatherings if having fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Observe good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands with soap and/or use alcohol handrub frequently.
  • Avoid visiting crowded or poorly-ventilated places.
  • Avoid sharing of personal items among participants (e.g. towels, water bottles, etc.).

If there is participant feeling unwell

  • Inform organisers / supervisors immediately if there is injury or illness among participants.
  • For mild condition, CUHK staff or students can go to the University Health Service for consultation during office hours; visitors can go to the clinics near CUHK.
  • For emergency condition during non-office hours, call 999 immediately and inform Security Unit of CUHK at 3943 7999. The nearest A&E Unit is at Prince of Wales Hospital.

Response under Emergency Situations

  • Stay calm.
  • Call 999 immediately and inform Security Unit of CUHK at 3943 7999 for those who need to attend hospital immediately.
  • Inform up-to-date condition of the patient to relevant units, and leave your contact number for follow up if necessary.
  • Useful telephone numbers:
    • Office hours: University Health Service (Tel: 3943 6422)
    • Non-office hours, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: Security Unit (Tel: 3943 7999)

Useful Links:

Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health
Guideline on Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Event Organiser of Mass Assembly
Guidelines on Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Participants of Public Functions
Guideline on Prevention of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome for Event Organiser of Mass Assembly
Guidelines on Prevention of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome for Participants of Public Functions

May 2020

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