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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Vocabulary Learning
  • Creative Writing

Book Display Period: 6 July 2016 - 31 August 2016

English Resources

Vocabulary for Dummies

This introduction to English vocabulary covers the essential knowledge and techniques that will help you increase your word power. It will take you through progressive steps, from the basics of word formation to the subtleties of technical language and foreign words, and it will give you tips and tricks on how to discover meaning effectively and always use the right word.

Highlights include sections on ways of understanding words you have never seen before (pp.37-50), words to avoid (pp.303-306), and various techniques for non-native speakers (pp.315-320).

Painless vocabulary, 2nd ed.

This fun vocabulary builder will teach you over 300 useful words while keeping you entertained. It features 20 stories that present new words in context, each followed by explanations that make understanding and remembering those words as easy as possible.

Highlights include activities with answers in every chapter, as well as warnings about the most common vocabulary mistakes.

Build your power vocabulary: Created in conjunction with Random House Webster's

With chapters designed to take fifteen minutes to complete, this book will enable you to increase your vocabulary in no time. In addition, many lesson introductions feature stories that will make you discover the fascinating connections between words and culture.

Highlights include chapters on how to improve your spelling (pp.19-34), commonly confused words (pp.35-48), learning words from their histories (pp.147-208) and polite and sensitive language (pp.291-299), as well as numerous word games and puzzles with answers.

Creative writing: A workbook with readings

Designed as a complete creative writing course, this book covers the essentials of fiction, poetry, biographical writing, and publication. It also includes writings by famous authors on each of the genres covered, as well as activities that will develop your writing skills while stimulating your imagination.

Highlights include sections on the creative process (pp.17-68), a variety of writing prompts in every chapter, and tips relating to various aspects of the writing life.

The creative writing coursebook: Forty writers share advice and exercises for poetry and prose

This book focuses on the steps of the writing process for prose and poetry – getting started, shaping, and finishing – and on the various elements of plot, including setting, characterization, and point of view. It features numerous writing tasks and activities to develop productive writing habits.

Highlights include the contributions of many published authors, a section on how to develop your observation skills as a writer (pp.20-40) and another on how to revise your work (pp.251-290).

The making of a story: A Norton guide to creative writing, 1st ed.

Covering both fiction and non-fiction, this practical guide analyzes the elements of effective writing and illustrates them with examples from famous works. The author explores common myths about creative writing, showing why breaking the rules can be just as important as knowing the rules, and every chapter features exercises that will inspire beginner and advanced writers alike.

Highlights include sections on how to write effective dialogue in fiction and non-fiction (pp.341-354) and how to transfer true emotions into text (pp.507-520), as well as a "how to read as a writer" part in every chapter.

Chinese Resources


全書分為四部分,作者圍繞「創意」立論,從創作前的準備、如何尋找題材、選擇表達形式,以至完稿後自我評估作品的創意,向讀者展示寫作的完整過程。當中第二部分(頁47 - 144)從個人、家庭及環境等不同角度探討取材的方法,頗能引發思考。而第三部分(頁147 - 226)除講述寫作的體裁和結構外,亦兼及情節、敘事角度、場景等問題,且多輔有例子說明。全書另附大量提示,讀者如多作參考,當能有效地發掘創意素材。


本書共分四十三節,作者從探討人們抗拒寫作出發,逐步消除各種迷思。其中第十一至第二十節主要講述尋找題材的方法(頁37 - 164),強調創意可通過內在尋求或外在探索引發,關鍵在於時刻保持寫作熱情。而第三十至第四十三節即重點討論如何維持寫作的動力(頁249 - 348),指出所謂環境、時間乃至靈感不足往往只是逃避的藉口。全書各節均附有「下筆輔助工具」,讀者如按照指示練習,當能建立起提筆創作的信心。


本書主要收錄作者以寫作學為主題的學術論文。其中既有從總體角度討論寫作的篇章,也有研究個別文體構思方式的論述。前者如〈論寫作的謀篇佈局〉(頁147 - 159),介紹六種寫作技巧,為如何在寫作中引入創意提供建議。後者如〈散文藝術構思論〉(頁213 - 219),指出散文構思的四大特點,以備創作者參考。書中其他篇章另談及詩歌、小說、微型小說等文體的寫作特點,讀者如能細讀,當能尋出引發創意的門徑。


全書分為三部分,分類收錄二萬個詞彙,既是寫作時查考用詞的工具書,也是學習詞彙的有用參考書。其中第一部(頁 2 - 590)分為五大類,主要收錄涉及具體事物的詞語,涵蓋個人、社會、環境及動植物等主題。第二部(頁 592 - 944)亦分為五大類,重點收錄牽涉心理或情感活動的詞語,包含感官、情緒、性格及態度等主題。書中又附有數千條名家範例,讓讀者從中了解個別詞彙的使用方式,從而提高遣詞用字的能力。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford