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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Argumentative Writing
  • Presentation Skills

Book Display Period: 1 November 2017 - 31 December 2017

English Resources

Read, reason, write: An argument text and reader, 11th Ed.

The book demonstrates the interplay between reading, analytical, argumentative, and research skills, helping you understand the process of constructing a robust argument. You will be guided to examine different types of arguments with abundant examples. Revision checklists, readings with questions, and recommended resources at chapter-ends are useful for consolidating your knowledge through self-learning.

Highlights include Understanding the Basic of Arguments (pp. 70-78), Writing Effective Arguments (pp. 98-111), Arguments about Cause (pp. 224-231), and Problem/Solution Arguments (pp. 241-247).

Patterns for college writing: A rhetorical reader and guide, 13th Ed.

The book guides university students to write not only argumentative essays, but also other common types of essays. The general writing process is elaborated in Part 1 whilst a variety of essays are examined in Part 2. In the Argumentation section, you will learn how to develop a thesis, deal with the opposition, use deductive and inductive arguments, and structure an essay. Plenty of examples and exercises are provided throughout the book.

Highlights include Drafting and Revising (pp. 65-76), Editing and Proofreading (pp. 81-94), Argumentation (pp. 401-425), Combining the Patterns (pp. 487-526).

A little argument, 2nd Ed.

Offering a quick overview on writing arguments, the book begins with some key concepts about arguments and then guides you to craft arguments in a step-by-step manner. You will learn how to construct definition, casual, evaluation, rebuttal, and proposal arguments by completing section-end writing exercises.

Highlights include agreeing and disagreeing with a source (pp. 52-54), recognising fallacies (pp. 55-56), stating and evaluating your thesis (pp. 62-63), rebuttal arguments (pp. 106-113).

Presentation skills for students, 3rd Ed.

This book aims to help university students to deliver presentations clearly and confidently. Featuring presentation skills for various occasions, you will learn how to adjust your presentation style when speaking in tutorial sessions, presenting individually, and presenting as a group. With interesting exercises and helpful checklists, you will enhance your presentation skills including both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Highlights include Speaking as Part of Your Course (Ch. 4), Speaking as Part of a Group (Ch. 5), and Speaking as a Student Representative (Ch. 6).

Your perfect presentation: Speak in front of any audience anytime anywhere and never be nervous again.

Featuring tips, techniques, and exercises about delivering presentations, this book will help you enhance your public speaking skills through understanding the stage mechanism. With practical tips and vivid illustrations, you will learn how to overcome the stage fright, engage or even captivate the audience using your voice, body language, and story-telling techniques.

Highlights include Weak Language: Cut It Down (pp. 47-54), Strong Language: Build It Up (pp. 55-66), Harmonize Your Body Language (pp. 99-110), and Involve the Audience: Wave of the Future (pp. 157-168).

DK guide to public speaking, 2nd Ed.

Covering a wide range of topics in public speaking, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to presentations for university students. Every necessary stage in preparing, delivering, and evaluating a presentation is explained in detail. With ample examples, scenarios, and annotated speeches throughout the book, you will enhance your presentation skills in multiple aspects. You will also learn how to make impactful speeches in special occasions and business settings.

Highlights include Selecting Your Topic and Purpose (Ch. 3), Selecting and Testing Support Materials (Ch. 5), Delivering Your Speech (Ch. 10), and Using Presentation Aids (Ch. 11).

Chinese Resources


本書雖以指導學術寫作為目的,唯因重點放在講解析論技巧之上,故此作者所提及的寫作指引,亦適用於其他議論寫作。比如第三章(頁64 - 83)指出比較與對照的三項用途,並介紹相應的三種寫作方式。他如第六章(頁142 - 157)則提出舉例包括舉「實例」與「概念例」兩種方式,而要訣在於能切中主題。另各章均附實例文章的討論問題與寫作策略分析,讀者如詳加研讀,自能對各種析論技巧有更深入的了解。


本書分為十章,撇除個別專述論文格式的章節,書中內容往往亦為議論寫作所必須注意者。如第一章「文字經營的一般準則」(頁21 - 46),作者指出行文應少用長句、少用生僻字詞及慎防語意謬誤等,議論寫作亦應當如此處理。至於第八章「稱職的質性描述」(頁257 - 295),作者節錄兩篇主題不同的文章,分析文章的寫作方式,並附有修訂建議,讀者如能從實例中領會通用的寫作原則,當可大大提高議論寫作的能力。


作者憑藉多年來的講道心得,說明演講者須注意的問題,涵蓋的範圍甚為全面。比如第三章「鎖定目的」(頁33 - 46),作者強調演講目的必須從觀眾的立場來決定,並應視乎情況採用不同的語氣與措辭,便是相當實用的建議。至於第十二章「記憶猶新」(頁165 - 176),作者則介紹有助記憶演講內容的「串連法」和「聯想法」,並建議演講者不宜依賴講稿,亦是經驗之談。讀者如通閱全書,演講時自能更得心應手。


全書共分七章,專門講論中文演講技巧。其中第一章「演講的基本原則」(頁3 - 27),作者概括出用詞平易、造句簡約與結篇短悍是最重要的三項原則,並稱之為演講技巧的技巧。而第四章「有力感人的技巧」(頁103 - 105),作者指出內容具說明力是演講者追求的重要目標,並提出引語徵信、列舉分承及對比明義等十種常用的表達技巧。此外,全書節錄多篇演講辭,讀者若能加以細讀,當能更確切地掌握各種演講技巧。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford