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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Critical Thinking
  • Interview Skills

English Resources

Interview Skills: Presenting Yourself with Confidence

This comprehensive book provides its readers with fruitful information with regard to the types of interviews, answers to interview myths, common interview mistakes, and many more. It also includes some commonly asked questions and ideas about how to answer these questions. If you are not completely new to job interviews but would like to further improve your interview skills and avoid common mistakes, this book is just right.
Highlights include "Interview myths" (Ch. 4), "Comm interview mistakes" (Ch. 5) and "Building rapport and trust" (Ch. 9).

Kick Start Your Career: Successful Strategies and Winning Techniques

In addition to basic job searching strategies, this book features practical advice on finding a job in an international context in the 21st century. There is a special section on establishing your online profile in social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter (Ch. 7). Detailed discussions have also been devoted into the preparation of country-specific resumes (Ch. 12, 13 & 15) and cover letters (Ch. 16). The book finishes off with a chapter of practical interviews tips (Ch. 17) and is genuinely an all-in-one book for your job application preparation.

Cracking the Code to a Successful Interview: 15 Insider Secrets from a Top-Level Recruiter

Knowing what job interviewers want based on his extensive hiring experience, the author of this book will help bring out the best of you in job interviews. Concepts are distilled into the eight-step REAPRICH practices, namely Results, Energy, Attitude, Process, Relationships, Interview the interviewer, Close the interviewer and Humanity. Insider secrets are also revealed, giving you relevant tips in each chapter. This book is especially good for a last-minute quick preparation as it is short and easy to read.
Highlights include "Critical commonsense interview preparation" (Ch. 2), "Interview the interviewer" (Ch. 6) and "Recap of REAPRICH steps in order" (Ch. 9).

Critical Thinking

We might believe fake news, draw incorrect conclusions, and make decisions based on emotion rather than reason. Viewing critical thinking from philosophy, psychology, and science, this newest edition explains how the concept of critical thinking emerged, how it has been defined, and how critical thinking skills can be learned and assessed. It is, for sure, a great book for your personal growth.
Highlights include "John Dewey" (in Ch. 1), Components of critical thinking (Ch. 2), "Can critical thinking be taught?" (in Ch. 3) and "Can critical thinking be assessed?" (in Ch. 3).

Introduction to Educational Research: A Critical Thinking Approach

Critical thinking is an essential skill for university students, especially when conducting research. This book is designed for novice educational researchers who are trying to understand and design research through the lens of critical thinking. It starts with how research should be perceived before practically guide readers to consider various issues along their research journey.
Highlights include "Thinking about research" (Ch. 2), "The research problem" (Ch. 4), "Research language" (Ch. 5), "Research bias and control" (Ch.7) and "Research analysis and critique" (Ch. 14).

Anthem Critical Thinking and Writing Skills: An Introductory Guide

Critical thinking is commonly involved in everyday decisions. With the use of logic games, puzzles, and real life examples at the beginning, this book gradually moves towards formal concepts such as induction, deduction, forming a proposition, identifying issues, gathering evidence, and processing an argument.
Highlights include "What is argument?" (Ch. 2), Inductive reasoning (Ch. 4), Deductive reasoning (Ch. 5) and "Errors in reasoning: the classical fallacies" (Ch. 6).

Chinese Resources


本書共分五篇,作者圍繞語害剖析、論證分析及謬誤剖析三大範疇,說明掌握批判思考的方法。當中第三篇至第四篇(頁63 - 166)闡述不同形式的論證準則,為希望建立理性思維的讀者提供指引;而第五篇(頁167 - 225)敘述各種常見的錯誤思維方式,分析亦見深入,有助讀者了解何謂良好的論證。書中既附有大量貼近現實生活的例子,同時又另備不同形式的練習,讀者可按需要閱覽,以提高批判思考能力。


全書分為十章,作者圍繞日本「思考關機」此一流行用語,詳細說明鍛煉批判思維的方法。當中第五章(頁90 - 103)教導讀者以邏輯難題,避免落入常見的思考陷阱;又於第七章(頁90 - 103)建議讀者建立改變頭腦預設值等七個思考習慣,以活化個人思維;而第九章(頁190 - 217)則談及「分類」、「整合」及「替換」三大思考動作,並輔以示例作分析講解。另書中附有不同練習及答案說明,讀者可按需要閱覽,以提升批判思考能力。

5 Steps!搵工面試Easy Pass

本書共分五部分,作者以生活化的語言,深入淺出地講解求職面試各個階段的注意事項。其中第一部分(頁16 - 46)主要介紹履歷與求職信的寫法,並以輕鬆而不失深刻的方式帶出「8大CV禁忌」及「求職信7宗罪」等問題,甚具參考價值。至於餘下四部分,則集中講解面試前的準備與面試的應對技巧,當中第三部分(頁76 - 92)提及「畢業生面試『潛規則』」等話題,有助同學做好個人定位。


本書分為十六篇,作者藉多年工作經驗與所見所聞,講論求職面試的各項要訣。其中第四至六篇(頁20 - 48)主要說明常見的面試種類、招聘過程及考核內容,以便讀者能先作相應準備。而第十至十四篇(頁73 - 127)則提出六條面試的常見問題,並逐一配合示例分析,幫助讀者掌握各條問題的考核重點,以及有效、可行的應對方法。書末另附小組面試須知及問題匯集等附錄,以便讀者能有更充分的求職準備。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford