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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • English Pronunciation
  • Learning Cantonese

Book Display Period: 2 January 2018 - 28 February 2018

English Resources

You say potato: A book about accents

How do you pronounce the middle syllable in "potato"? This book appeals to anyone who wants to know more about English accents. The prologue begins with an amusing anecdote about the word "schedule" – whether the initial consonants should be "sh" or "sk". The basics of consonants and vowels are then described, followed by a discussion of accents in three timelines – present, past, and future.

Highlights include "Question: What is an accent" (pp. 15-31), "The BBC and the 'Posh' RP" (pp. 114-121), "The Shakespeare sound" (pp. 170-184), and "Accents living" (pp. 213-218).

Sounds interesting: Observations on English and general phonetics

Appealing to students as well as scholars, this book is a collection of entries in a phonetics blog written by a world-renowned phonetician. The book will certainly answer some pronunciation questions that you have been pondering. Part 2 explains various aspects in connected speech with lively examples, helping you understand the necessary pronunciation changes for connecting words in speech. You will also learn how intonation may change a sentence meaning in Part 4.

Highlights include "assimilation" (2.1), "internal intrusive r" (2.2), "homographs" (2.48), "unaspirated /p t k/" (3.11), "fall-rise or fall plus rise?" (4.6), and "Are you asking me or telling me" (4.23).

Voice & speaking skills for dummies

The book guides you to improve your articulation through a series of voicing exercises. Part I introduces the characteristics of successful voices; Part II describes how to pronounce vowels clearly with a tongue twister practice; Part III shows you how to pace your speech and when to use a loud voice and a soft voice; Part IV and Part V provide you with presentation techniques to help the audience understand your accent and engage them; Part VI offers tips on how to sound more authoritative and charismatic.

Highlights include "Turning sound into speech" (pp. 95-112), "Conquering hesitation and stuttering" (pp. 235-256), "Ten ways to speak with charisma" (pp. 327-332).

Chinese Resources


本書以「方言的視覺轉譯」為設計理念,利用圖像呈現廣東話詞彙的含義。比如上編第二節「粵語濕濕碎」(頁28 - 41),設計者以點陣圖介紹「眼濕濕」等多個「ABB式」詞語,讀者即使不諳廣東話,從例句與圖像仍可理解詞義。又如同編第四節「無雞不歡」(頁54 - 67),設計者繪製多幅卡通畫,講述「發雞盲」等多個包含「雞」字的詞彙,說明亦頗有趣。另每節後附有方言詞彙釋義與知識窗,以備讀者深入了解廣東話的構成方式。


本書適合初學廣東話人士閱讀,作者採用繪本形式,介紹各種日常生活用語。其中第一部分共十八章,說明「數字」和「日期」等常用詞彙的組合方式,而第八章「感覺」(頁46 - 50)輔以圖像表現「好嬲」、「好攰」等狀態,讓讀者能直觀地了解此類短語的意思。至於第二部分則有四章,主要講解與香港相關的廣東話詞彙,如第二章「交通工具」(頁150 - 155)列舉之「雪糕車」等車輛皆附有相片,將詞彙與實物聯繫,頗切於實用。


本書主要講論香港地區的廣東話,內容力求切合香港的生活現實。全書分上、中、下三編,共三十課,前兩編取材自日常生活,第三編則以社會情景為題。以第八課「天氣」為例(頁93 - 102),內容既有以談論天氣為主題的對話練習與重點詞彙,亦有個別廣東話語音及語法問題(如天氣表達方式)的詳細講解,涵蓋的學習範圍相當全面。另每課設有粵語趣談一節,介紹香港潮語、旅遊習語等詞彙,讀者由此亦能一睹香港之獨有文化。


本書共分十章,內容涵蓋交際、飲食、購物、住房及消閒等主題,能有效指導讀者學習以廣東話應對香港的日常生活情景。以第七章「生活需要服務」(頁180 - 201)為例,作者按「髮型屋」、「洗衣店」、「郵局」等關鍵字編列相關常用短語、提問與回應,讓讀者能代入不同場景理解廣東話的使用習慣。另每章結末設有文化專欄,講解「改花名」、節日用語等港式廣東話的特殊詞彙,亦有助讀者了解香港的社會文化。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford