Web Resources

Tips for conference and seminar presentations

Tips for conference and seminar presentations

A very short and concise guide containing 22 useful tips for conference and seminar presentations.
[Bellemare, M]
Creating presentation slides in LaTex

Creating presentation slides in LaTex

This detailed guide, presented in the output of the LaTex Beamer Class Document itself, will give you a head start into typesetting concise and beautiful slide presentations with the free LaTex typesetting engine.
Creating effective poster presentations

Creating effective poster presentations

Rich online resources presenting fundamental principles for effective research poster design.
Highlights include "An Effective Poster" and "Ineffective Posters and How to fix Them".
[Hess, G., Tosney, K., Liegel, L.]
Giving an effective poster presentation

Giving an effective poster presentation

A practical twelve-minute video showing how to give an effective poster presentation.
Highlights include: 1. Do NOT read from your poster 2. Prepare a presentation ~2-3min, and expect questions such as "what do you expect from your research" 3. Handouts are good, you don't have to squeeze everything into the poster, you can have supplemental materials. 4.You can always get back to your viewers. 5. Just admit it if you cannot answer the question, DO NOT make things up instead. 6. Put the viewers in priority.
[Hess, G.]
Charts, graphs and diagrams

Charts, graphs and diagrams

Teaches the appropriate and professional use of English to effectively comment on visuals used in both slide- and poster presentations.
[Learnwell Oy English Materials]


Presentations: Sharpen your message, persuade your audience, gauge your impact

Presentations: Sharpen your message, persuade your audience, gauge your impact


This concise guide helps you enhance your presentation skills by walking you through the necessary steps in preparing, delivering, and self-reflecting on a presentation. This quick read also identifies possible embarrassing moments on the stage and provides you with particularly practical and witty tips, helping you better prepare for the presentation and overcome the stage fright by anticipating different scenarios.

Highlights include crafting your message (pp. 23-34), practising your delivery (pp. 49-56), delivering your presentation (pp. 57-64), and managing the response (pp. 65-72).

English for presentations at international conferences

English for presentations at international conferences


Focusing on academic presentation contexts, the book will guide you how to prepare for paper and poster presentations in seminars and conferences by articulating results, findings, and conclusions accurately and concisely. Supplemented with useful phrases you can use during your presentation and suggestions on how to begin a presentation, you will learn how to produce and deliver memorable presentations.

Highlights include "Visual elements and fonts" (pp. 57-74), "Ten ways to begin a presentation" (pp. 75-88), "Posters" (pp. 217-228), and "Useful phrases" (pp. 249-273).

Academic & scientific poster presentation: A modern comprehensive guide

Academic & scientific poster presentation: A modern comprehensive guide

ILC LB2366.2 .G48 2006

This book offers the first comprehensive guide to poster presentation at academic, scientific and professional conferences. Each chapter explores different factors that impact upon how posters function, and how they fit within today’s conference practices, as well as provides guidance on how to address compilation and presentation issues with the poster medium.

Highlights include "Preparation and planning" (pp. 31-44), "Poster Design and the Viewer Perspective" (pp. 61-78), and "Delivering Your Poster Presentation" (pp. 123-130).

Preparing scientific illustrations: A guide to better posters, presentations, and publications (2nd ed.)

Preparing scientific illustrations: A guide to better posters, presentations, and publications (2nd ed.)

UL Q222.B75 1996

Every graduate student, postdoc and scientist knows that images and illustrations can make or break their lecture, poster presentation, and journal or book article. Graphics software and laser printers have placed professional-quality graphics within the reach of everyone. But in the end, whether your audience sees clear, understandable images or not depends on whether you followed the principles presented here. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of different forms of visual presentations.

Highlights include "Graphs and Software" (Ch. 6), "Posters" (Ch. 9), and "Using a Computer" (Ch.11).

Communicate science papers, presentations, and posters effectively

Communicate science papers, presentations, and posters effectively

UL Q223 .P38 2015

Communicate Science Papers, Presentations, and Posters Effectively is a guidebook on science writing and communication that professors, students, and professionals in the STEM fields can use in a practical way. This book advocates a clear and concise writing and presenting style, enabling users to concentrate on content. The text is useful to both native and non-native English speakers. The book includes chapters on the publishing industry (discussing bibliometrics, h-indexes, and citations), plagiarism, and how to report data properly.

Highlights include "Reporting Data" (Ch. 3), "Graphs" (Ch. 4), "Tables" (Ch. 5), "Presentations They Will Remember (Ch. 7), and "Posters That Captivate" (Ch. 8).

Designing science presentations: A visual guide to figures, papers, slides, posters, and more

Designing science presentations: A visual guide to figures, papers, slides, posters, and more

UL Q223.C32 2013

Designing Science Presentations guides researchers and graduate students of virtually any discipline in the creation of compelling science communication. Most scientists never receive formal training in the creation, delivery, and evaluation of such material, yet it is essential for publishing in high-quality journals, soliciting funding, attracting lab personnel, and advancing a career. This clear, readable volume fills that gap and provides visually intensive guidance at every step―from the construction of original figures to the presentation and delivery of those figures in papers, slideshows, posters, and websites. It provides pragmatic advice on the preparation and delivery of exceptional scientific presentations; demonstrates hundreds of visually striking presentation techniques, giving readers inspiration for creating their own; and is structured so that readers can easily find answers to particular questions.

Highlights include "Scientists as Designers" (Ch. 1), "Twenty-One Characteristics Shared by Exceptional Presenters" (Ch. 3), "The Structure of Slide Presentation" (Ch. 16), "Slide Layout" (Ch. 18), and "Delivering a Slide Presentation" (Ch. 20).
