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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Study Skills
  • Academic Writing

English Resources

Keys to effective learning: Habits for college and career success, 7th Ed.

Aiming at fostering university students’ self-learning skills and habits, this book expounds on habits of success – persisting learning, anticipating, communicating, imagining, inquiring, contributing, listening, and perceiving. Featuring inspiring case studies and self-reflection exercises, the book will help you direct yourself towards academic success through developing skills on building accountability, teamwork, and critical thinking.

Highlights include “Critical and creative thinking” (Ch. 5), “Reading and information literacy” (Ch. 7), and “Memory and studying: Retaining what you learn” (Ch. 9).

Doing essays & assignments: Essential tips for students, 2nd Ed.

This book guides university students how to enhance their skills in writing essays and assignments through understanding the tutors’ expectations as well as learning goals and outcomes. You will gain an understanding of the marking process, insiders’ tips from lecturers, and practical advice on crafting written pieces. To consolidate knowledge, each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with a chapter summary.

Highlights include “What was the question again?” (Ch. 7), “Feedback and feed forward” (Ch. 14), and “Group project work (or 'hell is other people')” (Ch. 18).

How to succeed at university: An essential guide to academic skills, personal development and employability, 2nd Ed.

Written for university students at all levels, this tripartite book explains personal, academic, and life skills required at university and raises students’ awareness of these skills’ transferability in the workplace. Not only will you read about other students’ experiences, you can also learn practical tips and advice on developing study skills and achieving academic success. In addition, you will benefit from exploring the uses of digital technologies in learning.

Highlights include “How to develop successful examination techniques” (Ch. 8), and “How to understand what is required for your success in gaining internships, placements and jobs” (Ch. 9).

Where's your argument?: How to present your academic argument in writing.

This pocket guide vividly illustrates how to develop and present clear and convincing arguments, helping university students improve their academic writing skills. With abundant tables and mind maps throughout the five parts, you will learn how to develop and organise ideas, build an argument, and articulate the academic argument with evidence in a step-by-step manner. Useful resources for academic writing are also listed.

Highlights include “What is evidence?” (Ch. 5), “Marking the argument flow” (Ch. 9), “Communicating with the reader” (Ch. 12), and “Finding your academic voice” (Ch. 13).

Academic writing and grammar for students, 2nd Ed.

Covering a range of writing and grammar aspects, this book serves as a practical guide to academic writing for university students. With plenty of academic writing examples from various disciplines, you will learn how to demonstrate critical thinking and logical argument, yet retain conciseness and clarity in writing. You will also examine some common mistakes in academic writing and learn how to proofread writings effectively.

Highlights include “Basic conventions of academic writing” (Ch. 1), “Putting paragraphs together” (Ch. 4), “Referencing” (Ch. 6), and “Common mistakes and how to deal with them” (Ch. 8).

Clear, precise, direct: Strategies for writing.

With the goal of polishing students’ writing skills, this book explicates clarity, precision, and directness in writing. The book details “enhancing factors” that contribute to writing effective and “interfering factors” that impede written communication. To help you understand these factors and apply different writing strategies, the book provides you with practical exercises and peer writing samples. You will also find inspiring quotations from professional writers and coverage about the MLA and APA styles.

Highlights include “Strong verbs” (Ch. 3), “Active voice” (Ch. 4), “Strong nouns” (Ch. 5), “Parallelism” (Ch. 7), and “Sentence variation and sound” (Ch. 8).

Chinese Resources


全書共計十章,詳細說明撰寫學術論文的注意事項。其中第二章(頁25 - 58)專論選題的來源,作者指出論文題目與研究之精粗息息相關,必須謹慎選擇,初學者不妨多向他人請教,並逐步過渡至由個人發現,皆為精闢之見解。而第四章(頁125 - 172)探討問題意識的建立,作者強調研究者應抱持「詳人之所略」的精神,在掌握當前學界動態後,尋求突破方向,亦顯然是心得之談。讀者如能通閱全書,撰寫學術論文的能力自當可期更進。


本書分為十五章,作者雖主要探討教育研究論文的寫作方法,但所論往往亦適用於其他學科。如第二章(頁17 - 28)說明寫作前的準備工作,作者指出研究者應先確定研究目的和方法,然後始蒐集與閱讀文獻,一般論文寫作亦可如此安排。又如第七章(頁82 - 95)介紹研究歷程,作者先後講述量化與質性研究的論文寫作歷程,所示重點亦非教育研究獨有。讀者如根據自身所屬學科稍加斟酌,當能有效地提高論文寫作的能力。


作者從「成人學習」的角度出發,介紹提高學習成效的不同技巧,對生活多采的大學生亦具參考價值。比如第二章(頁38 - 77)作者除了提出每週劃定適切的自學時段外,還提到善用小休乃至往返住所的時間,都是切實可行的計劃。至如第六章(頁188 - 212),作者則強調學習者應善用互聯網無遠弗屆的特點,拓寬學習的範圍,務求達致轉益多師的境界。讀者若能參照個人的實際情況試行其法,學習當能更見效率。


作者以七章的篇幅,介紹由其發明的心智圖學習法。讀者未必要全盤接納作者的學習策略,但不少建議仍值得參詳。如第四章(頁 58 - 92)作者說明提高閱讀速度的技巧,既提及應避免回讀,又指出學會掃瞄和瀏覽有助吸收大量資訊,都是實用的建議。次如第五章(頁 94 - 124)作者談及增強記憶的方法,指出多用想像與聯想法,有助將看似毫無關連的事物聯繫起來,亦是內化知識的可行之法。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford